The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2098 Crushed

Long Fei was stunned...

Everyone is stupid

Looking at own's right hand, looking at the valley showing its original shape, his throat rolled, and he swallowed hard, "f*ck... this is too explosive, isn't it?"

Look at own right hand o

There is no change, and I don't feel any power fluctuation o

Everything is as if nothing ever happened

but o

Long Fei knew very well that this was definitely the power of the ancient Yisoul.

"Could it be..."

"If it keeps entangled somewhere, can it emit super power?" Long Fei muttered, looking at his right hand, his eyes tightened immediately, he swallowed hard, and muttered: "Next time I can't use my right hand anymore, what if I get caught up in fire?"

"Left hand..."

"The left hand must not slam the ancient soul, at least leave a five-girl partner o"


Long Fei glanced at his crotch, and became evil.

But o

After thinking about it, forget it, this guy... Now Long Fei can't control it. If he destroys his brothers, then he will play with wool.


"Ancient Yisoul, suddenly one-to-one" Long Fei was excited, although Long Fei didn't know how to control it yet, he now knew how to release o

It is enough to know this o

Looking at the direction, Long Fei murmured, "I have to hurry back."

He doesn't know how long

But looking at the thick snow at the entrance of the cave, it should be several days.

and o

The White Ape King is not outside the valley, which means that time has passed for a long time, and there is another possibility. Something happened to the White Ape Clan.

Long Fei swallowed a few Medicine Pills that restored divine power, released the law of the sky, and jumped into the air. Suddenly... his eyebrows tensed.


His face was in a hurry, and he flew out in a frenzy.

The polar storm has come to the Jiyuan Mountains...


Polar storms are already scary o

but o

What is even more terrifying is the ancient god army hiding in the eyes of the polar storm. No one in the Wanyao tribe knows that the ancient god army is hiding in the storm.

Once the polar storm enters the south of the Jiyuan Mountains... the bunker that Long Fei made them build is estimated to be of little use.

I am afraid that all the Wan Yao clan will die!

And Li Yuanba and the others...

Then he, the demon emperor, is too useless to be the boss.


main temple o

"The polar storm has entered the Jiyuan Mountains!"


"This polar storm has the super power that can freeze the peak of the upper gods. Even if we get close, we will feel extremely cold."

"Long Fei will definitely not be able to resist o"

"I wish he died in it right now"

"The polar storm this time is so powerful that it has not been encountered in thousands of years. The entire Jiyuan Mountain Range will be frozen. If it does not melt for a few years, Long Fei will not be able to resist no matter how strong it is, and will be frozen to death directly, hahaha..."


The gods of the main temple looked at the huge storm over the Jiyuan Mountains o

They all showed excited smiles o

Each of them wished that the dragon would fly to the death in this storm, because it also meant that their greatest threat had disappeared o


Battlefield o

The evil god's eyebrows are locked

The people in the main temple hope that Long Fei will die in this storm, but he is different. He hopes that Long Fei can live and walk to the ancient entrance.

In that case, he will retreat and come back to his side o

With the help of Long Fei, he will fully counterattack o


In the current polar superstorm, Long Fei is in danger, and his life is in jeopardy.

The evil god secretly said: "Boy, you have to hold on!"


Jiyuan Mountains o

The cold wind howls, the wind knife pierces the bone o

The branches of a towering tree were chopped down by the wind knife at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving a bare main pole, a gust of wind blew, and the main pole was uprooted.

Hit the other side of the hill o

There was a loud roar, and half the mountainside was blown up.

in the hurricane

More and more debris, towering trees are involved in it, forming a super hurricane o

When a hurricane makes landfall in the mountains, it stands to reason that the wind speed will decrease, but... the polar storm has not only not decreased, but has become more raging.

Destroy the dry, unstoppable

The entire Jiyuan Mountains are trembling, like a painful "shen yin"

"Master Long Fei will be fine o"

"Husband will be fine o"

"Lord Demon Emperor will be fine."


in the bunker

Many women of the demon fox clan surrounded the fire. They put their hands together and prayed silently.

They all fly in the Soaring Dragon and pray o


A towering tree smashed on top of their bunker, and the gravel fell, panicking.

"Mother-in-law, will the bunker be unbearable?"

The patriarch of the fox clan looked up at some cracked rocks on the top of his head, and said slightly: "It will be alright, it will be alright o"





There was a constant roar in the entire Jiyuan Mountain Range, or the howling of the cold wind, or the sound of a towering tree being pulled up and smashed down.

In addition o

There is also the attack of the upgraded white ape clan.

far away

Tianling's eyes tightened, his hands sank, and he immediately turned into a ghost light and rushed out.

Because he saw a group of upgraded white apes behind Li Yuanba and Jianglong

"Tianling, stop!"

Li Yuanba shouted loudly, "They are friends!"

Tianling put away the big ghost veins, looked at it, and said, "Where's the boss?"

Li Yuanba shook his head and said, "The boss followed the White Ape King to a valley, and he hasn't come back yet."

"Depend on!"

"You can also believe these Demonic Beasts? The dangerous aura I feel in the north is them o" Tianling expressed doubts about these Demonic Beasts o

An upgraded white ape suddenly stood up, glared at Tianling and shouted, "What did you say?"

Tianling was not afraid at all, and coldly smiled: "Did you not hear something? Then I'll say it again, I don't believe you Demonic Beastso"

"Do not believe?"

"it is good!"

"Since you don't believe it, let's fight each other"

"let's go!"

The upgraded white ape snorted and turned to leave, o

What they hate the most is human beings, they also disdain to fight with human beings, and Long Fei killed their brother, they hate human beings even more o

Tianling's words angered them even more o~.*?@++

Li Yuanba immediately stopped and said, "You said just now that there are ancient legions in the polar storm. You can't deal with them alone. We must unite."

"If you still want to go back to the polar regions?"

immediately o

Li Yuanba looked at Tianling and said, "Tianling, they rescued the boss, please be polite."

Tian Ling was about to speak when Li Yuanba gave him a look.

At this juncture, Long Fei did not know that Li Yuanba had to shoulder the task of encircling the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe.

Jiang Long's eyes sank, he looked into the distance, and suddenly said, "Everyone be careful!"

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