The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2402 Trap Technique

With hindsight, Liu Yuan's Immortal Venerable's strength is too strong o

in an instant

The voice of those people, Long Fei, they can't hear at all o


No one in this world can hear o

"Is there such a thing as fairness in this world?"

then o

"Hahaha...I'm really looking forward to it o"

"so cheap?"

"Hurry up! It's my turn to be the banker today, hurry up and bet, no matter how big you bet, I'll take it, hahaha..."

suddenly o

"The exchange value is only one hundred points?!"

She feels a little disdain

"and many more!"

"System prompt: The exchange of trap scrolls is successful, and the exchange value is 100 points!"


Long Fei opens the system o

Not the power of this world at all

"Will he really be my savior?" Birdman was very puzzled. She became a prey in this exotic animal farm, and she also became a hunter.

It has to find a way from the system o

Long Fei took out the 'trap scroll' and walked into the woods


But... now a human has appeared, but she can't see any hope o

Not even the double-headed Vajra found o

"I have to do some more preparation o"

"If there is a powerful trap, it can definitely resist the dark Demonic Beastso"

"Exchange one first and see then o"

Everyone immediately laughed, "Hahaha..."

Birdman looked at the sky and murmured, "A new day begins, and new Demonic Beasts will reappear o"


"Quadruple attack scrolls, it won't work either!"

"Liu Yuan Immortal Venerable, do you want to bet? If you don't bet, just shut up and don't spoil our interest!"

"By him?"

"what is this?"

Long Fei was a little surprised, but also a little confused. The system is better than a ghost, and it is impossible to take advantage of it in the next life. Long Fei has a deep understanding of this point.

"And, do you think it's fair to use the Demonic Beasts of other dimensions against the three of them?"

"Your pit is too pitiful, isn't it? It's only half a meter deep, do you want to kill God?"

Long Fei's eyes were shocked, and he found a special scroll in the special item, "Trap scroll?"


immediately o

Long Fei checked it again, but couldn't find a way.

turn o

East, fish maw white o

but! The only change is that the second trap scroll is a change based on the first trap. The original trap is only half a meter deep, but if the two traps are stacked together, it becomes one meter deep!

Birdman fell again, looking at the trap that Long Fei set up just now, the birdman's expression was a little indifferent, "Can you resist Demonic Beasts with such a trap?"


"A new day has begun, and the beast farm can be opened again o"

Long Fei's brows tightened, and he became thoughtful.

An artifact can't be heaven-defying, let alone the murderous Dark Realm Demonic Beastso


"Mall system!" Long Fei said silently in his heart, the system mall appeared in his mind, the same thing, the same thing was listed, one by one skipped from his mind.

See also special system modes o

Long Fei jumped out again, looked at the sky, and said to himself, "Time is running out, I have to speed up."

Several times Samsara, she was waiting for someone o

Someone who can save her

Long Fei looked at the arrangement of the sunken forehead covered with eight black lines, "I know, your sister's... system, can you not cheat your father?"

"try again!"

"Liu Yuan Immortal Venerable, what do you mean?"

"And this is the easiest thing to upgrade." Long Fei didn't give up on the "trap technique". The trap technique is like formation, and it can exert super power when used properly.

"in spite of!"

"it is good!"

A gleam of light flashed in Birdman's eyes, looking at those wild peaks, his fists clenched slightly, "No matter what... I must rush out!"

It's still a half-meter deep pit with a piece of shit in the pit

"special system o"

"Or not!"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "Nothing, hurry up and recover, there will be a tough battle tomorrow morning."


It deepened by half a meter!

"Trap technique..."

Liu Yuan Immortal Venerable said: "After all, each plane has the law and order of each plane. Are we disrupting the laws of the real plane?"

"Look what kind of trap you are o" Long Fei walked to an empty place and directly crushed the scroll, "Come on, let Daddy see!"

Otherwise everything is a cloud o

As Long Fei crushed the scroll, the trap was also laid out.

Transformation Vajra immediately entered cultivation o

Glancing at the 'undead elixir' that was still in his hand, "Three minutes of undead mode is not enough!"

Soaring into the sky, disappearing

People are accusing


immediately o



"Double attack scroll, no!"


"Today will destroy everything, that man, and that alien bird"

With a thought, "Exchange!"

Long Fei looked at the bird man with golden armor and couldn't see his appearance, and muttered: "It seems that what she said is true, this is really a strange animal farm."

mountain tops everywhere


Long Fei tries again o

Shapeshifting Vajra said: "What?"

"The layout is successful!"

Long Fei was speechless, and at the same time verified the fact again, "The system is very stupid!"

Long Fei frowned

After he left, Birdman's eyes opened slightly, looking at the direction of Long Fei's disappearance, her wings moved slightly, and she disappeared silently.

Liu Yuan Immortal Venerable said slightly: "Aren't we too cruel?"

"Do you think it's fair that the Celestial Clan controls all the inheritance power in the ancient world?"


"Trap scroll..."

"System prompt: The exchange of trap scrolls is successful, and the exchange value is 100 points!"


"that is!"

Long Fei exchanged frantically, exchanged the flying wings for exchange value, and then exchanged all the exchange value into trap technique, devoting all the exchange value!

'exchange! ’

After Long Fei left o

Whose fist is hard, whoever speaks is fair!

Long Fei looked up at the night sky, it was peaceful and quiet, "Demonic Beasts in the dark world, right?"

"He can't be resisted by a human being!"


There is no such thing as fairness in this world!

Liu Yuan Immortal Venerable frowned and said slightly: "I bet 100 million Hongmeng Crystals, that human wins!!!"

The voices of those who are strong sounded o


"Damn! Why didn't you say cruelty before?"

"Even if there is enough exchange value, it is not enough to exchange for an artifact."

"What's so cruel about us playing with us?"

The voice fell o


Birdman's wings moved, "Shhh!"

Crazy as Qi Deviationo

Long Fei did not give up and exchanged a 'trap scroll' again, and displayed it again.

There is no difference from the previous one!

There was a glint in Long Fei's eyes, "If it is superimposed like this, it will be interesting."

"Do you think digging a hole and putting a piece of shit in it is a trap?"

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