The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4196 Despair

A sea of ​​blood swept the world.

The sound of the roar of the sky broke out under the sound of the Lord of Chaos.

Shocked out of Chaos Mountain.



The entire Chaos Mountain was also completely cracked at this moment, as if it could not bear the existence of the suppression under this Chaos Mountain.

falling apart.

Long Fei reacted instantly, the hand of chaos directly swept Liu Luoxi and others and jumped into the void.

At the same time, those who were lucky enough to survive on Chaos Mountain were also desperate to leave Chaos Mountain.

At this time, Chaos Mountain is a forbidden place.

The violent Blood Qi is the end of life.

Some people who didn't have time to escape were directly drowned by Blood Qi.

It was swallowed into dry bones in an instant, and the power of Cultivation Base and Blood Essence was fused into it.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, a figure covering the whole body.

"Want to run? It's not possible? It's been too long, this seat has been suppressed here for too long."

"Now, it's time to turn the world upside down. You will be the first to witness the glory of this seat."

"So, with your lives, tremble under the power of this seat."

The Lord of Chaos moved his hands.

One after another blood-colored silk threads intertwined from the hands.

Between the staggered, it is directly connected with the collapsed Chaos Mountain.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying scene appeared.

In the hands of the Lord of Chaos, the blood lines continue to increase.

Without adding one, one person was directly split, and the endless Blood Qi penetrated, stimulating the existence under Chaos Mountain.

In the blink of an eye, one thousand two hundred and ninety-six blood lines traversed the void, and the existence under Chaos Mountain was fully exposed.

"Haha, Chaos, my physical body, finally appeared."

"Eternal breeding, countless flesh and blood feeding."

"This time, this seat will make the world tremble."

"No one can stop me."

"Chaos, turn over!"

The Lord of Chaos was furious and his voice was hysterical.


At this moment, a loud bang appeared.


The entire Chaos Mountain is of course gone, and as soon as it reaches the bloody figure, it stands directly in the void.


In the distance, Long Fei's heart continued to sink.

The Lord of Chaos alone is full of question marks.

Plus this so-called chaos?

How violent should it be?

"Go, let's go!"

In an instant, Long Fei made a decision, turned around and left.

Li Yuanba and the others did not dare to stop and followed Long Fei.

"Break it for me!"

Long Fei shouted loudly, all his strength exploded, and he punched into the void.


The void roared, but it was only a broken shaking.

Under Long Fei's punch, there was no sign of rupture at all.

"I come!"

"Fighting the world!"

Li Yuanba instantly transformed into a five-foot-fighting body that punched into the void.


Also a burst.

But still, the void is still as stable as ever.

Then, Li Wuxin, Zhang Yue, and You Rou shot one after another.

But the result is still the same, the void is stable.

It's like becoming a Jedi.

another place.

Aoya and others are also bombarding the void frantically, wanting to break the confinement of this void and get out of this world.

But the result is the same, the power of the seven Vajra is exerted one by one, and the void is as stubborn as iron.

Also at this time.

"Hahaha, Long Fei, do you still want to escape now?"

"As the most important part of the layout of this seat, how can I let you go."

"They're just appetizers, you're the real main course."

"Now, it's time to realize your value."

"Chaos. Swallow him for me!"

The Lord of Chaos gave the order.


In an instant, a huge blood shadow rose into the sky.

He opened his gluttonous mouth, faced Long Fei, and swallowed it.

In an instant, a heaviness that was suppressed to the extreme appeared in Long Fei's heart.

There is no way to avoid it!

"Go! f*ck's."

"Does the daddy really have no power?"

"Eighth-level blast!"

Since there is no way to avoid it, there is only hard work.

However, at the moment of the shot, Long Fei directly escaped and shifted the center of the battle.

So as not to hurt Li Yuanba and others.

Chaos Blood Shadow also chased after him in an instant.


The bloody mouth opened from the void.


Punch out.

There are blood droplets constantly falling from the Chaos Blood Shadow.

Drops of blood that contained violent violence flowed from the corners of his mouth and landed on Long Fei's body.

Stab la la!

Stab la la!

Suddenly, Long Fei's expression froze.

The whole body was scorched by flames.

Extremely painful, extremely hot.

Even his current physical body can't bear it.

Moreover, wherever the blood droplets touch, it begins to corrode directly.

As if to dissolve Long Fei.

"Haha, accept your fate. Long Fei, you can't get out of this seat's palm."

"Kill you, what Long Batian, what mysterious power, all are in this seat's pocket."

"And you, from beginning to end, are a chess piece, a poor bastard."

The Chaos Lord's eyes were burning, staring at the void.

Like The next moment, all his thoughts will come true.

In the distance, Li Yuanba's eyes were split.

fed up.

It was impossible for them to watch Long Fei being swallowed.

"Old thing, daddy fought you."

"The power of madness."

Li Yuanba roared and ran step by step.

The speed is extremely fast, and in a flash, he will come to the Lord of Chaos.

Then, a punch exploded.


The violent power swayed, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, falling the sun and burying the moon.

However, just when this power was about to explode in front of the Lord of Chaos.

Chaos took the initiative, and a blood line broke from his hand.

Then, it turned into a blood fist and bombarded it out.



Void burst, space riot.

At the intersection of the two fists, an endless fire erupted.


A loud bang.

Li Yuanba's body fell directly from the void, and his right arm slumped weakly.

Moreover, a blood line ran through his entire body around his arm.


Suddenly, countless blood lights drowned in Li Yuanba's body.

In an instant, Li Yuanba fainted directly, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a bloody man, and his aura became extremely weak.

"Brother Yuanba!"

Li Wuxin took a step forward and looked at Li Yuanba, who had passed out.

The whole person is instantly hideous.

With both fists clenched, the beautiful sword is in his hands.

"Destroy the world."

Li Wuxin was almost crazy, bursting out the power of annihilation in his entire body and condensing it on a sword.

I want to cut through the bloodline of Chaos Heaven and Earth.

Only in this way can the connection between the Lord of Chaos and Blood Qi Chaos be cut off and Long Fei be saved.


The long sword roared, piercing the sky. Extinction Sword intent spreads all over the world and arrives negligently.


Li Wuxin roared.

But at this moment, the Lord of Chaos smiled.

But it's a contemptuous smile

"Beyond your own strength! With this kind of power, you dare to take action against this seat?"

"I don't know the heights of the sky, even if it is extinct in person, I will shiver when I see this seat." "Break it for me!"

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