The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2168 Human King Fist

Just seven days ago, when Long Fei brought people into the battle for hegemony,

Tang Renjie also went to a place o


He didn't expect that someone was waiting for him in that place o

Three Outland Killers!

Immediately... the battle broke out o

The four entered an independent void, and the first battle was seven days and seven nights.

Tang Renjie had blood on the corner of his mouth, and laughed gloomily, "You Tianyu killers are just like that."

"Heavenly Clan's lackey!"


The man in the lead snorted coldly and said, "You can't even be a lackey of the Celestial Clan, you can only be a dead dog."

Heavenly Clan, Supreme o

Tianyu is also called Tianyu!

Where the Celestials imprisoned prisoners

After countless years of evolution, these imprisoned prisoners have gradually become the killers of the Celestial Clan, and the Heavenly Prison has also become a Celestial Domain, which is dedicated to solving some unreliable matters for the Celestial Clan.

Being able to become a Tianyu killer is also a supreme honor in the world of Hongmeng.

after all!

Tianyu is the strongest killer organization in the Hongmeng world

Tang Renjie slowly stood up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with a sneer, and said, "It looks like all of you who are running dogs are really enlightened."

The man at the head said: "Better than your dead dog, at least we can live, and you are going to die soon, I heard... You are the only disciple of the King of Humans, and you have received the true biography of the King of Humans, but now it seems that you are also It's just a piece of trash, you still want to be an extradition person?"

"It's ridiculous, sad o"


The three laughed at the same time

The corners of Tang Renjie's mouth moved slightly, sadly for you, "Heavenly clan lackeys!"

The voice fell o

A man in black flashed a cold light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Let me continue to lie on the ground!"

move o

The huge killing intent surged into the sky and rolled directly towards Tang Renjie.

Tang Renjie's eyes sank, his feet took root, and they slammed into the ground.



The huge force hits down o

Tang Renjie retreated, the clothes on his chest were burnt, revealing a black palm print, black blood spurted out, and his face turned pale.

Hundreds of meters with legs

Tang Renjie pressed his palms, and a powerful force stabilized his figure, coldly said with a smile: "Does the lackey of the Celestial Clan only have this amount of strength? It's not enough!"

very arrogant

very arrogant

The killer sneered: "It is said that the King of Humans is the thickest person in the Hongmeng world. I didn't think so before, but seeing you today is an insight."


"Thick skin is good for fart!"

suddenly o

The three of them were dispatched at the same time, in all directions, the entire independent space was shaking, and the surging power rolled out.

Tang Renjie's eyes narrowed, and his heart sank.

His current strength can't resist even a single move.

The three of them join forces, and the chance of him living is zero!

he is the extraditioner o

He must extradite Long Fei to the great world of Hongmeng. This is the task given to him by his master, and he must complete o


Tang Renjie exhaled a few deep breaths, his eyes narrowed, he stabilized Horse Stance again, and said with a deep voice, "Come on!!!"


"court death!"

"The King of Humans has no apprentices since then."

Three people flank o

The scene is like a fairy doing gong

This independent world is above 100,000 planes, and 100,000 planes cannot sense o

If anyone saw it, they would definitely think it was a fight between gods.

If this battle is carried out in the 100,000 planes, I am afraid... the 100,000 planes have been destroyed by more than half, and they can't bear their power at all.


Tang Renjie roared heavily.

The power from all over the body roared and shook, forming yellow streaks to protect the whole body, and at this moment, the fists moved, sinking, and strength!

one person is fine

but o

If three people attack...

Tang Renjie is not an opponent

At the moment when the three fell


a loud noise o

The void flashed, and a figure rushed out.

A bright light flashed in Tang Renjie's eyes, "You finally came back, or Daddy would really die here."

It wasn't anyone else who rushed out of the void, but the husky who he had been carrying on his shoulders 'unaccustomed to the soil and water'.

at this moment o

The huge pressure in the void instantly disintegrated.

also at the same time

The 'husky' rushed to Tang Renjie's side


The whole body was directly integrated into Tang Renjie's body. At this moment, the power of Tang Renjie changed dramatically.


"I was crushed by you for seven days and seven nights. Every punch and every palm of my daddy is in my heart. Now daddy wants to wash it back to you!" Tang Renjie's power is like a flame.

The scene is like super saiyan evolution o

All the power in the whole body is boiling o

"Ah, ah, ah, ah..."

The sound of Tang Renjie's roar exploded o

At the same time as he roared, the strength of his fists soared, "Boom!"

Both fists automatically burn up o

flame o

khaki flame o


Tang Renjie's eyes also burst into flames, turning into two balls of flames, then he glared at the three people who fell, and swept his right fist, "Human King Fist!"


Void Shatter o

Fire crushes everything

The three Tianyu killers were too late to do any resistance, and were directly taken into the void by this punch.

in the void

The body of the three burns the flame of this man's king's fist

At this moment...their pupils are scattered, and fear arises in their hearts, "Human King Fist, Human King Fist, Human King Fist... Lord God, save us..."

Don't wait for them to finish o

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

Countless boxing shadows exploded on their bodies, crazy crit o

People don't die, fists don't die

Soul is not broken, fist is not destroyed o

Primordial spirit is immortal, fist is immortal

One punch is king

This is the King Boxing

The three killers were swept into the void, waiting for their result to be only one, die!


Tang Renjie also exhaled heavily and sat on the ground, his face extremely pale.

The 'husky' was also separated from him, and said contemptuously, "I have to save you every time."

Tang Renjie flicked Husky's forehead and said, "Are you too embarrassed to say that?"

"That's right o"

"How's your business doing?"

Husky replied: "Well, it's done, the mutation is about to start, and now as long as Long Fei enters the battlefield, the mutation will appear o"

"I'm worried that Long Fei won't be able to carry it now"

Tang Renjie's eyebrows knitted together, and he said slightly: "We have done everything we can. This is his world, and he should bear everything by himself."

"He should be able to take it!"

he just extradites o

He can't help Long Fei o

Even if you dodge this time, the next 'catastrophe' will be even more powerful.

The only one I can rely on is Long Fei himself

"Huhuhu..." Tang Renjie gasped heavily and complained, "The Tianyu killer really has two strokes."

"Old Dog o" Baidu@Half.*The strongest upgrade system in Floating Life

"I've been hurt like this, you're always going to humiliate me, right?"

Husky rolled his eyes and said with contempt, "Are you thinking too much?"

and o

After he finished speaking, he jumped on Tang Renjie's shoulders and said with contempt, "Who could kill you? Kill you in front of me, don't you want to get involved?"

Tang Renjie is very hard

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