"Beast, looking for death!" At this moment, another voice appeared and fell from above the void.

With the appearance of this voice, the entire world swayed, and the endless star turned into a stream of fire, swept directly from the unknown.


The void seemed to be on fire, and the thousands of miles of Galaxy Cluster turned into flames. Moreover, this power is unusual, not ordinary fire, this power can burn the Galaxy Cluster, burn the sky and the earth, and even the stars are directly turned into fly ash wherever they pass.

It is conceivable that if this power falls on the suspended world, the entire suspended world will turn into a mass of ruins in an instant.

Long Fei also stood up suddenly at this moment.

But he still didn't make a move.

"Chen Zhong, change your state and go back directly." Long Fei said coldly.

The corner of Chen Zhong's mouth smiled coldly. Originally, he was a little hesitant, and he wanted to ask Long Fei, but when Long Fei's words fell, he already had confidence in his heart.

"The little trick of carving insects, if you want to destroy the uncle's suspended world, it depends on how much power your Wanhua Mountain can resist." Chen Zhong sneered.

"I said, the Galaxy Cluster is flooding and destroying all fires." Chen Zhong's voice fell suddenly.

For a moment, the world was silent.

Everyone looked at Chen Zhong incredulously, but their eyes were a little blurry, as if they didn't believe that Chen Zhong's words could cause any changes.

Quiet, unbelievably quiet.

For a moment, the world was extremely quiet, as if everything had ceased to exist.

There is nothing else but the raging flames and madness in the Galaxy Cluster.

"Pretend, you don't even know when you're about to die. When you open your mouth, do you feel like you're invincible?" The young man broke the silence at this moment.

In fact, when Chen Zhong opened his mouth, he also felt a little bit of fear, feeling a little unbelievable, wondering if something unexpected would happen. Unfortunately, a few breaths of time have passed, and there has been no change at all. Only then did he dare to speak.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was immediately met by countless people.

It can be said that in their view, Chen Zhong is now helpless, and under this power, the destruction of the suspended world is only a matter of time. At that time, whether it is Chen Zhong or other people in the floating world, they will all be killed. So now they are naturally confident.

"I've said that they don't know how to live or die. If they dare to provoke Wanhua Mountain here, they will kill themselves."

"Everything is doomed, they will die without a doubt. It's ridiculous, there are people who dare to compare them with the Invincible Legion before, which is ridiculous."

"Forget it, there is nothing to see. This kind of person should be arrogant in front of us. Once the real powerhouse appears, they have only one way to die."

On the floating star, voices appeared one after another, and everyone rushed to speak, making a mess, for fear that they would miss the opportunity to express their opinions.

Everything seems to be doomed, Long Fei, you will die.

But from the beginning to the end, the expression on Long Fei's face was silent, just like watching a child play, and he didn't show any emotion at all.

Not only Long Fei, but also several others.

Especially the faces of Xuanyi and others, there was no change from beginning to end, as if as long as there was Long Fei, then everything would be no problem.

At this time, Chen Zhong's face also became more and more hideous.

"Damn, sir, I have finally risen up. This is the first time I have been so unsuccessful in pretending. Compared with this evil star, there is still a world of difference." Chen Zhong thought bitterly in his heart. People can be said to have hated to the extreme.

Although he has become stronger now, in his heart, Long Fei is still absolute.

This kind of small scene, Long Fei has no need to take action at all, or it is no longer in line with Long Fei's current level. So of course it was his turn.

So instinctively, he wanted to compare with Long Fei.

But in this comparison, Chen Zhong found out how big the gap is. If it was Long Fei, no matter who came, he would do it if he threw his hand away. Where would he give others hope, he would simply crush him and give him the heaviest blow, and he might not even give him the other side if he turned over.

But now he has to wait for the brewing of power.

And it was just this moment of thinking, endless fires poured out from the sky, and the target directly locked the floating world where Long Fei was.

"Okay, if you don't do it again, I will do it myself." Long Fei said angrily when his voice fell.

He could feel that now Chen Zhong's power has been re-brewed, and if he wants to destroy this power, it is only a backhand, but at this time, he is caught in the wild thoughts, which really makes Long Fei speechless.

Chen Zhong suddenly woke up, Long Fei's words fell into his ears, that is the golden rule, which must be executed perfectly.

The next moment, he looked at the void, looked at the boundless blazing flames, and opened his mouth

"Dare to show ugliness in front of me with this little strength? Where did you come from, go where you go."

Chen Zhong whistled Nine Heavens, and as soon as the words fell, the entire Universe Galaxy Cluster began to become restless.

Boom boom boom.

In the next moment, the boundless giant waves came out of nothing, surging from all directions, forming a wall of water directly, isolating all the power from the attack.

"This... what kind of power is this?"

"Isn't his power Star's power? Where did this huge wave come from?"

"Is he a dual system power?"

The sound of shock appeared again.

Chen Zhong shot at this moment, turning the tide and turning the tide. Just when everyone thought that they were sure to die, a shocking reversal came directly, and a slap in the face fell on everyone's face.

"Galaxy Cluster melts water? Impossible, how can you mobilize this power? This is absolutely impossible!" Similarly, outside the endless nothingness, the owner of that voice was also shocked.

"How can the power of this seat be worn by you? Tell you, I am a god, I am the god of the Supreme world, and there is no true god in the world except me. Where I am, the gods avoid it, and the gods and demons are easy. With your little power, you still want to turn the sky and slaughter the gods? Give me death!" Chen Zhong shouted proudly, exuding a domineering domineering over me, as if he descended between the world at this moment and was the master. His words are the truth!

And as his voice fell, the boundless Galaxy Cluster was instantly submerged by water and light, endlessly, backtracking to the source of the power, and then chasing away like a tidal wave.

"Do not!"

Randomly, a scream came from an unknown place. But it disappeared in just a moment, but everyone knew in their hearts that the owner of this voice was the one who shot before.

He's... over too.

"That's it? Is there anything else? Where are you, the Wanhua Mountain powerhouse? Is there anything else, this seat is waiting for you!" At this time, Chen Zhong's voice appeared again.

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