The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2312 Daddy Is Worried That He Has No Experience To Upgrade

Can a duck to its mouth fly?

This is fair, Long Fei must get it back.

What about the exclamation mark on top of your head? What if it was one of the seven beauties in his ultimate mission?

Also at this moment

This power may not be noticed by no one, but it is unusually sturdy.

She doesn't quite believe it until now, because it's a very unbelievable thing o

"Can such a person still be kept in Xuanyue Sect?"

"Death to me!"

After all, he is now holding a lot of troops. In addition to the disciples of the elite hall, most of the elders are also on his side. He has enough power.

In his opinion, it is easy to be afraid!

"it is good!"


Long Fei's heart is full of anger

Can you still go to heaven?

What if Long Fei didn't?

"Disciples of the Elite Hall, as elite disciples, what are your responsibilities? Eliminate Demons and Guard Dao!"

Whoever bullies him, he will take revenge

Long Fei slashed three people in the waist with this sword, which was a bit too cruel.


Yi You Rong is no exception!

"Daddy is now an eighth-grade pill refining division, crushing him ten thousand times."

like a devil

Those disciples took another step forward and stared at Long Fei in unison.

The voice fell o

Yin Changfeng laughed proudly and said, "You Rong, have you seen it? This kid has no doubts about his character and Demon Sect. The disciples of the Elite Hall obeyed and killed me..."

Yi Yourong lowered her voice and said, "Don't move o"

"daddy wins!"

In the crowd, the dead man arranged by Zhao Yitian suddenly rushed out.


Thinking of this, Yin Changfeng felt proud and said with a smile, "Yourong, it's very easy to get these disciples to quit. As long as you kill this demon, they will naturally quit."

"The disciples of the elite hall obey the order, eliminate demons and guard the way!"

Directly stab at Long Fei

The voice fell o

"Kill him!"

"Never let live o"

Yi Yourong lowered his voice and said in a deep voice, "Can you stop talking?"

"Daddy tried his best to practice cultivation pill refining. For three days and three nights, he didn't get any water, and he didn't swallow a grain of rice. What am I fighting for? Daddy held his breath and wanted justice for you."

She is the Young Sect Leader, she must consider the future of Xuanyue Sect o


The disciples of the Elite Hall were slightly taken aback.

"kill him……"

Long Fei's words made her very sad.

Long Fei stepped on the corpse in one step, pointed the sword in the sky, pointed at Yin Changfeng in the depths of the crowd, and said, "Whoever blocks me will die!"

The sky is different!

Long Fei's eyes widened, feeling a little unhappy in his heart, and he exclaimed: "No, why?"

he doesn't care so much

"Kill this devil o"

With the eyes stained with blood, the whole person looks gloomy and terrifying o

Whoever stops him is his enemy

Yi Yourong's heart also sank, and her heart was very uncomfortable. Long Fei didn't understand her, and at the same time, her heart was also very bitter. She was a young Sect Leader, and the first thing she had to consider was Xuan Yuezong.

Yi Yourong rushed in front of Long Fei, swept his eyes and stared at the shocked elite disciples, "What do you want to do?"

"Are you still protecting him?"

The old fire of the eighth generation of Long Fei's ancestors has risen, "I'm the devil of your ancestor's eighty generation o"

The killing intent on his body burst out, and the killing intent and Sword Qi perfectly merged, and he slammed the elite disciples who wanted to rush up.

a moment o


Yi Yourong said, "Elder Yin, let them step down, everything is easy to say."

At this time, swords are drawn, the air is filled with the smell of gunpowder, and a spark can detonate.

Absolutely not!

One after another move towards Long Fei o Long Fei really an eighth-grade pill refining master?

These elite disciples are all qi refining Realmo

People are alive, if they are unhappy o

"Who won this match?"

Easy is less Sect Leader identity o

"Yin Changfeng, what do you want to do?"

also at this time

His voice was full of murderous intent.


No matter who wins in the end, it is Xuan Yuezong who loses.

A few others have reached Soul Refinement Realmo

This is the last thing Yi Yourong wants to see

That green ox, thin monkey, and the big man's injuries are fine?

Long Fei's pill refining won, Yi Yourong was very happy, but... she didn't want Yin Changfeng to die, Master Qipin pill refining, if Yin Changfeng could survive, her Xuanyue Sect's power would be stronger by one point.

even o

These disciples were more or less taken care of by Yi Yourong.

Long Fei's eyes were savage, his heart was killing, the sky moved, his eyes swept away, Sword Qi slashed out!

Sky Sword o

In the crowd, Yin Changfeng laughed proudly, very proud in his heart, "Hahaha... boy, today you are wearing the hat of the devil, hahaha... play with me? Can you play? Hahaha……"

"Kill me!"

Yin Changfeng was proud and immediately said: "Have you seen it? With such a cruel shot, can't it prove that he is from the Demon Race?"

It is these forces that make Yi Yourong fear o

"Daddy is worried that he has no experience to upgrade!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Yin Changfeng's eyes sank, and he said slightly: "Yourong, what I want to do I said just now, I want that kid's life, kill the same sect, the means are cruel, and he is cheating again today, this kid is definitely not an ordinary person, he must be Mozu, such a person must not be allowed to keep o in Xuanyue Sect"

Not because of Long Fei, but because of herself o

"What is a seventh-grade pill refining teacher?"

She wants to make Xuanyue Sect stronger o

People are like a tidal wave, Sword Qi is like a rainbow o


Is that what Xiaodie's injury is?

Blood sprayed out from the sky, and six corpses fell in mid-air and landed on Long Fei's side.

What about the Medicine Pill after Xuanyue Sect?

What about the cultivation of thousands of disciples?

What's the point of being alive?

Three people attack at the same time

Why didn't she want to kill Yin Changfeng?

Because Yi Yourong didn't understand, his heart was even more angry.

"You protected you, I killed me, and I did everything for you. Now I want to avenge my sister and my brother!" Long Fei shouted heavily.

"Kill the same family, without even blinking an eye o"

Three people with one sword, directly cut in half!

It will be the Tianzong Banquet soon. If there is no Medicine Pill cultivation, what else can I use to participate in this Tianzong Banquet?

The sound of the sword sound from the Cang Qiong Sword in Long Fei's hand was even more rampant, saying: "Whoever takes a step forward, die!"

The corner of Yin Changfeng's mouth curled into a sneer, what did Yi Yourong mean when he said this?

With Long Fei's character, he was going to kill Yin Changfeng three days ago, but he didn't want to embarrass Yi You at that time, and now...he is not dead yet?

The gunpowder was ignited. At this moment, the disciples of the elite hall no longer had any fear.

The elite hall is the one she founded.

The Cultivation Base is all above Long Fei. It stands to reason that the coercion is stronger than that of Long Fei, but it was crushed by the breath released by Long Fei.

Long Fei's long sword moved slightly, pointed at the ground, raised his eyes slightly, looked at the elite disciples rushing towards him, and said with a coldly smile: "Just right!"

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