The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2539 Genius Ranking Spectrum

Unexplainably upset.

That momentary irritability.

There is a fire inside!


Completely out of Long Fei's own control.

He didn't know why, but he felt very unhappy, quite unhappy, this unpleasantness made him have a tendency to run wild, and he wished to smash the two statues of gods to pieces.


He wanted to knock down the entire ninth-floor Lingtian Pavilion.

Under the right arm, a force surged again, roaring.

Long Fei stared at the two statues of the gods, and looked at the inscriptions of the Celestial Clan around him, and his anger kept bursting out, "What's wrong with me?"

"Why is my body out of control?"

"I rely on!"

"Why do I have the urge to turn over this nine-story pagoda?"



Long Fei closed his eyes, forced a few breaths of cool air, and tried to calm himself down, without thinking about the statue of the gods and the inscriptions of the Celestial Clan.

clam down.

Long Fei walked into Lingtian Pavilion and walked to the feet of the two statues, he couldn't help...


A mouthful of phlegm spit on the statue.

Totally uncontrollable behavior.

Then, Long Fei walked into Lingtian Pavilion again.

The moment he stepped into Lingtian Pavilion.

On the top of the door, a burst of light fell down.

After half a second.

The light on Long Fei's body dimmed, leaving no trace of light.

At this time, several men came in.

They are also very dragon flying, shrouded in a burst of light, but there is a trace of light left on them.


Long Fei didn't care.

It looks big from the outside, but... the inside looks bigger, as big as a football field, Long Fei was shocked again, "This tower is also a spiritual treasure of space."

"I can't believe there is such a large space inside."

It was also crowded with people, all of them young people, many of whom were young masters in gorgeous clothes, and there were also enchanting and charming women.

The tower walls are like Spirit Stones.


There are countless names imprinted on it, and a series of long numbers below the names. These names are not permanently stored, and will be automatically refreshed after a month.

Here is the first tier, ranking from 10,000 to 20,000.

Long Fei glanced at it casually, but was not interested.

On the contrary, Tang Renjie laughed complacently in the distance, surrounded by a group of 'middle-aged' girls with enchanting rouge and gouache on their faces.

Long Fei smiled and then walked to the second floor.


In the first time he did not find Yi Ying them.

"Sorry, you can't enter."

There were two guards on the second floor who blocked Long Fei's way.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, watching the people beside him walk up the second floor one by one, he didn't understand, and said, "They can all go, why can't I?"

A guard said: "Because of identity!"

Long Fei said, "What are their identities?"

Another guard said, "Why waste time with a rubbish? Boy, you don't even have any light on your body, and you can't even get into the ranking chart of Lingtian Pavilion. Do you still want to enter the second floor?"


"Looking like you're a piece of shit, get away."

The guard was very loud.

Many people looked at Long Fei, and many people laughed.


"At first glance, he looks like a country bumpkin, and he wants to enter the second floor without the Light of Lingtian? Why doesn't he go straight to the sky?"

"What are you doing here without entering the rankings?"

"So he's a hillbilly."

"It looks like trash."


Many people laughed.

Long Fei frowned.

At this moment.

Tang Renjie rushed up, ran directly to Long Fei's side, and shouted, "Laugh at your mother, let me see who the fuck is laughing, daddy will kill him."

Everyone was shocked when they saw the Light of Lingtian on Tang Renjie's body.

10086's ranking is very high in the first layer, which also shows that most of the people here are not his opponents.

This is a world where the stronger is king.

Seeing Tang Renjie stand out for Long Fei, many people immediately shut up and didn't dare to laugh anymore.

Tang Renjie looked smug and said, "He is my boss, who will laugh at him again!"


Tang Renjie stood behind Long Fei and said in a low voice, "Boss, if you want to enter the second floor, you must reach a ranking of less than 10,000, otherwise you will not be eligible to enter."

"Did you see the light on us?"

"These are the lights of Lingtian, which are unique in Lingtian Pavilion. The stronger the light on your body, the higher your ranking. Don't provoke those people with shining body, they are all geniuses like evildoers. ." Tang Renjie reminded carefully.

At this moment……

A voice came from the second floor.

"Dare to be arrogant in the rankings behind the mere ten thousand?"

"You don't even look where you are pretending to be?"

"Trash after 10,000!"

The voice fell.

Several men came out.

Tang Renjie just wanted to scold him, but when he turned around, his eyes sank, and the men seemed to have lanterns hanging from their waists, with a strong light.

Obviously higher than his ranking.

The strength is naturally above him.

Tang Renjie immediately smiled and said, "I'm sorry, we'll go now."


Tang Renjie pulled Long Fei and wanted to leave.


Long Fei didn't move, and said, "I want to go upstairs."



The men couldn't help laughing loudly, "Is this a place where waste can come?"

"Just rely on your 10,000-odd waste?"

Tang Renjie's face sank and said: "Boss, this is not a place to pretend, let's go quickly, they can't be provoked."

Pulling Long Fei hard, but... Tang Renjie used the strength to suckle, but it was useless, he just couldn't pull Long Fei.

Long Fei stared at the men and asked, "What is your ranking?"

The man proudly said: "The third thousand seventy-eighthsixty-eighth!"


"What a high ranking, you can enter the third floor of Lingtian Pavilion."


"Big brother, that's amazing."

"More than 3,000 strong people."


Tang Renjie's eyes sank again, but he still pulled Long Fei and said, "Boss, don't do anything, we can't provoke them."


Long Fei responded lightly, then turned to look at the guard, and said, "Is it because I won against them, can I go to the third floor?"

When Tang Renjie heard this, the whole person was not well, and he immediately whispered in Long Fei's ear: "Boss, they are royal guards, you can't mess with them, you mustn't mess with them."

Long Fei was unmoved.

The guard guarding the building said, "Theoretically, this is the case."

The men laughed, "You're a jerk like you who can't even get into the rankings, and you still want to challenge me? Take a piss and take care of yourself."


Just this moment.

Long Fei's figure moved.


A slap fell, and the man who spoke fell to the ground...

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