Finally got a start.

Moreover, he also took control of the initiative, which made Long Fei feel particularly comfortable. All kinds of mental burdens that were born from speculation about the system before also disappeared at this time.

He is the only one in control, not one.

Moreover, his system is also the only unique power in the entire birthplace.

From nothing, from weak to strong, from small to invincible...

Other systems just endow them with powerful power.

In other words, the own system is a growth type, and it is the kind with no lower limit. Although other people's systems are inherently able to bring powerful power to the player, or the host. But the power has been finalized, and unless they want to change the system, it is absolutely impossible for them to improve their power.

Even Long Batian is the same.

His power may be violent, but he was born at the peak and will never change. Long Fei is confident, and now, even if he doesn't have the means to compete with Long Batian, he will definitely not be too bad.

After all, the current Long Fei is not the same as before. After several setbacks, his strength is now dozens of times that of leaving the ancient world. Therefore, Long Fei naturally has this confidence in his heart to face all enemies.

Of course, now is not the time to think about those.

After smelting Perfect's other systems, Long Fei's eyes were also locked on the peerless system.

This time, he has to consider the ownership of the infinite replication system in front of him, whether it is the experience of the smelting system level, or what.

"System, can the power capability of this infinite replication system be swallowed?" Long Fei asked.

This is also a possibility. If the power of this system can be won, then even if it is not integrated into experience, it will not hurt.

"It's just a garbage system. It doesn't have any effect on the player. This kind of power is tasteless. Although it can copy other people's power, the copied power is processed by the system, and it is not as strong as the player imagined." The system responded.

"But even if it was a copy, wouldn't Nezha and Monkey be defeated?" Long Fei asked.

"Player, please take a look at the level of the system and the enemies you will face. This system is just a peerless primary level, and the limit power that can be replicated is just this level. For a player, the peerless primary level is just a passerby. "The system said lightly.

Long Fei pondered for a while.

He has to admit, the system has changed.

If it is according to the previous system, it is absolutely impossible to say such a thing.

"System, are you blowing me?" Long Fei asked, his eyes narrowed into a line.


The system fell silent.

If the system really has a mind, or if it can be systematically presented in the form of a human, it will definitely yell.

"What else do you want?"

"Indifference, do you think I'm arrogant? Take the initiative to call you me? Can you not be so cheeky, can you point your face, and stop being so self-confident?"

Simply, the system went silent.

Long Fei's expression also calmed down, secretly giving birth to doubts.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you speak again?" Long Fei was stunned.

"Is it true that I discovered something amazing? This system nc also gave birth to its own intelligence, and I was convinced by my charm? From resisting indifference to now blowing me crazy?" Long Fei thought to himself.

The more you think about it, the more likely it becomes.

"Yes, it must be like this. Hey, this is a personality charm that has nowhere to be placed. The beauty is just fine with me. I can't think of a system NC actually starting to blow me. However, the system, I can tell you, I am not. I will have feelings for you. Of course, if you are like the system girl, you are an enchanting stunner, you can think about it." Long Fei said in his heart.


Completely silent, not a single sound came out.

However, Long Fei no longer cares about the system.

To put it in a more standard way, I don't want you to think, I want me to think!

The current Long Fei just feels that the system has fallen under the charisma of his own personality.

After a while, Long Fei returned to normal, looking at the chip in front of him, without any reverie. Aside from the latter, in fact, the system said it well.

People of this level, in their own eyes, are passers-by. For the current self, there is no harm at all.

Even if it can be replicated, it is just a waste of energy.

Therefore, this system is a garbage system.

And now, if it is released, Long Fei is also a little hesitant. After all, the current self, the system experience upgrade, is also crucial. After thinking about it again and again, Long Fei finally decided to use this power to improve system experience.

"Smelting system experience." Long Fei said.

"Ding, the player chooses to smelt the Peerless upgrade system and gain system experience, 100 points. The current experience is 10101/100000 points."

The system sound fell.

"One hundred o'clock?" Long Fei frowned.

A peerless system actually only gave a hundred points of experience.

The span in between is a bit large. It must be known that the excellent system can bring ten points of experience to Long Fei. Nowadays, although there is a break through, there is still a big gap between the excellent and the unparalleled.

And Perfect's other systems are already extremely rare.

Not to mention the peerless system.

For a moment, Long Fei felt as if he had been poured a basin of cold water, and instantly extinguished his fantasy.

"Hey, there is a long way to go. It seems that it is impossible to upgrade the system level in a short time." Long Fei thought to himself.

But the more difficult it is, the heavier the expectation in Long Fei's heart. If it is easy to upgrade, then the system upgrade may not necessarily bring any great functions.

Thinking of this, Long Fei put down the reverie in his heart, and then lifted it up to look at the other people in the floating world above the void.

"Is it from the fifth and sixth worlds. You are very good. I want to ask you, the people who came across the world to chase and kill me. Is this courage given to you?" Long Fei said coldly.

In an instant.

Those who were suspended in the world suddenly had cold sweat on their faces.

Long Fei is too scary.

One punch can knock out the falling spirits of the Wushuang level system, so those who are the perfect peak, in Long Fei's eyes, are even more ants among ants, without any threat.

"No, Your Excellency, listen to my quibble... No, let me explain. It's all a misunderstanding. We're all under orders."

"That's right, we're all innocent. And it's not that we're wronged. We didn't do anything this time."

"That is, from the beginning to the present, all of them are all alone. This guy is too pretentious. He feels that he is a person from the fourth world, so he can't be arrogant. He always feels that he is superior in front of us. Your Excellency eliminates harm for the people, and I admire it in my heart."

The people in the floating world said one after another.

In their eyes, panic turned into flattery.

Long Fei smiled lightly.

what is this?

A perfect interpretation of what is called the tree falls and the monkeys are scattered, the wall falls and everyone pushes...

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