Time is changing, everything is changing

three years o

The day has finally come!

Tianfenglou o

"In seven days, the army of one million demons will be killed in the city of the Emperor of God."



"Have you heard? Long Fei, who disappeared for three years, is back."

Long Fei looked up at the sky and said slightly: "I don't know if he condoned it, but in their eyes, they are gods, we are just tiny ants, even if we die, they will not blink, more Don't say it's tears and sadness o"

in the void

They are waiting for Long Fei's order o


Long Fei, who disappeared for three years, returns to the City of God Emperor

Fu Yunshan was a little excited and said: "In the past three years, we have trained a total of 100,000 dead men, and we now have enough strength to overthrow the God Emperor Academy."

give up anything

Their lifespans are not limited by the laws of Tianwu Continent. They have unparalleled physical bodies and lifespans that can’t be exhausted for millions of years. They also bring countless magical powers from the outer domain.

These three years have been a torment for Taizun

"I want to follow him!"

"That kid from the Long family isn't dead yet?"

Just waiting for Long Fei's return

Since the day Long Fei disappeared, Fu Yunshan has been preparing for Long Fei's return.

The Western Demon Ancestor also laughed loudly, "Hahaha..."

In the pool of blood

"What's more!"

A big face smiled lightly: "There is me and you on the secret realm leading to longevity. We will be the first people in Tianwu Continent for thousands of years, hahaha..."

Long Fei sneered and said, "I believe in the Celestial Immortals hall, it is better to believe that there are ghosts in this world."

Feixian Realm, five hundred years of life

Fu Yunshan said slightly: "This is still the first day, still in God Emperor City, in a few days more and more people will come to join you, Long Fei, you are their hero, everyone is waiting for the counterattack God Emperor Academy to overthrow the tyrant?"


"And I!"

he endured everything

Qiu Wandao's eyes twitched, and he said, "Didn't the Supreme Master of Celestial Immortals have a good deal with the Western Demons? All the Underworld occupied by the Demons is assigned to the Demons, and the Demons can no longer invade, why suddenly How about gathering an army of millions?"

They're a little dumbfounded

Fu Yunshan's face froze.

Are they being deceived?


They did three years of preparation o

Fu Yunshan continued: "Long Fei, we have been preparing for the three years since you disappeared. Every Practitioner in Tianwu Continent remembers that it was you who changed their destiny. As long as you give an order, I believe that thousands of people can be called upon. With tens of thousands of Practitioners joining your faction, you don't have to worry about counterattacking God Emperor Academy o"

As long as Long Fei gave an order, they would be the first to rush to the God Emperor Academy, crushing all those high and mighty elders and deans into scum.

Everyone is afraid of death

No one can break through the shackles unless you make the Transcend Tribulation leap

This is a kind of self-seeking existence. Countless powerhouses in Tianwu Continent have been wiped out by the power of Heavenly Dao. For thousands of years, no one in Tianwu Continent has succeeded. Who can fight against Heaven?

"Long Fei brought hope to our ordinary Practitioner, and Nan Tian Dan changed our destiny!"

hearts are changing

"I'll go as well!"

Gu Tongtian kept putting pressure on him, he gritted his teeth and endured it. Those who achieve great things must endure ordinary people and cannot be ninjas.

everyone is looking forward to o

Immortal Domain large and small families, all Sects will be offered o

Long Fei was slightly taken aback when he heard the 100,000 dead soldiers, and a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart, then he put down the big pig's leg and looked at the people around him, saying: "Fatty asked me just now why I let those guards go, now I can tell you all o”

The Western Demon Ancestor smiled excitedly: "Old ghost, just do as we said before."

With Tiandou?

Transcend Tribulation Ascension?

"Fighting against God Emperor Academy, angering the deans of the Eighteen Martial Academy, and eight Immortal Palace Elders, Long Fei is the hero in my heart. After Long Fei, there will be no God Emperor Academy anymore, as is the Celestial Immortals Hall. same o"

"It's better not to die"

For three years, Taizun had been waiting for Long Fei to come out of the land of Death all the time. The stronger the pressure Gu Tongtian put on him, the deeper his hatred for Long Fei. This time he wanted to let Long Fei die without burial. land o

This is a legend that has been passed down for millions of years o

so o

because o

A powerful race from Outland o

The horn of resistance is about to sound!

From the beginning to the end, they never thought about Transcend Tribulation soaring, they were constantly searching, looking for the secret of immortality.

The people in the yard were also excited, looking forward to seeing Long Fei.

The sound fell o

This is a blood sea pond created with the blood of thousands of virgins. In the center of the blood pond, the blood Lotus flower sits in meditation, and the ancestors stare, and the whole person is instantly excited.

In the past three years, God Emperor Academy has been hated!

In the streets and alleys, the whole city of God Emperor is talking about Long Fei o

"It's better not to die!"

dragon o

as long as you live

God wants you to die, but God can't stop it!

"Everyone is talking about you in the streets and alleys. Now there are tens of thousands of Practitioners gathered outside Tianfeng Building, and they all come to rely on you." Fu Tianlong was extremely excited. These three years have been his happiest day, and he has never been so happy as now. o

For others, it is a legend, but for the Western Demon Ancestors, Gu Tongtian, a high-ranking professional, it is not a legend, but their life-saving straw, and it is also a fact. As long as you can open the secret realm, you can find the eternal life. You can have infinite lifespan and live forever.

As soon as Long Fei died, Gu Tongtian's last hope was shattered, so he could only wait to die!

The Demon Ancestor laughed wildly, the blood in the Blood Sea Pond tumbled, and the waves crashed on the shore, agitated by the sound he made, the unparalleled soul trembled in fear and groaned in fear!

At the same time, the Western Demon Domain o

The stronger he is, the more afraid of death he is

There is nothing more seductive than being alive o

Hei Dao asked, "Are you saying that these are all condoned by Taizun?"

It makes every Practitioner extremely excited. The God Emperor Academy has made everyone sad for the past three years. There is no longer the spirit of the First Academy. The God Emperor Academy is like a brutal monarch, constantly crushing everything.

"If you don't die, you will be able to open the Dragon Realm and the secret realm of longevity, hahaha..." The same is true of the Western Demon Ancestor, his lifespan is not long, this is nothing compared to a strong man of Feixian Realm. This kind of thing is even scarier o

"What did you say?"

"Long Fei is back!"

There are no mortals in the world of God!

third chapter,

The appearance of Long Fei ignited a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

"What a powerful person Taizun is, if he really wants to resist the demon army, the demon army will not drive straight into tens of millions of kilometers in just three years, burning, killing and looting all the way, and it is impossible for the city of the god emperor. become like this o"

Long Fei chewed on the big pig's leg and didn't speak.

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