The Strongest Upgrade System

?Chapter 1947 8 Vajra Came Out In Shock! 3158

Chapter 1947 Eight Vajra are shocked!

The confinement of Devil Island is broken, and all directions are shocked o13579246810ggggggggggd

The battlefield of the ancient gods is talked about everywhere o

but o

In less than a day of these discussions o


There was a loud noise in the sky of the battlefield of the ancient gods, and a divine light descended, shining directly on the Tianshen Mountain.

"God Child Ray o"

"The Son of God has come!"

"Tenjinshan direction o"

"The Son of God is coming, and all directions are shaken"


The battlefield of the ancient gods is just the name of a plane, but... the real battlefield that changes the laws of the world is not in this plane, but in another secret realm in this plane.

o in secret realm

The light coming from the Son of God also shone here, and the bright camp controlled by the main temple began to fight back frantically, and the evil temple could not resist it at all.

"The Son of God is coming, and the army of the evil gods will collapse."

"The stalemate on the battlefield is slowly breaking o" ry1r

The power of the main temple began to gradually control the overall situation

Cthulhu panicked

The time of the Son of God's arrival was faster than he expected, and... this Son of God not only mastered the power of one law, but the power of two laws.

Plus the main artifact, the Aegis o

If he waits for him to cultivate, even if he is the evil god, I am afraid he is not a match.

The power of the two laws is comparable to the existence of the Lord God.


Tenjin Mountain o

"You are now the Son of God, controlling the power of the laws inherited from your ancestors, the laws of defense!"

"In addition, the power of the fate law of the God of Destiny has also been passed on to you. You are now in control of the fate of the 100,000 planes. It can be said that no one in the 100,000 planes is your opponent except me." The Lord God said lightly.

Zhan Wushuang knelt on the ground and said, "Thank you, Lord God."

The main Shinto said: "I want you to do one thing now, no matter what, you can't let Long Fei bring people into the battlefield o"

It is not so easy to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods

But o

Being able to kill the god of fate, Long Fei is very simple, even the main god would not dare to despise it.

As long as Long Fei can't enter the battlefield, he can't change the situation of the battle, and the 100,000 planes are also firmly in his hands, who doesn't think about heaven-defying?

Zhan Wushuang's eyes tightened and he said solemnly, "Long Fei!!"

The main Shinto: "Long Fei's background is very complicated, I don't need you to confront him head-on, I just want you to stop him from entering the battlefield, and when I return, it will be his doom."

The main deity is not in the one hundred thousand planes o

He cultivated in another time and space

Beyond the 100,000 planes, the center of this universe is in the great world of Hongmeng.

100,000 planes are nothing at all

Compared with the great world of Hongmeng, it is as small as a grain of sand, and the Lord God is not willing to be king in a grain of sand, he wants more powerful power.

The power of immortality o

so o

He went into Outland in search of stronger power o

Zhan Wushuang said: "Follow the order o"

The Lord God reminded again: "Long Fei's background is very complicated, his body and his soul are full of too many mysteries, he is the product of the combination of the two most ancient families in the Hongmeng world, even if you now master the two laws It is also difficult to kill him with the power of strength, you just need to prevent him from entering the battlefield of the ancient gods, everything will wait for my return o"

Zhan Wushuang said again: "Disciple remembered o"

The main Shinto: "When I'm not here, you can temporarily command the main temple, enter the battlefield when necessary, or give orders to the thirty-six gods in the main temple."

God child o

The existence of one person below ten thousand people

Even if the main god doesn't say it, Zhan Wushuang's identity and status are not comparable to those of the gods in the main temple.

The Lord God said this to give Zhan Wushuang a stronger support.

When necessary, you can use the power of the entire main temple to prevent Long Fei from entering the battlefield of the gods.

The Lord God looked in the direction of Devil Island, and said slightly: "This is my site, I don't care if you are Long Mansion or Mu Family, don't even try to shake my territory."

immediately o

The phantom of the Lord God slowly disappears in the sky o

Zhan Wushuang stood up slowly from the ground, looked at his hands, looked at the mark of the Son of God on his palm, and felt the power of the law of destiny in his body, he couldn't help laughing wildly, "Hahaha...hahaha... Hahaha……"

His eyebrows sank


The powerful force of the law of destiny burst out suddenly, and it seemed like a huge vortex of power centered on him. In this vortex of power, he felt the power that made him particularly excited.


Zhan Wushuang's heart was overjoyed, "The prototype of the law of the soul!"

"This is the power that the God of Destiny has been secretly cultivating. I didn't expect... The Lord God didn't find it, and stripped the power of the God of Destiny together and passed it all down into my body."

"That is to say, what I master is not the power of two laws, but three!"

Zhan Wushuang boiled, "Long Fei, I see how you fight with me, hahaha..."

"Xuanyuan Li'er o"

"Damn it's time to start your o"

"I haven't touched you, just for today o"

Zhan Wushuang suddenly thought of something, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he smiled coldly: "However, before that, I should go and see those souls that Destiny made."

"Long Fei, it seems that the souls of your clansmen, brothers, and women have all been absorbed by the God of Destiny?"

"Now they are mine o"

"Back then you killed my clan, now see how I deal with them, hahaha..."


The Lord God just stripped the power of the God of Destiny, he just wanted to control the fate of the creatures in the 100,000 planes earlier.

However o

He didn't expect that the soul law of the god of destiny cultivation has taken shape, and it only needs to integrate a powerful soul to complete o

The power of the three laws

unprecedented o

Once it is completed, no one will stop it

Unprecedented crisis emerges

Zhan Wushuang will never let Long Fei go

the same o

Long Fei will also not let Zhan Wushuang go.


Another place, in The Underworld o

eight places

treat a person like a statue

suddenly o

A pair of eyes opened suddenly, glaring like Vajra o

A phantom flashed down from the sky, and with a slight voice, "Divine Vajra!"


Li Yuanba's statue-like body recovered in an instant, and he stood up abruptly, with a black rune all over his body, a demigod.

super power o

Li Yuanba looked at the phantom in the air and said, "Is it time?"

Xu Ying nodded and said: "It's time, your trip to The Underworld is over, now go back to Long Fei, he needs your help o"


The black rune on Li Yuanba's body slowly sank into his body, he laughed wildly, and said, "Boss, we're coming out, hahaha..."

The trip to The Underworld, how many years has it been?

How many things have you been through?

How many hardships and sufferings have been experienced

Others don't know, only they know o

The current eight Vajra is not the previous eight Vajra o

Long Zhanting is also not the previous Dragon Zhanting, but the king of The Underworld of 100,000 planes!

Master the Law of Death!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The Underworld is all over the place, with constant explosions

Wangui worship o

Eight Vajra come out in shock, wake up o

also in an instant

Enter the WTO and step into the battlefield of the ancient gods!


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