The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3556 The Tasks Of The 3 Gods

The outside of the ancient Lie Zong is like a big city, and there is everything here.

Everything is centered on the ancient Lizong.

All shops here are controlled by Outer Sect.

The disciples got the monthly records, bought the elixir, purchased the Magical Item, and consumed the life. Most of the disciples' monthly records were consumed back.

And basically not enough.

In this case, there is only continuous task.

Earn points with tasks.

In Outer Sect, and even in the entire ancient sect, the use of points is wider than that of Lingyuan Stone, and many things that Lingyuan Stone can't buy can be exchanged with points.

Just like the annual Inner Sect assessment, want to sign up? Then you have to pay 300 points.

Only then will you be eligible to participate in the examination.

In addition, there are many uses, such as applying for some special tasks, you must have a point deposit to receive them.

Points must also be exchanged for using some special cultivation spaces.


In this Outer Sect, points are very important.


Outer Sect Center, several tall buildings.

Mission Hall.

General Affairs Department.

Team Hall.

The three buildings are all tall and majestic.

There are many disciples gathered in the three places.

Just like the Dacheng Safe Zone in the game, it was so lively that Long Fei couldn't help feeling like he was in the game.

"The team is formed, the team is formed, and there is still one alchemist missing."

"Selling the silver scale breastplate, only 10 Spiritual Origin Stones are needed."

"Acquisition points, as many as you want."

"Task strategy, brothers, brothers, sisters, sisters, don't miss it when you pass by. I have strategies for various tasks."

"Junior brother, seeing your face, do you want to come with a guide?"

"Selling secret skills."


Very noisy and very lively.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei's heart was very excited.

Bring Phoenix to the General Affairs Department and hand over the identity cards of the three.

Register the identities of the three of them so that they can apply for tasks or do other things.


"Ten points per person. Points can offset the consumption of daily tasks. Five points for a daily task. If you want to avoid daily tasks, you will earn more points."

"However, you are all new here, learn more from your senior brother first, and don't take tasks lightly."

"In addition, you are now Outer Sect disciples. You must meet your instructor once within three days. They will teach you how to cultivate."

"The instructor is in the Yanwu Hall."

"Okay, that's about it."

Handed out the identity cards of Long Fei and the three of them.

Their names have truly entered the ancient sect.

Long Fei asked, "Senior brother, I want to apply for a barbecue stall, what are the procedures?"

"Give me your identity board."

Long Fei handed it up.

The identity board is swiped on a divine stone, just like the credit card in the previous life.

Then, "Okay, deduct 10 points to apply for points, you can set up a barbecue stall at the night market."

"Junior brother, remind you that your points are now zero, you must earn points as soon as possible, otherwise you will be unable to move in the Outer Sect."

The 10 points you just got are gone.

It's consuming too quickly.

Long Fei said, "Thank you for reminding me."

"Barbecue stall...I don't know if I can get the money back."

To earn points, you also have to earn Lingyuan Stone.

He needs Lingyuan Stone for cultivation now, so does Zhao Dahan and Baili Tianhai.

He ate a few bites of the roast meat yesterday, not to say it was unpalatable, but particularly unpalatable. They didn't know what roast meat was at all, and those Demonic Beasts were a total waste in their hands.

Even so, Phoenix eats with relish.

The business of barbecue stalls in the night market is very hot.

If he opened a stall, he believed that it would be super popular, there would be a way to make money, and cultivation consumption would not have to worry about it.


Long Fei has to hunt Demonic Beasts before the BBQ stalls can get up.

The raw materials themselves are fine.

It also saves money and gets to work.

Long Fei pulled Phoenix, who was curious about everything, out of the General Affairs Department and came to the mission hall. He didn't know if he didn't go in. Long Fei was really startled when he entered.


The entire hall of the mission hall is the same as the train station in the 1990s in the previous life. It is crowded with people.

Phoenix couldn't help but murmured, "A lot of people."

There is a huge projection screen above the lobby, which displays various tasks, the corresponding knock-up, task time, task level, and risk factor.

The more dangerous the mission, the higher the reward points.

Furthermore, some tasks with a very high coefficient will have a special sign behind them, a star, and some tasks have many stars behind them.

Long Fei was puzzled.

Looking at a senior brother beside him who was looking at the screen seriously, he couldn't help but ask, "Senior brother, what does the star behind that mission mean? Is it the number of times it was completed? Or what?"

The disciple glanced at Long Fei and said, "New here yesterday?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "Yeah."

"No wonder you don't even know the most basic things!"

"Those stars don't represent the number of completions, but the number of failures. The more stars, the more people who fail. Just look at those tasks with stars. It's not something that newcomers like you can complete."

Long Fei looked at the task panel.

Once the panel is refreshed...

On the top mission, Long Fei's eyes narrowed, "What mission is that? Hundreds of stars, are hundreds of people failed?"

The senior said, "It's not hundreds of people, but hundreds of teams. That mission is one of the three gods of Outer Sect, let alone Outer Sect disciples, not even Inner Sect seniors can complete it."

"Passing through Nantianmen?" Long Fei read the name of the mission, "Nantianmen? Gate of Ascension?"

The senior brother smiled and said, "You are right, the gate to the sky is a gate that is harder to pass through than the sky."

"No one has been able to accomplish this task in hundreds of years."

"The points for this task are also increasing year by year. The points for this task alone are 800 points." His eyes were also very fiery.

If you can complete this task, it will really be a battle to become famous, and the Outer Sect will be a sensation.

Eight hundred points may not seem like a lot, but you must know that there are only a handful of tasks with 100 points, and each task has a very high risk factor.

Ordinary mission point rewards are in single digits.

In Outer Sect, one point is equivalent to the existence of one Spirit Stone.

The task of 800 points is unattainable.

Hundreds of failures prove everything.

These failures not only refer to Outer Sect disciples, but many Inner Sect brothers also failed.

Long Fei asked, "Senior brother, just now you mentioned the tasks of the three gods, how come you only see one? Is it difficult to pass through Nantianmen?"


"I said, junior brother, your tone is really not small, what is it that it is difficult to pass through Nantianmen? I will tell you, it is not difficult to describe in one word, it is even more difficult than ascending to the sky. ,Understand?"

"The mission of the three gods is a series. Passing through Nantianmen is the first mission. Only after this mission is completed, the next mission will appear."

"The name of the second task is, Capture Heaven Court!" "The name of the third task is, God of Heaven!"

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