"Then let's see who can't leave today."

Long Fei looked at Aoya and secretly said in his heart, "I will conquer you with your Wushuang Jianji's moves, and I will see what else you have to say."

Aoya did not recognize Long Fei o

because o

Long Fei is so dark

If you recognize Long Fei, maybe this is not the case.

Aoya's body moved, slammed to one side, her steps were like ethereal, clean and neat, very baptized.

At the same time o

Long Fei's same action o

exactly the same

Aoya was furious, her pace quickened, and the rapier in her hand suddenly stabbed out with lightning.


There was a sound of piercing the air in the void, very sharp.

Long Fei didn't make a move, but moved his steps, his body did not evade, but instead slammed out, the plum branch in his hand blocked out at that moment.


He cracked Aoya's sword move a little bit. His technique was very fast. At the moment when Aoya's sword move was broken, Meizhi moved and stabbed Aoya's chest.

Aoya frowned slightly, her heart stunned, "What a strong reaction speed o"

Seeing Long Fei's Mei Zhi attack, her pace changed again, her figure changed, and she came to Long Fei's right side, the long sword moved, and it stabbed again.

Aoya's reaction speed is not slower than Long Fei's.

and o

The Sword intent on her body remains in a peak state, and she devotes herself to it.

She can be said to be the number one person in Shendi Academy's comprehension of swordsmanship, and she does not lose to anyone in the competition of swordsmanship.

"So fast!"

Long Fei also sighed secretly, and his body moved suddenly, dodging a move.

When the move failed, Aoya stared at Long Fei and said, "Who are you?"

Can dodge his sword moves skillfully in a row, no one among the students of Kuangxian Realm can do it.

Long Fei does not say o

Aoya said: "Since you don't say it, then I will call you until you say it!"

"Insight into swordsmanship!"

suddenly o

Aoya's eyes flashed a sharp light, the Sword intent on her body changed instantly, and the powerful Sword intent enveloped Long Fei's whole body.

"Left shoulder!"

Insight into weaknesses

Aoya's pace accelerated, and a sword stabbed out.

At the same time when she is using Insight Sword, Long Fei is also using it, and his understanding of Insight Sword is much higher than that of Aoya.

Before Aoya discovered his weakness, the plum branch in Long Fei's hand stabbed out.

left waist


With a light stab, Long Fei retracted his right hand, and the plum branch moved again like a snake, "Thighs!"


another sword



The third sword is released o

At the same time as the third sword fell, the corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly and said with a smile: "Critical attack!!"


At this moment, Meizhi seemed to be turned into a sword, and the moment it stabbed Aoya's chest, a majestic force suddenly burst out, hitting her chest directly.


A burst of o

Long Fei smiled slightly, "After superimposing, destroy and kill!"

Aoya's body burst out and she couldn't resist it at all. In the end, she had to raise her own Cultivation Base instantly. Even Blood Immortal Realm's Cultivation Base couldn't bear it at this moment.

The impact on her is really too powerful o

This kind of strength cannot be described in words

The same Sword Technique, the same pace, she lost, and she has nothing to say o

But o

The moment she stepped back, Long Fei didn't stop there.

This kind of woman must be strong to her, crush her with the strongest means, crush her to the ground and can't get up, that is, use this means to conquer her.

Violently conquer o


From the very beginning, Long Fei's mind has been comprehending the great move of the unparalleled swordsmanship.

It's the big move before the redo!

Blade Waltz!

Seeing Aoya stabilizing her figure, Long Fei smiled and said, "I see clearly!"

also at the same time


The system beeps a beep

Long Fei didn't care whether the release was successful. He couldn't take it anymore. He stepped on the ethereal footsteps, his body was like an illusion, and he twisted frantically, "Blade Waltz o"


Long Fei's figure suddenly disappeared, Aoya's pupils were startled, and he couldn't feel Long Fei's existence.

But o

She didn't sit still, the blood immortal Realm's breath burst out, and her body was constantly changing, but...

After the blade waltz is locked, no matter how you change it is useless o


Mei Zhi hit Aoya's little ass, and she was wrapped in a layer of gauze, and there was not much clothing to cover her. Mei Zhi's flexibility was very strong, and it was extremely painful when it was pulled on her body.


Aoya screamed in pain

Long Fei also snorted and said, "I'm calling you arrogant."


There was an illusion in the sky, and another branch was whipped down and hit Aoya's ass again.


Aoya screamed again, unable to take care of herself in pain.

Long Fei said again: "I'll call you Lengao"


It's another move, Aoya's tears of pain are about to come out, and her little ass is about to bloom, no matter how she hides, it's useless.

Or not!

Can't avoid it at all

"Crack, crack, crack..."

several consecutive moves to fall o

Aoya's little ass is full of red streaks, heart-piercing pain o

last o

Aoya couldn't help it and said, "Don't hit, don't hit o"

After breaking the kill, the defense collapsed, the damage she suffered increased exponentially, and Long Fei also completed it in a short moment.

Hearing the sound of begging for mercy, Long Fei let go of his hand slightly, and his steps fell into a relatively safe position.

Aoya herself also confused God because Long Fei released her sword move, otherwise Long Fei would not be her opponent.

The crush on Realm is enough to beat Long Fei o

Long Fei coldly said, "Can you stop now?"

Aoya bared his teeth in pain, couldn't walk a little, and couldn't help rubbing his little ass with both hands.

Long Fei smiled and said, "Who can't walk now?"

Aoya stared at Long Fei without the anger at the beginning, but said, "Are you Long Fei?"

Now she has recognized Long Fei.

Long Fei said: "If you don't hit you, you won't recognize it."

Aoya's brows sank, rubbed her little butt, and immediately said, "Tell me, how did you know the superposition in Sword Technique?"

Immediately changed someone

no anger at all

Why peek at her bathing, learn her sword skills, steps, these are not important anymore, she just wants to know how Long Fei knows these things.

and o

Just now, Long Fei first learned about her weakness, and at the moment when the third sword fell, she felt the impact of an unprecedented power.


This is the real superposition

no o

It should be the move after stacking o

Aoya asked eagerly: "After the superposition is broken, how did you do it?"

"Tell me, tell me o"

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Guess what!"

Chapter two,

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