Long Fei is definitely not willing to choose half directly.

What are you kidding?

In an instant, Chi Xue felt that the hairs on his whole body exploded, as if he said one more word, waiting for the result of his own, that is, death.


"System, you are doing this. Believe it or not, one day I will go to the place of origin and will directly imprison you for eternity." Long Fei said.

In the system space, both Chi Xue and Tu Shan Xiaorong could feel a kind of hostility growing out of Long Fei.

Finally, the figures on the turntable can already see the shape of Zou.

Very simple, two words, rules!

"Ding, thirty seconds."

Proud group.

But I look forward to it, I look forward to a high magnification rate. If that is the case, I may be on the verge of upgrading.

Long Fei's expression froze.

But he could never have imagined that in one sentence, he was talking about the key point.

At this time, Long Fei had already begun to adjust his state.

Suddenly, Long Fei's eyes narrowed, as if passing through the system and landing on him.

"Ding, if the player clears the level, the experience will be doubled, and the law of the abyss will be obtained. If the level fails, the power of the Ancestral Dragon will be deprived." The voice of the system fell again.

What is this concept? Is your lottery used to play?

However, the system seemed to have guessed Long Fei's thoughts at this time, and actually started the countdown.

"You can't do it. Although you are the controller of the system, I'm a companion of the system. I'm simply an illusory existence. You can't imprison me." The system responded lightly.

Even now, he and Long Fei are both playing word games, and he doesn't have any panic in explaining it, and he looks plausible.

Long Fei was taken aback!


Long Fei's blood began to boil.

"The second is to turn on the lucky wheel, and the player can choose the result." The system said.

So annoying!

Finally, the time came to the last second.

Long Fei pouted, secretly saying he was bored.

Hundreds of thousands of experience were lost for no reason. For Long Fei, it was more painful than stabbing him.

These two forces are also beyond the system's intervention.

"It seems that your guess is good. So, it will take some time to see more and say less. I can't guarantee that the next time you speak, it will become your last words." Tu Shan Xiaorong said.

Long Fei simply closed his eyes.

It's not necessarily that this thing has a fatal temptation to him, but it can also stir up the expectations in Long Fei's heart.

"What on earth is this layer, how can it be so cruel? Can't even use the power? Can only use the power of the ancestors? Could it be that this layer is related to the dragon family?" Long Fei suddenly thought to himself.

Although the system was used to being harsh, Long Fei felt that he should adopt his own attitude.


The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

But now Long Fei's face is not good-looking.

ended? Is this the end?

The system really lived up to its expectations and stayed on one more time.

"Come again!" Long Fei said in a deep voice.

But compared to before, it is no longer so impulsive.

This sound is no longer pleasant.

Long Fei suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the turntable in front of him incredulously. He still stayed in the area just now, but there were no words on it, and it was replaced by blank space.

Immediately, a turntable appeared directly in front of Long Fei.

"It's your own choice, the system is innocent. If you win the lottery, do it again, and then do it again." The system's voice was serious and unsmiling.

"Your sister, are you trying to kill me?" Long Fei was extremely dissatisfied, but before he could vent, the scene in front of him immediately changed, and the sound of the system had already disappeared.

Because he is the controller of the system.

This was the only thought in Long Fei's mind at this time.

Long Fei's heart also began to fall into anticipation.

"System, let's start." Long Fei said.

"One more time!" said the system.

Wait quietly.

With such a large proportion, even a fool knows that there is a great possibility that it will fall on this layer of area.

But fortunately, Long Fei didn't want to kill him, otherwise even if he had the ability to reach the sky, he would not be able to be safe under Long Fei's eyes.

As before!

Hao Duan Duan selected multiples for the first time in the lottery, and was eaten alive by the system?

He knew very well that this must be a warning from Long Fei.

"hold head high!"

Long Fei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Even if the power of immortality is used, the result is the same, and it is still impossible to see thoroughly.

But at this moment, Long Fei suddenly discovered that there was a blank area on the turntable, and the proportion of this area was one third of the entire turntable.

The time counted down, the speed of the turntable was getting slower and slower, Long Fei watched closely, his eyes locked.

Long Fei was completely dumbfounded.

"Damn, the system has become refined." In the end, Long Fei left a sentence angrily and quit the system.

Fortunately, there are no negative numbers.

The time is short, and there is no guarantee that you will lose if you gamble. Long Fei has not participated in the system lottery for a long time, just want to see how his luck is now.

"Ding, the fourth floor is open. The power of the player Cultivation Base system is temporarily banned, and in this space, the player cannot use other powers except the power of Zulong."

"System, what is this area for?" Long Fei asked.

"System, give it to me? Do you think I'm easier to deceive?" Long Fei was furious in his heart.

At this moment, a roar came from the depths of this space.

Then there was no sound, and only Long Fei was left, sluggish on the spot.

A word fell, and the turntable began to turn with a bang.


Long Fei turned a blind eye and felt a little impatient.

Every second countdown, the system will prompt again, as if to stimulate Long Fei on purpose.

From 025 times, to five times.

"What's wrong, my lord? It's like someone else has cheated?" Chi Xue said lightly.

The speed of the system is getting faster and faster, and Long Fei's current eyesight is still unable to catch it.

The pointer stops.

been played!

He also has the power of immortality and the destiny of heaven and earth.

"Ding, the fourth floor, the Primordial Dragon is turned on." The system voice fell.

"Ding, congratulations player, the lottery is over."

It can be confirmed that this layer is indeed related to dragons.

"Ding, twenty-nine seconds..."

Brush brush!

Double? No feathers were left.

Long Fei's heart instantly filled with countless numb criticisms.

The system sound suddenly fell.

It's really going to happen again.


Long Fei's expression stiffened.

Long Fei took a closer look, and now he really has no system power.

However, if he used it, he would have to say that he gave up the mission, which was also something Long Fei didn't want to see.

This feeling is not groundless.

Chi Xue hurriedly shut up, not daring to say a word.

With a 1/3 chance, Long Fei felt that it would fall into an infinite loop.

"Ding, the fourth floor space will be opened in thirty seconds." The system voice prompts.

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