The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 937 Special System, Skill Exchange


This time Long Fei is really confused

The tomb that was kicked over by Long Fei began to crack.

Long Fei was shocked by everything in front of him.


"Impossible, the tombstone clearly says Feitian Nine-Rank, is the record on the tombstone wrong?"

Long Fei was excited, and the void landed on the entrance just now, saying: "The challenge starts from the first one!"

"Blood Eyes in Hokage? Is this also a skill?"

"Gui Wantu, Feitian fourth rank Realm, 477 years old, Transcend Tribulation failed o"


The cultivation method of the Huangling family is very unique, and Long Fei can't learn it.


and o

"It seems that something is wrong o" Long Fei was shocked, and immediately opened the system to check, "Xu Xian Ninth Grade?"

On the tombstone is clearly written Feitian eighth-rank, such a super giant can crush his existence with one finger, and he was actually killed by him.

With a loud noise, the tomb exploded, and a person rushed out of the tomb and shouted, "How could a little thief break into the Emperor's cemetery without authorization?"

"Tianwu God of War Wu Aotian's Tomb o"

suddenly o



and o

Long Fei glanced at the name on the tombstone and said slightly: "Dugu Qiu lost, Sword Devil?"

The five hundred superpowers of the Long family mysteriously disappeared. Long Fei suspected that it was the Heavenly Tribulation, but he did not see the names of the Long family, none of them.


The whole body is full of strong magic, and it is extremely cruel.

"If you can exchange some Cultivation Techniques of the undead series, who will the daddy be afraid of tomorrow?"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for beheading the ninth rank Sword Devil of the virtual immortal for gaining 1,500 experience points, 10 points of immortal power, and 1 point of energy"

"Wu Aotian, Feitian third rank Realm, four hundred and eighty-six years old, the most powerful player in the world, Transcend Tribulation failed!"

"bring it on!"

but o

Long Fei's heart tightened all of a sudden, beating too fast, the more he looked at it, the more his little heart couldn't bear it, "Demacia's sword of justice?"

Long Fei was a little angry, and kicked a tombstone over with a little force with one foot. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "Sorry, sorry, I really shouldn't..."

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining a special system, a skill exchange system!"

What would happen if the bodies of these powerhouses were exhumed and all absorbed?

"What is this?"

Special reminder: There is randomness in the special system. It only takes 12 hours to trigger one time. When the time expires, the system disappears.

The further you go, the more the cemetery seems to have no end. The further you go inside, the higher the Cultivation Base level of the deceased and the higher their living age.


Special System: Skill Exchange System

"Tomb of Tianwu Kuangzun Mengfang"

Long Fei looked at each of them, his scalp tingling, "Transcend Tribulation failed, Transcend Tribulation failed, all of them are Transcend Tribulation failures, and all of them are super giants from Feitian Realm."

This time it's a skill exchange o

"Nock's big move?"

"What's the use of running to a dead place, no Demonic Beasts, no monsters, how do I level up?"

Long Fei kept going deep into the cemetery and kept looking for it. He felt very strange, "Why is there no one with the surname of Long?"

Just when Long Fei was talking

"The barbarian king's big move?"

Graves big and small

Long Fei didn't sense any aura, which was completely different from what Qiu Wandao said, there is no danger here at all, "What I want is an upgrade o"

A sword hangs quietly beside him, a great sword burning with magic flames.

The voice fell o

"Do you want to check the exchange skills?"

man with bloodshot hair

If you can't succeed in Transcend Tribulation, you will either die of old age or be bombed.

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining skill exchange point 1"


he can't absorb o

"Isn't the catastrophe of the dragon family Heavenly Tribulation?"

"Angel's big move?"

"The Tomb of the Bafang Dobubu Wan Tuo"

talking room o

Long Fei was shocked

After walking like this for more than an hour, Long Fei still can't see the edge, this cemetery seems to be infinite.

"This is……"

The blood bar above Sword Devil's head bottomed out instantly


All because of Transcend Tribulation failure o

In the process of Longfei's upgrade, the system is constantly evolving and improving, and new functions of the system are triggered from time to time, which is also a normal thing.

Long Fei murmured o

"Let the daddy go to heaven o"

Because these skill moves are either from the anime or the hero skills in the game, they are extremely sturdy.

Dugu Qiu defeated Sword Devil and was hacked to death by him, how could he not be covered?

They were all bombed by Heavenly Tribulation before they turned five hundred.

Each tombstone records the name of the person, the Cultivation Base, and the age he lived. The only thing that is the same is that they all died of Transcend Tribulation failure!

very excited, indescribably excited

"Damn, and Devil Fruit?"

The powerful force broke through the crushing force, Long Fei moved his right hand, the Dragon Saber fell, and he slashed down at Sword Devil.

This also lets Long Fei know that the limit lifespan of Practitioners on Tianwu Continent is five hundred years old.

"Skill exchange system?"

The exchange system has already appeared, but it is the point exchange o

A powerful breath came out, and Long Fei's face was shocked. He was not afraid, but a little excited, and secretly said: "Is it possible that all dangers are in these tombs?"

Long Fei was a little confused, but when he looked at the blood tank above Sword Devil's head, he laughed and said, "Sword Devil, right?"

"Meng Fang, Feitian sixth rank Realm, four hundred and ninety-four years old, the first madman of the Demon Race, Transcend Tribulation failed o"

even worse than o

Long Fei roared in his heart, "Seventh-level Wushuang, open!"

Function: Exchange all skills, skill upgrade coupons o

"But... Heavenly Tribulation is even more terrifying!"

"I really don't want to disturb your sleep, but... that what... brother wants to upgrade, so I can only be sorry for you o"

Feitian Realm's Limit o

"No, no, no o" Long Fei covered his heart with one hand, and his whole body rolled with enthusiasm, "Damn rub, daddy is going to send it o"

can't imagine o

Many people's names are written on the tombstone o

He also thought that the tombs of the strong people in Tianwu Continent were all stolen by the Huangling family, but he didn't expect that the tombs of the strong people stolen by the Huangling family were just the tip of the iceberg.


"The art of reincarnation?"

However, he never thought to do so

His eyes stared at Long Fei, and he instantly crushed Long Fei.

Long Fei look up o

Long Fei raised his eyes and looked at the past, seeing all the tombs as far as the eye could see. He was horrified and murmured, "It's terrifying that there are so many Feitian realm powerhouses in Tianwu Continent."

"Check it out!" Long Fei replied, the interface in his mind changed, and there were many kinds of Cultivation Techniques, and... all of them were Cultivation Techniques that Long Fei was very familiar with.

"The characters inside?"

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