The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3506 Impossible Copy

Long Fei wanted to become stronger.

I want to be stronger than anyone else.

Recalling the picture in the dream, he was afraid for a while, he couldn't give the name of the Phoenix girl, but he knew that it was the girl who saved him.

Under the powerful attack of Emperor Xuan, he used his own body to save him.

He didn't know whether the picture in the dream was a fantasy or something that had happened before. No matter what kind of Long Fei it was, it would never make it appear again.

Waking up from the dream, Long Fei was sweating profusely.

Although his body is still very tired now, he can't wait for his body to recover because he has no time.

It's already dawning.

He has to be the best prepared for today's big game.

He has to find Phoenix!

"Enter the copy!"


There was a buzzing sound in the eardrum, and the body was phantom.


Long Fei's thoughts appeared at the entrance of a wind tunnel, just like a portal in the game.

There are two words floating on the wind tunnel, "mad beast"!

This is the name of the copy.


Long Fei exhaled softly and stepped in.

The wind tunnel devoured him.

The system also beeps immediately.


"The system prompts the player to enter the wild beast dungeon."

"Can be used 0 times!"


"The system prompts the player to enter the dungeon, kill 100 wild beasts, and the dungeon passes!"

"Death once, drop third-level!"

"Death once, the dungeon fails, you cannot enter again, and you cannot get the dungeon reward!"

"The challenge begins now!"

As soon as the voice fell, the world of nothingness in Long Fei's eyes suddenly changed.

Survived almost at once.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Long Fei was frightened, not only because the system survived too quickly, but this venue... was actually a one-to-one competition in the Valley of Beast Kings.

"I rely on!"

"System, you are too stubborn, aren't you?"

"You can actually move the terrain of the Beastmaster Valley here, you are a bit of a jerk." Long Fei murmured.

His heart was also stunned, "It seems that the system is like a pair of eyes staring at me all the time."

"Otherwise, how would it know that I've been to the Beastmaster Valley, and how could it bring the terrain of the Beastmaster Valley into the system?"

Long Fei felt that he was being watched.


He has no way to resist the system now, and can only be pressed by the system to the ground and rub it as much as he wants.

"When daddy finds the developer of this system, he will definitely give him a taste of being watched!"

Long Fei sneered again, "If Daddy was the developer, I would definitely study a system that enables planes to travel back and forth. No matter where you are in another world, you can travel back to Earth. That's cool."

Long Fei was a little dissatisfied with this system.

He really wanted to meet the earth.

When he tried on the moon and saw the blue earth, he really wanted to go back.


The system has set taboos, and he just can't go back.

At that time, he was thinking that one day he would be able to find the developer of the system. If he didn't pretend, could he develop a system that could travel across the size of the earth.


If the developers pretend to be forced, then...

There should be no more!

While Long Fei was thinking about this, a roar suddenly erupted from the valley.


With a roar, the valley shook.

Also at this moment.

Hundreds of wild beasts in the valley roared at the same time, as if a new monster had been refreshed in the game.

A mad beast can shake the earth and the mountain, and suddenly there are a hundred of them... Then it is not that the earth is shaking and the mountain is shaking, and Long Fei can't even stand.


"Isn't that too fierce?"

Long Fei's eyes tightened, and he walked into the valley with his long sword in hand.

Already in the dungeon, even if he is facing King Yama, the God of Death, Long Fei will take his iron sword and chop off the heads of these King Yama and God of Death.


There was a roar in the forest, and the moment Long Fei stepped in, he rushed out of the dense forest, destroying the withered and rotten trees. Those towering trees were directly smashed, just like a heavy bulldozer.




The towering trees are in the bottom, branches and leaves flying around.

Long Fei's breath sank slightly, "f*ck!"

Without much thought, he turned and ran.

Not to run deep, but to run to the periphery of the valley. Before passing the dungeon, what you have to do is not to rush, but to understand this dungeon first.

Killing 100 mad beasts, Long Fei's even mad beast is an attribute, and he doesn't know what it looks like. If he takes a shot, he will only cause trouble for himself.

At the moment when the wild beast rushed out, Long Fei quickly withdrew from the valley.


The huge black shadow pressed down heavily.

It pressed down on Long Fei's head.

"Red name."

"As long as it enters the attack range, it will take the initiative to attack immediately!" Long Fei said as he ran.

Red monster.

Will actively attack in online games.

Long Fei's pace was as fast as flying, and he pushed the snake-like position to the limit, and escaped in a thrilling manner.


The mad beast fell, pressing on the ground, the ground was sunken, and the gravel splashed wildly.

Also at this time.

Long Fei saw the mad beast clearly, "Damn, do you want to kill a disgusting Shrek?"

"Eat the daddy's sword first!"

The moment Long Fei took his place, the long sword moved, "Knowingly strike!"


A bright red number floated from the top of the wild beast's head.

The blood volume of the wild beast also showed.

9999/10000 HP!


"The multiple damage of a knowing blow can only cause a little blood damage, 10,000 blood, you have to kill 10,000 to eat a knowing blow? You have to kill 100 heads, how can a daddy kill this?"

"This copy..."

"It's impossible to pass!"

"Your uncle's system, right? Playing as a daddy?"

Long Fei snorted fiercely.

A critical strike is already Long Fei's strongest attacking power, but it only deals 1 point of damage. If you want to kill a wild beast, you will have to take a few critical strikes, and this is not a critical strike. Released successfully every time.

too difficult!

A hundred wild beasts... This is impossible to pass!

Long Fei quickly rushed out of the valley with a pair of long swords.

Also at this time.

The moment Long Fei rushed out of the valley, the Shrek mad beast also stopped chasing, as if he lost his 'hatred', he couldn't track Long Fei's breath.


Long Fei was secretly surprised, "Could it be that there is a safe area outside the valley?"

Long Fei stepped into the valley.


The mad beast rushed towards Long Fei in a furious rage, and when Long Fei stepped out of the valley, the mad beast immediately stopped investigating.

The violent aura on his body also disappeared.

"It seems that the outside of the valley is a safe area, and the wild beasts will not leave the valley."


"Otherwise, you won't even have a chance to breathe." Long Fei exhaled heavily, looked at the valley, and said, "Although this dungeon is difficult, since the system wants my swordsman Realm to pass, there must be a way!" "There must be bug!"

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