The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 105: Movement From All Sides

Huahai, the Palace of the King of Hell is also called the Pavilion of the King of Hell!

One of the old men was stroking a goat's beard, his expression was extremely shocked, and he was reading the information that had just been sent by his servants in his mouth.

"Oh, is this a joke? Yejia actually rejected our invitation! It seems that someone has taken the lead, or Yejia has their own plans. It seems that their priorities are not very clear!"

"The letter actually concluded that Ye Muchen was an undercover agent planted by an evil organization in Huahai. The funniest thing is that Yan Lie can't even deal with a kid, and kills people with one move. Are all these **** just for free?"

"This seemingly inconspicuous Lingtian Academy is really full of talents. It's really funny. Jida Academy is simply a shame!"

Sitting in the subordinate position of the old man, a "543" man with a height of two meters, a broad chest and a round waist, with extremely developed muscles on his shirtless body, crisscrossed scars on his face, and an extremely ferocious expression, then handed over another piece of information.

"Master, please take a look. Maybe Ye Muchen is a little different from what we thought. This is what we know about his past and present. From the surface, there is nothing wrong with it."

The old man frowned slightly when he heard it and then continued to read.

"Ye Muchen, the young master of the Ye family in Huahai City of the Dragon Kingdom, once bullied men and women in Huahai and did all kinds of evil. Due to various physical reasons, his cultivation was limited, so he ended up with the title of useless person.

After reading this, the living King of Hell laughed sarcastically. This is simply a counterattack by a living waste, but who would believe it!

"Master, there is something about Ye Muchen that I don't know whether to tell or not. Maybe it can help us." The tone of the man with a fierce look seemed a little gloomy.

It was as if he was afraid that his too high tone just now would affect the living King of Hell who was still deep in thought.

"But it doesn't matter, I just happened to have aroused some interest in this boy." The Living King of Hell glanced at him lightly, and the dozens of young men around him were all frightened.

Judging from their auras, none of them are weak in strength, which is enough to show how terrifying the Living King of Hell is in their minds.

"Yes, sir. As far as I know, Ye Muchen may have some connection with the You family. Mr. Ye has visited the You family in the imperial capital more than once. It seems that he wants to promote a marriage with Miss You Yuexin of the You family!"

"Haha, I have heard this for a long time, but what I know is that the other party does not like Ye Muchen, who is a waste in the eyes of their You family. He has publicly humiliated Ye Muchen more than once. This is no longer a secret in Huahai. Got it!"

The Living King of Hell seems to understand the current situation of the Ye family very well, but he is a little confused about Ye Muchen.

"Sir, I think maybe we can use Youjia to attract Ye Muchen's attention. In this way, I think maybe forcing him to come to our King of Hell's Mansion is the safest way to let him taste some sweetness. That boy's character should not be Refuse, otherwise I will have to kill him myself!"

The man seemed very confident and his tone was very firm. It seemed that Ye Muchen was nothing in his eyes.

The Living King of Hell pondered for a while, then nodded, then shook his head and spoke slowly.

"I think there's something wrong with this. At least the Huahai psychic armed forces, the military region, and the old man of the You family are not fools. Besides, Old Ghost Ye is not as simple as you think. Do you really understand the background of the Ye family?"

"If it was just a wealthy family, it might not be a big deal, but you have to know that the Ye family used to have the protection of super strong people. Although it has been a hundred years, who knows if they still exist. People who practice martial arts live longer than ordinary people. You should be very clear about this!"

"Besides, do you think that the boy has the ability now, and it is not the result of an expert's preaching? Who would believe it! The problem is not as simple as you and I think, otherwise I would send someone to Ye's house to invite him in person? Okay, let's put this in advance Let go, but soon I think I will be able to determine what kind of trick Yejia is playing!"

The living King of Hell has cold eyes. In his eyes, the value of Ye Muchen is only the person behind him.

But he doesn’t know that Ye Muchen’s strength is not just as simple as killing the genius! It seems that he ignored the news about the soul clan, or he never thought about it!

"I obey, I will take my leave now.

The man bowed and saluted and then left the hall, while dozens of people around him followed the man's footsteps.

At this time, the living King of Hell took off the human skin mask on his face, revealing his handsome face, and his mouth had a deep vagina.

"No matter what the identity and background of that kid is, or whether he is really related to those organizations in the middle area, I will not let this ignorant guy go! There are two types of people who reveal their strength too early, one is a fool, and the other is a fool. It’s self-confidence, I hope he is the first one! It seems that the Palace of Hell has been silent for so long and it’s time to take some action!”

Huahai, Tianshang College

Eight law enforcers in the backyard sat around a man in green. The man looked serious and said, "Everyone, I think you already know why you are here. What do you think of what happened at Lingtian College?"

One of the subordinates, an old man, responded: "I guess it's nothing, he's just a young boy. Dean, do you really believe how extraordinary that boy's talent is?"

"Since the last war between Huahai Colleges, there have been very few talented guys appearing. I think Lingtian is just exaggerating as a gimmick to allow the college to accept more students! "

Another law enforcer said: "I agree with the second brother. I don't believe that Ye family waste has any ability... He just killed a few extreme weaklings by luck.

You must know that Jida Academy is not a hundred colleges, it just claims to be itself!" 1

"Remember the talented young spiritual master who came out of Huahai not long ago? [In the end, it was discovered that he only knew a few superficial things in the market, and in the end, he worked in vain and didn't even succeed in it."

"Furthermore, if the young master of the Ye family really has that ability, why doesn't he show up in a month? This is obviously just pretentious!"

However, a woman stopped the man's words unhappily and said with a smile: "I don't think what you said, I think your thoughts and starting point are very problematic. When the college is facing an embarrassing situation, will you not choose to stand up? What a naive idea!”

Looking at the eight law enforcers of Qishou Academy at this time, they have already divided into two groups. You and I are arguing with each other endlessly.

"Okay, okay everyone 2.4 please be quiet."

The man in green interrupted the dispute between several people, and then sighed: "Hey, no matter what the reason is, one thing will not change [that is, Ye Mukang's strength must not be underestimated! And it may threaten the current top ten colleges] Ranking situation!”

The man in Tsing Yi thinks highly of the quality of Ye Muchen.

This is slightly different from what others mean by "not to be underestimated", just because he is the acting dean of the Seven Sorrows Academy.

"In short, nothing can happen to Hua Hai. Let's go here today and prepare to go back and rest! I'm going to ask the master what he thinks about what happened in Lingtian?"

"And what's going on with the Soul Clan! If it's just Ye Muchen, I wouldn't be worried at all. What I'm worried about is him and the people behind him!"

Following the words, the man in green disappeared into the pavilion in the backyard. .

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