The Strongest Upgrade System

?Chapter 1942 I Just Want To Kill Him 3195

Chapter 1942 I just want to kill him

"It's Long Fei, it's Long Fei..."

A powerful force burst out from the fist o


And he's waiting to harvest souls here


As the system prompt sound fell, the power on Long Fei's arm suddenly shook o13579246810ggggggggggd

cheers, everyone is cheering

After a violent explosion just now, Long Fei disappeared, and no one saw where he went.


"Press me!"

At the last moment, everyone on Devil Island let out a roar.


Everywhere is dead, why not die a little more heroically?



all will die

There were two roars in the crowd. Long Fei'ao stood under the dome, his eyes fixed on the God of Destiny on the dome. At this moment... his fists suddenly stuck on the dome.

as if liberated

"Where did he go?"

Thousands of people were crushed to death by the dome, and the sky was like a rain of corpses, falling one by one. At the same time, the more energy the dome absorbed, the faster the drop. With ten meters remaining, Devil Island was almost razed to the ground o

Overlord Hua hurriedly shouted, "Long Fei, where are you?"

There are dense cracks in the sky, and there are continuous power rays bursting out of the cracks.


The two fists sank into the dome, and Long Fei felt the incomparably powerful power in the dome, and at the same time released the power of the ultimate blasting fist for it.

On the left and right arms, the crimson power stripes raged wildly, and Long Fei's whole figure seemed to be in madness.

angry o

at the same time o

"The dome is broken!"

Everything around you seems to stand still

weeping with joy

How could there be such a powerful force?

"Are we saved?"

It's like there's no light in the darkness


"Brother Fei!"

"The dome stopped descending o"

"Why are people missing?"

and o

So many things are all made by him o

at this time o

Bai Lian raised her eyebrows, looked at the sky, and said, "On it!"

not only him

"Where's Fei Ge?"

A blast!



The fragments of the dome shattered one by one, fell, and slowly turned into fluorescent light and disappeared into the sky little by little, just like starlight sprinkled.

The power of the ultimate blasting fist also exploded.

Looking at the mighty God of Destiny, Long Fei had a thought in his mind, I want to kill him

In a single thought, Long Fei's fists inserted directly into the dome, "Om, hum, hum..."

"Long Fei, be careful!"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and at this moment, he roared in his heart, "The ultimate blasting fist, break it for me!"


he bears the brunt

And that throbbing heart

Unparalleled power o

The God of Fate laughed coldly, "An ant is an ant, I don't know how high the sky is, how to fight with the gods? Have you ever fought? What are you?"


Going forward and backward, no one backs down o



The God of Destiny laughed wildly, "Hahaha...hahaha...Long Fei, tremble!"

"daddy gave up o"

Long Fei roared, "Break me!!"

"What are you?"

The aura of power in the God of Destiny began to surge, and the aura within a radius of millions of kilometers began to spin wildly, forming a huge vortex of power.

The God of Destiny looked at Long Fei with contempt, and said, "Long Fei, what are you? An ant? A waste? Hahaha... You are not willing to be an ant, but you can't change anything, you can only be me Stomping on the foot hard o"

"What is God?"

This is more violent than Luffy's 8th gear.

trembling arms

The entire Devil Island is in despair again o

Move both fists o

at this moment o


Also because of their death, these people are still alive now

Destiny's eyebrows were furrowed, and his heart was also shocked. He didn't expect that Long Fei would blow the dome apart with his own power.

also at this time


What they see is not just beauty, but more... freedom!

Long Fei's eyes were gloomy, he felt the power of the ultimate blasting fist, looked at the dome, looked at the god of destiny above the poor land, his fists sank...

Because of their death, the dome can resist o

All the people looked up at the sky, at this magnificent sight o

very contempt

"Lord Long Fei smashed the dome, we can get out of Devil Island." A young man hugged his own father, tears could not be stopped.


Everyone looked at Long Fei in unison, and saw that his hands were inserted into the dome, his whole body was sweating like rain, and the pain he suffered was unimaginable.


dome descent stopped o



The God of Destiny stood in the center of the vortex and smiled contemptuously: "Long Fei, you lost!"


never thought of this day

In that instant, the dome came to an abrupt stop o


"Long Fei!"

Vortex touches dome o

At the moment when the dome shattered, Long Fei didn't wait for half a second. He took a leap into the sky and rushed directly to the God of Destiny.

"The dome cracked o"

Everyone on Devil Island will die o

at this moment o

If you don't kill the God of Destiny, Long Fei will be unhappy.

And now he has both fists inserted into the dome, unable to move o

height of ten meters

All the power is directed at Long Fei o

In the dome just now, I just released the power of the blasting fist. Just releasing it would make the dome crack. Long Fei let the power extend to every corner of the dome.

"Long Fei, you're a little short of o"

unimaginable horror

"Hahaha... The dome was blasted by Long Fei, we were saved, we were saved, we no longer have to live on this Devil Island o"

Never seen such a beautiful view

"Daddy, did you see it?"


The moment the power vortex was crushed, Long Fei grinned and said, "It's you who is shaking!"

They can go out by Long Fei, and also by these dead people.

The heaven and the earth are shaking, hundreds of millions of kilometers are in huge shaking, unparalleled and powerful.

Under the dome crush, more than a billion people and Demonic Beastso died

Many people are holding the bodies of their loved ones o

The vortex of power was crushed violently, and the dome was just cracked, not broken. It still had a strong crushing force. As long as the external force was crushed, the dome would be crushed.

"Where's Long Fei?"

I can't stand it for a moment

These people can't stand the crushing ory1r of the dome

giant thunder

The dragon leaped and rushed to the piranha to find the weakest spot o

"Blast God Fist!"

Destiny smiled coldly and said, "Break the dome?"

The rolling of the dome weakened, and finally disappeared directly.

talking room o

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