The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 798 The Black Knife Is Dying

Barren Mountain City, Barren Family Mansion o

If Zhang Qitian is the head of the family, then he will definitely lead the tribe to violate the ancestral teachings, walk out of the barren mountain city, and go to a road of no return.

He is a careerist, and he is also a careerist with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Lan Hua's eyes narrowed and she said, "Miss, what can I do for you?"

Long Fei pulled the carriage by himself, while Scar and Montenegro pushed the o

"Where are they now?"


Zhang Qitian's brows tightened, just as he said, "What if he is from the Western Demon Ancestor?"

Zhang Xinyue took out a small bottle from her bosom and said, "There are ten Ganludans here. You can use it anywhere on the road in the Sunset Canyon, which is also a barren mountain city. If I were them, I would definitely find the water source first. "

Still failed!

"Waste, a bunch of waste o"

The Zhang family, a desolate family, has been subdued in this barren mountain city for hundreds of thousands of years. He doesn't want to spend his life in this small town on the edge of the desert. He wants to change o

She sent Uncle Chen, who was her father's favorite, and the only person she could trust.

Zhang Xinyue

Zhang Xinyue shook her head and said, "I don't know, but we can only think like this. We can only have a chance if we find the ancient golden corpse first."

Orchid took the vial and said, "Miss, are you sure they will find a water source?"

"Have to guard against o"

A man said: "Dage, a powerful demon burst out in the Sunset Canyon. Could it be the Western Demon Ancestor intervening?"

As long as he can integrate the ancient golden corpse, or manipulate it, he will become the first person in the wild spirit family, and he can get out of here and go to the wider world to fight for hegemony.

"Uncle Chen, they all fell down"

At this point they are on the same starting line o

Orchid couldn't understand: "Miss, how did we find them first? Who are they? I don't know o at all"

"That's right, what's going on with the eldest lady?"

You can be ashamed and take revenge on the dragon family!

Zhang Qitian doesn't know either

The yellow sand fills the sky, the lips are dry and white o

"Is that black knife's daughter still alive? Bring her close to the Zhang residence o"

A man said: "The eldest lady must be more anxious than us. If the ancient golden corpse cannot be safely transported into the Zhang residence, then her mistake this time will make her unable to bear it. Dage, it is a good time for you to take the position."

"Master, we can't take it anymore"


Zhang Qitian said slightly: "I don't care who he is, this ancient golden corpse is mine. If anyone dares to rob me, I will not let him go."

"and o"

In the Great Elder's Yard o

"Barren Mountain City is still two days away. We have no water at all, so we can't carry it."

What qualifications does the Long family have to suppress them?

Zhang Qitian immediately denied it: "No one else knows about the ancient golden corpse except our Huangling family. It is impossible for anyone in our family to want the Western Demon Ancestor to penetrate the information."

Road to perdition!

If she can't bring the ancient golden corpse to the Huangling Family Mansion within five days, then her position as the head of the family will be removed, which is nothing.

but o

This is also the only advantage of Zhang Xinyue.

For the sake of the family, for the will of her father, she cannot let the family go to ruin o

think for a moment o

A flawless plan, but in the end...

must bet o

Zhang Xinyue said: "The water source of Sunset Canyon is cut off, then they must be coming to Barren Mountain City, we know, Zhang Qitian also knows o"

Orchid said: "Miss, I will definitely find their o"

Another place in Zhang Mansion


Taking over her father's position and taking the position for a month, the family's test for her is to transport the ancient golden corpse.

In the owner's yard

Since it was a repression, why did the ancestors set the ancestral instructions at that time not to allow them to take revenge?

He waited for the opportunity for ten years, and finally waited for this opportunity o

ancient golden corpse

"Besides, the western region is separated by tens of millions of kilometers, and it is impossible to arrive at o in such a short time."

but o

even o

Another man said: "The closest to Sunset Canyon is Barren Mountain City. If they don't want to die in the desert, they can only come here."


"Zhang Qitian must be making arrangements, and he will not let the ancient golden corpse enter the barren mountain city."

And she, there are still five days o

Zhang Qitian's brows loosened a little, and said, "Go check it out for me immediately, I want to know everything about them."

I heard the bad news not long ago that Uncle Chen and the sixteen guards of the deserted spirit all died in the Sunset Canyon.

"Uncle Black Knife is about to die."

"The escort team disappeared in the desert o"

Zhang Qitian laughed wildly

he's going out of here

The elder Zhang Qitian was full of anger, looking at several people in the hall, he now has the heart to kill.

"Miss, there are still five days until the family meeting. If the ancient golden corpse cannot be transported into Zhang's residence within five days, the elder will definitely make things difficult for you." A maid said slowly.

Zhang Qitian can't understand this

"I want everyone to see that our Huangling family is the one who dominates everything."

The ancient golden corpse disappeared

The man said: "That is the magic flame bursting out of the Sunset Canyon is stronger than those million-year-old trolls who broke the seal. Dage, the Western Demon Ancestor is still recovering his strength, maybe he also likes this ancient golden corpse. what?"

Is the dragon tomb the ancestor of his dragon family?

There are many roads leading to Barren Mountain City, and they don't even know who owns the ancient golden corpse.

Even the most powerful people can't last long in the desert

"It's their only option o"

Zhang Xinyue looked at the maid and said, "Uncle Chen is dead. I don't have anyone around me who can help me. I can't get out, so I can only rely on you."

Long Fei and the others have no other way but to enter Barren Mountain City.

This is the Zhang family using the power of three generations, excavating one by one, and taking an adventure one by one, and finally shipping out the ancient golden corpse completely in their generation.

He has waited ten years, and he will not miss this opportunity!

The current patriarch of the Wildling family

The escorted team disappears

third chapter,

He couldn't understand why Zu Xun told them to hide forever and never be enemies with the Long family. They were originally a super family with unparalleled power, and they were suppressed by the Long family just because they stole the dragon's tomb.

no water source

A man in his early twenties, with a determined face, furrowed brows, and a trace of sadness and pain in his eyes.

Let's talk about Long Fei

Zhang Qitian twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a slight smile: "I not only want the position of the head of the family, but I also have the ancient golden corpse. I want to lead the wild spirit clan to rise again and stand at the top of this world again."

"His purpose is to fuse the ancient golden corpses. So, I want you to find them before them, so that we can have the initiative."

This made him extremely angry

Their faces are cracked by the scorching heat

If you go back the same way, it will take longer and full of danger.

She doesn't want to be the head of a family.

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