The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4452 Treacherous

In the blink of an eye, it was another two hours.

Long Fei and Ye Zimei traveled hundreds of miles again.

This time, they both walked on foot.

Of course, this was not what Long Fei thought, but passively endured it.

Because Ye Zimei seemed to have changed her personality, she fell silent, didn't say a word, and moved forward in silence.

Long Fei still followed behind him unhurriedly.

No questioning, no arguing.

Be silent!

And the further you go, the more eerie the atmosphere becomes.

It was Long Fei, who couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment in his heart.

He was certain that this area was still dark, and the Mysterious Devil sect was right.

However, it was like stepping into another dimension.

Like two staggered parallel lines.

The line is separated, like heaven and earth.

On the one hand, it is the ordinary dark Mysterious Devil sect.

But the other line is another area.

And obviously, the direction they are going in now has entered another line.

And at this moment, Ye Zimei's figure suddenly stopped.

"It's here, the distress signal sent by the disciples of Shanhaizong is in this area." Ye Zimei said.

His eyes began to circle around, as if looking for a specific location.

Long Fei's eyes moved, and the golden light began to flicker.

Since Emperor Xuan's death, all his memories have returned.

Cultivation Techniques that have been cultivated will naturally come back.

It's just that, compared to now, the former Cultivation Technique is simply not enough. On the contrary, there are some methods, although tasteless, but now they complement each other.

"Bright eyes!"

Long Fei thought in his heart, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

In front of him, everything fell into Long Fei's eyes.

At a glance, everything in front of him appeared in Long Fei's eyes.

Sure enough, it was directly discovered that this space is extremely unique and extremely alternative.

Although the same Devilish Qi surround.

However, in this Devilish Qi, there is an even more strange aura.

Countless threads appeared under the eyes of fiery eyes.

This kind of thread did not exist in the previous area, as if it hung down from the entire sky.

Endless, boundless.

What is even more terrifying is that these threads are actually linked to the ground.

As if these correspond to the sky.

And in the place where the sky and the earth meet, one-leaf grass one after another appeared in Long Fei's eyes.

"Magic Bone Grass?"

In an instant, Long Fei had an answer in his heart.

Looking at Ye Zimei.

Ye Zimei also seemed to have discovered the existence of the Demon Bone Grass at this time.

"Yes, this is the magic bone grass."

Ye Zimei said calmly.

Not showing any excitement at all.

Long Fei's eyes fixed, and he looked at Ye Zimei.

So weird.

At the very beginning, Ye Zimei would be very concerned about the Demon Bone Grass.

After all, this is the key to breaking through the shackles and entering another layer.

But now, the performance is too indifferent.

It seems that this magic bone grass is already a dispensable existence for her.

"Why, don't you need Demon Bone Grass to refine the Heaven Stealing Pill to advance?" Long Fei asked, facing Ye Zimei.

In the eyes, the light is extremely deep, like the vast sea of ​​​​stars, it seems that he wants to see through Ye Zimei with this look.

Ye Zimei's eyes moved without any expression, she just looked at the magic bone grass in front of her and shook her head slightly.

"This level is useless at all."

"This is just the breath that escapes from the devil's bone, and it breeds. What I need is the source of the devil's bone, the devil's bone grass that grows at the source." Ye Zimei said.

Very calm.

Like a simple thinking machine, a simple explanation of things.

Even Long Fei couldn't feel the slightest emotional fluctuation in him.

"So, why is it so similar to my previous clone?"

"Could it be that this woman also trained a clone?" Long Fei thought to himself.

But after thinking about it, he immediately wiped this thought away.

Because Ye Zimei has another side.

On the contrary, it is more like the two personalities alternate from left to right.

As if whose consciousness had the upper hand.

Who can control this body.

Ye Zimei looked at the front lightly, the densely packed magic bone grass, her body gradually bent.

But she didn't know that the graceful and exquisite performance of this action made Long Fei in the back feel the evil fire in his heart ascending.

"This place, the disciples of Shanhaizong have been here. But now they should have been involved in another place by some special force."

Ye Zimei said lightly.

Long Fei calmed down and asked tentatively


He had long known that this place was unusual.

Combined with the thread connecting the sky and the earth, you can directly guess the meaning behind Ye Zimei's words.

Ye Zimei nodded and said

"Yes, it should be underground." Ye Zimei said, a look of determination appeared in her cold eyes.

Then, she moved her hands, and a ray of light flashed from her five fingers.

The rays of light formed lines, directly crossing the lines in front of him.


In an instant, all the lines snapped off.

And the lines implicated in the underground were also directly linked to the lines in Ye Zimei's hands at this time.

Long Fei was in a trance, and instinctively, a strong sense appeared directly in his mind.

Ye Zimei has changed into another person.

And the power displayed by this person is exactly the short-lived existence when Long Fei was testing Ye Zimei.

"My Cao, is it really the second character?"

"However, the change in personality could have made such a big gap?" Long Fei was surprised.

Even though Long Fei had experienced so much, he was shocked by the contrast between Ye Zimei's two extreme gaps.

If we say that Ye Zimei, who was kind and Yourou, was just an ordinary disciple of Shanhaizong.

At most, it is a goddess level, astonished as a disciple of Deva.

However, when her personality changed.

It is directly a god above all living beings.

It is incomparably vast, and every word, every move, and every action reveals the power to make all living beings awed and tremble.

Long Fei thought in his heart, but didn't move, just looked at Ye Zimei coldly.

But at this moment, the broken silk threads, from above the sky, condensed slowly, and the crisscrossed vertical and horizontal also erupted with an aura that crushed everything.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, terrifying and unspeakable forces descended from the sky.

But this power is not aimed at Long Fei, but at Ye Zimei.

It seems that he wants to contain Ye Zimei.

This scene made Long Fei feel incredible.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei looked up directly and shifted his gaze to the void.

However, this does not matter.

Even Long Fei was instantly tense in his heart.

I saw that above the void, I encountered a figure slowly appearing, manipulating the power in the sky to check and balance Ye Zimei.

But this is not the key. What really shocked Long Fei was that this figure looked like Ye Zimei.

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