The Strongest Upgrade System

* Chapter 1868 Crazy Killing 2441

Three years Closed Door Training, what happened in these three years?

Long Fei stepped like a thunderbolt, rushed out in an instant, landed in front of the man, moved his right hand, grabbed the man's neck and lifted it up in the air, "You are also worthy?"

Long Fei's speed is faster, one point o

He didn't expect that the words of those who left at the exchange meeting three years ago would come true.


Who dares to challenge God?

Don't wait for that person to finish o

A prompt sound o sounded in Long Fei's mind


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Destiny Sect Elder to gain 19,000 experience points, 1,900 divine power points, and 1 ** energy value!"

Long Fei swept his eyes and said, "The affairs of the Heavenly Remnant Sect are my affairs."

"What are you?"

"Abandoned by the main temple, now go run and kneel and lick o"


"Are you Long Fei?"

The man's face turned ugly, the fate shield on his body suddenly turned on, and the powerful fate wheel quickly expanded, and he wanted to shoot Long Fei out.


Also here suddenly o

"It's the flying crane!"

"Just you?" Long Fei raised his eyes and stared at the man who was talking not far away.

"Hahaha, you can't find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it." The Elder coldly smiled and said, "Lord Destiny said, whoever can take your head will be able to get the qualification to leave Devil Island. o”

Some people say that he is the king of giants and can summon giants.

"I said, uncle!"

At this moment, an old man of Destiny Sect shouted, "Kill me!"

"Fate Sect?"

"Bold madman!"


You must know that the elder just now is the Cultivation Base of the third-order purple star. It is not too strong, but if he can kill it in an instant, the strength displayed by Long Fei is fierce.

Even if he doesn't like Tian Can Sect anymore and hates the master of the top ten disciples, Jinpao Ancestor, but he never forgets one thing, this is Tian Can Sect, and it was his mother who made a big move Secto


"When you say you are cheap, you are praising you. You are not cheap. The servility in your bones is innate. Even if it is not on this Devil Island, you are a bunch of garbage who can never lift their heads."

very proud o

Long Fei sank his right fist, "Boom!"

A middle-aged man in the distance sneered and said, "It means that the Heavenly Remnant Sect is going to perish today!"


This is what the current Tianzongzong is like.

"For thousands of years, the flying goddess has broken through the shackles alone, and I will become the second one. At that time, I will find the flying goddess. If she is still alive, I will definitely ride her as an old woman under the crotch, because I want to become The first man to break through the imprisoned woman on Devil Island, hahaha"

The ancestor of the golden robe was also slightly shocked, "What a fast speed, what an amazing explosive force, such a Cultivation Base at such a young age, really amazing o"

Wherever Long Fei goes, there is no obstruction.

and o

"Are you Long Fei?"

At this moment, the figure of the golden-robed ancestor also disappeared.

Everyone's face froze

"The daddy is here!"

With a humming sound, Long Fei descended from the sky

Long Fei's eyebrows sank, looking at the people around him, he said gloomily: "Fate Sect?"

"Once he was almost killed by Long Fei"

The ancestor of the golden robe said: "Yes, they are the Destiny Sect!"

"From today onwards, as long as they belong to the Destiny Sect, they will all have to die!" Long Fei's breath burst out as he spoke, one after another was extremely turbulent.

The ancestor of the golden robe smiled bitterly and said, "The Heavenly Remnant Sect no longer exists."

"Closed Door Training for three years? Is it out now?"

"Who is this kid?"

Long Fei said coldly o

"Look, everyone, there is a crane in the sky"

"Is he Long Fei?"

"Who are these guys? Where is the Elder, the disciple of the Heavenly Remnant Sect? Why are you the only one fighting?"

in that moment o

"No matter who he is, dare to stand up for the Heavenly Remnant Sect, let's talk about killing him!"


With two fingers, before he could react, he directly cut off his throat, his body twitched, and he fell down like a pool of mud and turned into a dead dog.

The nine Sects unite the forces of the entire Devil Island to form the Destiny Sect, and they will hunt down those who are related to Long Fei in an all-round way.

Long Fei moved his left hand and used his five fingers to slap the man's face behind him with a slap.


For a time, the disciples of the Destiny Sect in the whole square were a little flustered. There are many legends about Long Fei after the loss of three years. Some people say that he died in the Devil Temple, and some people say that he is the son of The Underworld and can summon The Underworld Reaper.

Long Fei disappears

There was no wheel of fortune in front of him, and the moment he fell, the wheel of fortune was broken by a force.

"Isn't he at Devil Temple?"

He directly pierced the elder's abdomen, slammed it around, pulled out all the internal organs, grabbed it in front of the man, and said deeply, "Are you afraid?"

Long Fei doesn't know much o13579246810ggggggggggd

Ancestor Jinpao glanced at Long Fei, and he also never saw Long Fei, and said, "Little brother, there is nothing to do with you here, there is no need to take your life in, hurry up and leave o"

Who dares to oppose the Destiny Sect in Devil Island now?

Long Fei grinned and smiled coldly, and said, "Aren't you going to kill Long Fei? Isn't your God of Destiny going to put Long Fei to death?"

"Fate Sect?"


"Is it his mount?"

Anyway, there are many legends

Long Fei is puzzled

The two rushed towards the man at the same time.

"What qualifications do you have to judge where we live?" Several middle-aged men said heavily.

at this time o

The voice fell o

Long Fei's sudden outburst made everyone feel a little bit o


Long Fei laughed, and in the end he almost burst into laughter, "God of Destiny, Destiny Sect Devil Island can't think three years have passed, you people who are greedy for life and fear of death have actually become the lackeys of the God of Destiny."

The middle-aged man sneered proudly: "Yes, it's daddy!"

"What do you mean?" Long Fei's eyes tightened.

Insult his mother?

but o

"There is one to die for!"

A middle-aged Elder snorted coldly and said, "Boy, are you afraid? The Destiny Sect was created by the God of Destiny to eliminate all those who oppose him. Today is the Heavenly Remnant Sect, and tomorrow is the Devil Temple. That little bastard, Long Fei, dares to oppose the God of Destiny, and the entire Devil Island will not let him go!"

step down in front of that person

"God of Destiny?" Long Fei murmured in his mouth.

No matter what, Tian Can Sect was also one of the top ten Sects three years ago. As the saying goes, a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse.

"now o"

"Lord Destiny is someone like you who can be slandered?"

Seeing a large group of people besieging an old man below, Long Fei felt a little unhappy.

A loud bang exploded directly in the crowd, and the huge impact directly sent several disciples of Destiny Sect flying out.

But o

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