The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2473 The Legendary 'That Person'


The Celestial Clan that no one can shake

A loud bang and everything goes back to calm o

Regardless of the birth of the world o

The awakening of the town boundary stone represents the awakening of 'that person'.

Celestial Council ends o

He now knows how to use the Nantian Stele.

"Didn't that plane send someone there?"

who's that person?

Like the sun shining down, no one except the Celestial Clan powerhouses found o

Emperor Xuan's voice came from the shrine, and said lightly: "The town stone has awakened!"

Why suppress?

for him o

It's repression!

Everyone is shocked

Everything in this world was born because of him

The huge stone slammed into the air, rushed into the void, and fell heavily in an instant, directly bombarding the top of the head of the true dragon king.

Also at this moment

"Who dares to compete with our strength?"

Emperor Xuan said slightly: "Perhaps, the ancient legend is true, that person really exists."


"The town boundary stone?"

Light shines on the world o

for a long time

"Then this thing is awesome"

"Take orders!"

Also at this moment

It can be said that there is basically nothing in the entire Hongmeng world that can make them shocked or even have fear in their eyes, but now...their eyes are filled with fear.

can say o

The strong come forth

"Rise up!"

Name? gender? age? Attributes... everything is unknown, no one in the ancient world and the entire Hundreds of millions of planes knows who that person is.

Just like when it was born, almost all came down from the cracks in the sky o

The Nantian Stele is a super artifact

also at the same time

The whole world is trembling, the beasts are humming, and everything in the world is begging

Emperor Xuan's eyes suddenly opened.

That time, it was the Zhenjie stone to suppress the king of true dragons.

At this moment, an elder of the Celestial Clan lowered his voice and said, "Do you want to report the aura of the ancient inheritance power that was discovered on the lower plane last time?"

why is that?

But o

"The most remote plane in the Hongmeng world?"

"Hahaha... Let the world tremble again!"


this moment o

Tianzu, Jingu o

Just when Long Fei's thoughts entered the Nantian stele, under his right arm... the dragon-shaped mark, the power inherited from the ancient world awakened a little bit.

This is Tianzu

another plane o

These two are one

"I believe it's almost here, right?"

Surrounded by a large group of strong men, and even an 'alien creature' appeared behind him and implanted an intelligent game system in his body.

There are many strong people in the sky clan making a loud noise o

Jingu vibration o

"Even the dragon can be suppressed, so it should be trivial to use it to blow up the ten-story magic tower?" Long Fei thought happily, he didn't think much about the picture in the Nantian monument.


This dragon is a god, is the master o


He was suppressed in an instant, and Emperor Xuan never opened his eyes for a hundred years.

It is 'that person' that has the ancient world, the Hongmeng world, and various ancient inheritances. Without 'that person', the world is probably still in chaos.

"Why does it look the same as me, or does it look like everyone who goes in?" Long Fei muttered to himself, looking at the Nantian monument again, his shape and the shape falling from the sky in the picture, his heart was shocked, "Isn't this the stone that suppressed the True Dragon King?"

"Emperor Xuan, that's just a teleportation fabricated by the Dragon Clan, it doesn't exist at all"

town boundary stone

Also at this moment

Emperor Xuan said: "It will take a long time for Zhenjieshi to fully wake up. During this period, you must find it for me, find that person, and find Zhenjieshi!"

For that person, no one cares about legends such as the town boundary stone.

"This kind of trivial matter doesn't need to bother Lord Xuandi, but... the plane has indeed changed a bit during this time, so let's send two more patrol angels to o"

"Depend on!"

Countless years have passed, and the ancient inheritances born in the ancient world have made Hongmeng hundreds of millions of planes perfect.

The king of the real dragon and the suppression of the huge stone at the back made Long Fei feel an endless sense of oppression. This feeling is extremely strong.

Emperor Xuan's eyes closed again

The last time Emperor Xuan opened his eyes was more than 100 years ago, a kid in the lower realm killed him on the Tenth Stage.

unusual horror


"It...wasn't it destroyed?"

"We are in charge of the ancient inheritance of the ninth layer in the ancient world, and we control the hundreds of millions of planes of Hongmeng. Even if that person appears, what if the town boundary stone appears?"

How could he be that dragon?

There are rumors that the demon was suppressed, and there are also rumors that the king of the real dragon wanted to destroy the world, so he was suppressed.

"There is actually an aura of ancient inheritance power in that place."

Celestial Restoration o


"Zhenwu Continent o"

Everyone knows that 'that person' exists!

His anger scares the world

Long Zhanting's eyes flickered brightly, and his whole body was covered in blood, and the whole person was indescribably excited, "Hahaha... Zhenjieshi has woken up!"

Especially the memory of his birth, he is very clear o

Thousands of rays of light shoot out in unison, patrolling the world.

Just like a horror novel, at that moment, Long Fei couldn't help but tremble, unable to control it.

The picture came to an abrupt end, Long Fei gasped sharply, his consciousness came out of the picture, his face was pale, and his body was soaked. The picture just now was too terrifying.

don't know o

Longyuan Black Prison o

"As ordered!"

The first stone in the ancient world

What made him even more astonished was that the human figure transformed from the real dragon was exactly the same as himself.

for a long time

It is no trivial matter to allow Emperor Xuan to open his eyes and shoot ten thousand rays of light to inspect all realms.

immediately o


"Take orders!"

"The King of the True Dragon has also awakened o"

"Why does it still exist?"

Two angel patrols from the Celestial Clan flew out!

It is above the ancient world, because... it was this stone that suppressed the person in the ancient world!

The true dragon king started to growl o

Anyone who is in front of the Celestial Clan is an ant, who controls the Primordial Realm, and controls the power of the ancient inheritance of the ninth floor and above that was born in the ancient world.


Emperor Xuan never knew what fear was, he just sighed just now.

The mighty Celestial Clan o

But o

Countless Celestial Clan powerhouses flew to Xuandi Palace in unison, and all knelt heavily outside the door of Xuandi Palace, "Lord Xuandi, what happened?"

"What plane?" an elder asked.

because o

Emperor Xuan smiled faintly

because o

tossing o


Long Fei awakened all the memories on earth o

no one knows!

Long Fei felt fear in his heart and said, "Could it be my past life? Shouldn't I be an otaku on earth in my past life? Past life? That's impossible, right?"

but o

"What if it exists?"

Many Celestial Clan powerhouses said o

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