The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 806: It's Our Turn

Zhang Xinyue still did not make any response o

Zhang Qitian looked at Zhang Xinyue who said nothing and sneered in his heart: "If you can't take out the ancient golden corpse, you have to hand over the position of the head of the family!"

"Today I won o"

Zhang Chengtian stood up suddenly, "No noise in the ancestral hall"

The crowd also quieted down

Zhang Tiancheng asked, "Xinyue, where is the ancient golden corpse? Can you take it out?"

Zhang Qitian smiled and said, "I heard that a few days ago the caravan that was escorting the ancient golden corpse was ambushed, and the ancient golden corpse was also lost in the desert."

The voice fell o

Another uproar

Zhang Xinyue's pressure is heavier.

Zhang Qitian smiled faintly: "Patriarch, the ancient golden corpse is lost, and the efforts of three generations have been burned by you. You can't bear this responsibility."

Zhang Chengtian frowned and asked, "Xin Yue, is what he said true? Is the ancient golden corpse really lost?"

Zhang Xinyue stood up slowly

The ancestral hall was also silent, and everyone looked at her.

Zhang Xinyue didn't answer them, but asked: "The Wildling Family has promised never to steal the ancient tombs of the strong, and never make the mistakes of the past."

"My great-grandfather stopped the excavation of ancient tombs"

"I want to ask o"

"What exactly did we steal the ancient golden corpse for?"

"Have you all forgotten your ancestor's teachings?"

Zhang Xinyue's eyes swept the audience

Zhang Qitian shouted: "Our Wildling Family is an ancient family with unique power. As long as we can steal the tomb of the strong and gain the power in the body of the strong, we can become the strongest family in the Tianwu Continent."

"Why are you asking me?"

"Zhang Xinyue, let me tell you, for the rise of the family, this is something you women don't understand." Zhang Qitian shouted bluntly.

Zhang Xinyue smiled and said, "Elder, I'm afraid it's because of your own ambitions? First, the ancient golden corpse, and then the dragon's tomb. Do you want to bring the desolate family into desperation again, or even bring it to destruction?"

The voice fell o

Zhang Qitian drank abruptly, "Zhang Xinyue, you are arrogant!"

Zhang Xinyue did not show weakness, but said angrily: "Zhang Qitian, it is you who are presumptuous!"

"Going against the ancestral teachings and vainly trying to power the golden corpse, do you want the Huangling family to be crushed even worse?"


Zhang Qitian clenched his fists tightly, his joints rattled, if not in the ancestral hall, he would have shot now.

Zhang Qi Heavenly Dao: "Since you said ancestral teachings, then I will ask you, the Long family was the strongest family millions of years ago, and he did crush our wildling family, but what about now?"

"I'll just ask you, what is the current Long family?"

"The strong dragon family disappeared overnight, and the Long family became a waste family. Who else in the Tianwu Continent has heard of the Long family?"

"What is the Long family now?"

"Even if it's the same as what you said, what's the matter with our Huangling family starting the tomb of the dragon body again? Could it be that Long Wushen can still climb out of the underworld?"

The Huangling family was indeed suppressed by the Long family.

but o

That was millions of years ago, now what?

Now the Nantianyu where the Long family is hiding in the waste gathering place is already desolate, not even a Moliu family can compare.

How else did they crush the Wild Spirit Family?

When Zhang Qitian said this, Long Fei happened to come outside the ancestral hall.

secretly in my heart

"I know that the Long Family has suppressed the Wildling Family, but I don't know why they suppressed the Wildling Family." Long Fei's eyes sank, and he murmured, "Now I know."

"Dragon Body Tomb!"

"Should it be... Yuanlong's body?"


"Why did the Long family suppress the Huangling family because of this matter? What is the relationship between the Long family and the Dragon family?" Long Fei's mind was full of this question again.

This question has been haunting him, and he has never been able to find the answer o

Scar asked, "Master, shall we go in?"

Long Fei said: "Wait first o"


Inside the ancestral hall

With a contemptuous sneer, Zhang Qitian said, "The current Long family is like a dead dog. How can he suppress my Huangling family?"

"If he comes to suppress him, I can crush him with a single finger."

"Zhang Xinyue, tell me, how can the Long family suppress us?" Zhang Qitian's tone became gloomy and cold.

indeed o

as he said

The Long family is too weak now, and it is not the opponent of the Huangling family at all. How to suppress them in this case?

Zhang Xinyue said: "The Long family can't do it now, it doesn't mean it can't do it in the future. Besides, the tomb of the dragon body is the most dangerous tomb in Tianwu Continent. The ancestors stipulated that the tomb of the dragon body should never be touched again."


Zhang Qitian laughed loudly and said, "You sentence your ancestors on the left and ancestral training on the right, but you seem to have forgotten that the first ancestral teaching is that the family rises into a big o"

"Zhang Xinyue, why are you blocking the rise of the Huangling Family?"

"You don't seem to know yet, right? The Pan family of the Kaitian family has reappeared in the Immortal Domain, and they have already defeated the people of the Long family with one move. What is there to be afraid of in such a Long family?"

The sound fell o

Immediately attracted countless voices of approval o

"The times are changing, and we should change too"

"The Long Family used to be really powerful, but now the Long Family has fallen into disrepair and poses no threat to us."

"I agree with what the elder said o"

"What is the Long family now? I'm afraid he's a jerk."


Zhang Xinyue was forced to speak.

But o

Someone is angrier than her

Long Fei outside the ancestral hall!

"Your sister, do you think it's my Long family?"

"Wait for you to have a taste of my Super Saiyan, you can't beat your shit out" Long Fei clenched his fists secretly.

He can't see anyone saying that he is a dragon family o

Looking down on his dragon family, he will make them pay the price!


At this time o

Zhang Chengtian said slightly: "Needless to say so far, Xin Yue, now I ask you, is the ancient golden corpse really lost?"

Compared with the dragon body tomb, he is more concerned about the ancient golden corpse.

He has reached the point where his lifespan is exhausted. Zhang Qitian promised him that as long as he supports him, he can absorb the power of the ancient golden corpse.

In that case, he might be able to make breakthroughs and get more Shouyuan o

Zhang Xinyue said slightly: "If I bring the ancient golden corpse..."

Don't wait for her to finish o

Zhang Qitian immediately laughed and said, "Patriarch, as long as you bring the ancient golden corpse back to the Wild Spirit Mansion, everything in the future is up to you."


"is it possible?"

"The ancient golden corpse has disappeared in the desert o"

also at this time

Zhang Xinyue shouted to the outside of the ancestral hall, "Bring in the ancient golden corpse o"

Long Fei smiled excitedly and murmured, "I'll see who is slandering my Long family?"

"If the Long family can step on you once, they can step on you a second time."

immediately o

Long Fei said to Scar and the others, "It's our turn to appear!"

Chapter Six

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