The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2119 100Demons Break The Dawn

The polar ice sheets are endless

Long Fei smashed the diamond-shaped dome with one knife.

But everywhere in the polar ice sheet is the same, there is no way at all.

Under the ice layer, a huge black shadow rushed out of the ice layer, directly swallowing a thought of Long Fei.

"It can devour my mind clone. It stands to reason that I can also kill him, but why is it like a shadow, it won't be hurt?"


No divine power, pure power o

There is not even a single grass, it is like a deserted ice world, an abandoned place, a deserted planet.


Looking at the diamond-shaped dome covered with black awns, "Break it for me!"

Long Fei put away the Devil's wings and landed on the ground, and the Lotus Position sat down.

A huge black shadow shot out from the ice layer under Long Fei's feet, broke through the ice layer, and swallowed it towards the mind clone, and it was also at this moment.

immediately o

"Like a mirror!"

find the eye

In the blink of an eye, huge shadows rushed out of the ice surface one after another, swallowing up all of Long Fei's mind clones.

Now I can't even see the black light flashing from the dark area.

Whether you are a human being, a ghost, a storm, or a formation, as long as you are entangled by the power of darkness, you will lose everything and become zero!

slam o

"One mirror becomes countless mirrors, and there are more things that can be reflected."


There's no room for a backhand at all.

The entire Devil Island billions of creatures were crushed and killed. If it wasn't for a super resurrection move, I am afraid that Devil Island is still full of bones.

Unlike the dome on Devil Island, this diamond-shaped dome seems to have a higher level.

To Long Fei's surprise, the huge black shadows of these shattered ice layers increased exponentially.

Long Fei didn't even see a living creature here.


But o

only see...

Seeing the dome over the polar ice sheet, Long Fei was furious in his heart.

The strange thing is that the huge black shadow is not an entity, but also like a huge idea. When he broke through the ice layer, the ice layer did not break, and it was intact.

Long Fei's brows wrinkled secretly, his mind moved, and he condensed a mind clone again.


Blocks of transparent diamond-shaped shields appear in the sky

For Long Fei, condensing the mind clone is no longer a difficult thing.

"Or something in the mirror?"

The blade of the Lord God in his hand slashed on the thick layer of ice, "Ah..."

"If you use it as a mirror, then... it reflects the sky?"

But o

After swallowing, it rushed into the ice layer in a blink of an eye, and the shadow disappeared.

very sharp o

Because of the relationship between the ancient soul, he did not feel the cold, and his whole body was warm.


in an instant o

Did not see the polar dark world o

Long Fei immediately thought of the dome that once appeared on Devil Island. Looking at the diamond-shaped shield above the Jiyuan Icefield, Long Fei's heart tightened.

Eight major thoughts clones, quickly rushing out in eight directions o

Long Fei raised his eyes, stared directly at the sky, and when he moved his body, regardless of whether he locked the target or not, his hands sank, "Ultimate Explosive God Fist o"

"Why can't you get to the end?"

"Broken mirror!"

Knife Qi breaks the air o

Holding the blade of the Lord God in his hand

The dome is actually a super formationo

"Zero seal!"

But no matter how he went backwards, the shadows followed behind him stubbornly.

Long Fei's eyes sank.


"Chuck, cluck..." With Long Fei as the center, the ice layer cracked on all sides, the cracks were thousands of miles long, and the ravines between the cracks also reached tens of meters.


Long Fei didn't know if he was going in the right direction, anyway, he kept flying by relying on his own feeling.

Simple, rude!

That's one move to blast this formation out.

Long Fei had to wonder if he had gone the wrong way.

"Where did it go wrong?"

Although not the strongest power of Long Fei, their Cultivation Base is also the upper god Realmo

Long Fei's heart sank, "The sword just now can't be resisted even by the realm powerhouse, the shadow didn't take any damage o"

"The power of darkness!"

Long Fei's pace recedes

"Find it for me!"

After flying for three days, Long Fei still couldn't see the head of the polar ice field, which made him a little flustered, "Did you get out of position?"

Has the power to kill everything in seconds

Long Fei was extremely stunned. Looking at the ice layer under his feet, he saw dark shadows appearing under him one after another, staring at him.

slashed down in anger

Long Fei clenched his fist, and the power of the upper god Realm burst out.

But... finding the eyes of the formation is too complicated. For Long Fei, there is another way to break the formation, and it is also his favorite method.

"This ice layer..."

At the moment when he collapsed the diamond-shaped mark, the black shadow under the ice roared with excitement, like a thousand ghosts emerging from the dawn...

Just when he was deep in thought, another huge black shadow flashed past under the ice layer of his buttocks. Because the ice layer was too thick, Long Fei didn't notice it for the first time.

But... still can't see the head o

Eight Minds Clone o

"Boom!" The strongest upgrade system:

Doppelganger o

"The dome?"

suddenly o

Eight major ideas quickly shuttle o

immediately o

"What's the situation?"

"This is not the way to go"

very bad environment

It's still a bit difficult to inject the power of the law into their bodies, the level is not enough o

Just like Long Fei's own shadow

Long Fei's eyes were fierce, and the thoughts on his body flashed out one by one, just like the multiple shadow clones, one after another of thoughts took shape and stood in front of Long Fei.

Every thought is infused with the power of Long Fei.


Devil Island's dome makes Long Fei almost breathless o

The dragon-shaped mark on Long Fei's right arm moved, and a black light shot out. At the same time, Long Fei's divine power was instantly depleted, and the Devil's wings unfolded, and Long Fei flew into the air with one step.

But the huge shadow did not take any damage at all, and once again turned into the ice layer.

Long Fei moves


"How big is this polar ice sheet?"



Rising from the ground, facing the sky is a sudden bang o

thin air

In the sky, in the ground, there is no living thing o

The ice layer was thicker than Long Fei expected, and there was no water gushing out.

The power of darkness, absolutely zero seal o

He stared at Long Fei all the time, becoming more hideous.

The blade of the Lord God in his hand slashed down!

A fist slammed into the sky, hitting something like a thick steel plate, Long Fei's arms went numb, and his body fell from the air.

ice cracking

Long Fei is not afraid

It's easy to break through

Long Fei pondered secretly

Long Fei's right hand moved slightly, "Daddy doesn't care what dome or formation you are, you have to destroy it for me!"

The power of the ultimate blast fist is extremely fierce o

In three days, at the flying speed of Long Fei, at least tens of millions of kilometers have been traveled.

three days


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