The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2207 Super Mission

Chapter 2207 Super Mission

The power of the mad god disappears o

The power of Parasitic Possession disappears o

The pain that Long Fei endured on Qingniu was actually the pain he endured in his own mind. In addition to releasing the Parasitic Possession Technique twice in a row, his body could not bear it at all.

so that he fell into a coma.

Xiaodie on the side was stunned. She didn't realize that Long Fei was sitting up just now. Seeing him fall down again, she murmured, "Are you awake?"

But o

She doesn't care whether Long Fei is awake or in a coma and runs to the big buffalo madly.

"Big buffalo, big buffalo..."

"I don't want you to die, I don't want you to die!"

Xiaodie ran up to her without any concern for herself.

also at this time

Three old men fell on the hillside with serious faces

One of the old men came to the Seventh Prince's side, bowed slightly, and said, "I'm really sorry that the Prince was frightened."

Another old man landed next to Lin Zhong and quickly poured down a Medicine Pill.

at the same time o

His heart trembled secretly, "It's a serious injury, I'm afraid there will be no one who can't recover in three or five years, but..."

He couldn't help looking at the green cow, and said secretly: "How can a cow have such a strong power? Can a strong person in the Gold Core realm be injured like this?"

Incredible o

He wouldn't believe it at all if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes

Medicine Pill entered the body, Lin Zhongqi finally came over

The seventh prince knew the three elders of the Xuanyue Sect. They were the three elders of the Xuanyue Sect. They were in charge of Medicine Pill, Martial Skill, and Lingbing.

Except for Sect Leader, the three of them have the highest status in Xuanyue Sect.

Last time he saw o at the engagement banquet in the palace

When these three people appeared, the seventh prince was shocked and furious. He stared at the elder and scolded, "You still know I'm sorry? This prince almost died here."

"If I die, your entire Xuanyue Sect will be buried with you"

Elder Lingbing nodded immediately and said, "Yes, yes, it's too late, please forgive the prince. This time we didn't think carefully, and we will definitely not do it next time."

Seeing his expression, the seventh prince became even more furious: "Is there a next time?"

"You old man, do you want me to die here?"

"Tell you, if it wasn't for the fact that my father and emperor took a fancy to your Xuanyue Sect, your Xuanyue Sect would be a piece of shit?"

"Can you be named a national clan?"

"Just because your Sect Leader daughter is qualified to marry me Dage?"

crazy insults

None of the three elders dared to retort

This makes those young Practitioners on the mountain road who want to be admitted to the Xuanyue Sect feel a little chill.

Obviously it was the seventh prince who made a mistake first.

It was him who collided recklessly, but Xuanyue Sect dared not act as o

This is the difference between Sect and Empire o

After scolding for a while, the Seventh Prince stared at the Azure Ox whose body was half buried in the rubble and shouted, "Kill it!"

"and also!"


Move your finger, point at the old man o

His eyes stopped again, and fell on Xiaodie, saying: "Let her come to sleep with me at night."

The faces of the three elders sank slightly.

An elder said: "Prince, it was this cow that rammed you. It is now half-dead. As for..."

The seventh prince didn't wait for him to finish, and said, "I don't care, whoever upsets Daddy, Daddy will upset his whole family. There is another person lying on the ox cart. He should be with them, right? kill o"

The three looked at Long Fei on the ox cart

The eyes don't change much

They don't care about the life of such a person

"Big buffalo, big buffalo, wake up, wake up..."

I don't know if I heard Xiaodie's call, or because most of the pain Buffalo suffered was endured by Long Fei, and his body moved violently.

stand up suddenly

"Crash..." The gravel all rolled down

So suddenly, the Seventh Prince almost fell to his knees in fright.

pale o

The seventh prince said angrily, "I see, it's still alive, and now kill it for me immediately."

Big buffalo eyes stare o

The seventh prince staggered back, unable to speak.

Lin Zhong also stepped forward with difficulty and said in a low voice, "This cow is not easy, and it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. I think we should evacuate first."

Even the imperial sword and shield can easily break through. How powerful is this cow?

and o

Zao Wou-Ki is right, Xuanyue Sect is not easy!

The seventh prince is a dandy prince, but he values ​​his own life very much.

Nothing is more important than life

Lin Zhong said this, and Qing Niu stood up and stared at him aggressively. He didn't say anything else in an instant, turned around and walked down the mountain.

After walking several dozen meters, he said loudly: "This matter is not over!"

The faces of the three elders sank

Elder Lingbing glared at the old man fiercely, and said, "Look what have you done?"

"It's not good to raise anything, but I prefer to raise a head cow"


"Now offend the Seventh Prince, let me see how you explain o to Sect Leader"


The three of them swept their sleeves and strode away.

The old man gave a wry smile, looked at Qingniu, and murmured, "When did you become so powerful?"

Qingniu was also confused, he wanted to say, "I didn't do anything o"

But he can't speak

he is really innocent

But Xiaodie was the happiest. Seeing that Qingniu survived, she was as happy as a child, but when she saw the scars on Qingniu's back, she couldn't help mumbling.

"Dad, the big buffalo is injured like this, that seventh prince is too Damn it, hum o"

The old man glanced at the wound on Qingniu's back and said, "Go back to Sect and see if I can get some Medicine Pillo for detoxification."


Xiaodie thought of how Long Fei sat up just now, and said, "He seemed to be awake just now. I don't know why he passed out again. Dad, will he be okay?"

The old man glanced at it and lightly touched Long Fei's pulse gate, "Sigh..."


Xiaodie looked at the old man and frowned, and said, "What's wrong?"

The old man wondered: "When we rescued him, he had nothing in his body, but now he has a power, and his Cultivation Base has also become the first ranko."

"And then..."

"There shouldn't be any injuries in his body, but now he looks like a seriously injured person."

"too weird!"

can't explain o

Xiaodie smiled and said, "Dad, maybe we saved a peerless genius, maybe our Xuanyue Sect saved o"

The old man stared

Xiaodie also immediately shut up and did not dare to say any more.



"What a pity!"

"If I knew I would move faster, it's just a little bit short."

three days later

In a very humble room

Long Fei woke up and sat on the bed, muttering to himself o

I have some regrets

Hearing the sound in the room, Xiaodie quickly walked into the room, saw Long Fei sitting on the edge of the bed and immediately laughed, and said, "Are you finally awake?"

Xiaodie looks very happy

Looking a little haggard, Long Fei knew that she was taking care of herself these days.

This scene feels familiar

I always feel the same

Qiao Qiao's appearance appeared in his mind again, and Long Fei murmured, "Who is she? Why do I always have her appearance in my mind?"

suddenly o

A prompt sound o suddenly sounded in Long Fei's mind.


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for triggering the super mission..."

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