The moment he pulled it out, there was a splash of red water, and he was injured twice in a row. Xu Hen's screams became louder, and there was already a trace of panic in his heart.

The surrounding guests had already screamed in surprise when they saw this, and no one of the service staff and staff who came with the sound dared to stop him, because they all knew Ye Muchen's identity, and no one dared to step forward.

Ye Muchen punched Xu Hen's face one after another. The bloody mess looked very cruel, and blood had already splattered all over his body.

But still no intention of stopping.

"You are crazy, you will beat him to death!"

Yu Jiawen shouted anxiously and hurried over to pull Ye Muchen's shoulders.

Perhaps because the force of Ye Muchen's attack was too great, Yu Jiawen was thrown to the ground by the force that bounced back, his eyes filled with fear. This kid was a madman.

The few horses on the side were trembling all over and paralyzed with fear. They were just ordinary children who had just entered the society. They yearned for warriors, so they followed Xu Hen from the Academy of Sin.

I have never experienced such a bloody scene.

Each one of them seemed at a loss. They didn't even have the slightest intention of calling for help, and their minds went blank.

After Xu Hen's face deformed one after another, Ye Muchen stood up, shook off the blood on his hands, and picked up Yu Jiawen.

His face was filled with a sunny smile. The smile looked innocent and it was difficult to match the scene just now.

The screams around them continued unabated, and the guests all froze in place, staring at the bloody scene, stunned for a moment.

"Have someone throw this garbage on the ground outside the door. Call your manager. He will know what to do. As for the rest of you, just watch and deal with it. Everyone is free of charge today.

Ye Muchen looked at the service staff and said indifferently. Then he walked downstairs, and when Yu Jiawen saw this, he also chased after him.

"Just left like that?" She felt incredible.

"Otherwise?" Ye Muchen asked back.

"This, how is this possible? They didn't stop you. You know you just broke the tableware here. Is there still hope for that person?"

Yu Jiawen said hesitantly. She was very scared at this time. Yes, she really felt a bit of fear, that is, this guy was not acting according to common sense at all.

"Oh, it's nothing. I have a relative who is in charge here. There should be no problem. It's just that I don't come here often. I'm afraid of causing trouble to others."

Ye Muchen responded in an understatement.

"No wonder you are so familiar, but it seems that your relatives don't treat you well. You know where this place is. If they really care about you and support you a little, you won't get to this point. , look at what a gangster you are now."

She seemed to be relieved. Although Ye Muchen had cruel intentions, the other party was indeed a bastard.


Ye Muchen took off his coat and threw it in the trash can, "Why are you still following me?"

"I'll take you back to pick up the car, but can you please don't do this next time? You're just so scary." She took a deep breath, not knowing whether she was right or wrong in choosing him.

No matter how strong a woman is, the weakness in her bones cannot be changed.

"If you're scared, stay away from me. I'm just doing what I should do. It's not your turn to teach me what to do!" His voice was very cold.

Just because that kind of person would be a disaster for Ye Muchen.

Why do we have to wait until those guys hurt others before taking action? Then why is it necessary to take action? Nothing can be changed, so what's the point.

"Hmph, if you don't listen, why are you hurting others? If you just leave, you are just a blind wanderer."

Yu Jiawen felt aggrieved. She was obviously worried about him, but he didn't appreciate it. Who was he?

Ye Muchen looked at the Porsche that had already driven away, and looked at the blood splattered all over his body, which looked so dazzling in the hot sunshine.

What followed was a patrol vehicle armed with psychic powers roaring towards Emperor Ming, to which Ye Muchen felt nothing at all.

He walked slowly towards the direction he came from, not even taking care of the blood on his face and hands.

Many people thought he was injured when they saw this, but upon closer inspection, something seemed wrong. These days, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and no one dared to step forward and ask, "It's hard to figure out if he's being tricked.

When Ye Muchen came to Santana where he parked on the roadside, before he could get in the car, his cell phone rang suddenly.

The caller ID was his tutor Li Xueman, "Ye Muchen, why haven't you arrived at the college for so long? You must know that today is a very important day."

Ye Muchen pondered for a moment and couldn't understand. If he didn't go there before, it would still be the same. It seems that things are really changing invisibly. "I know the teacher, I have some things to deal with today, so I will go back immediately.

"Well, hurry up. The main reason is that the dean is looking for you." Li Xueman pointed out the key points on the other end of the phone, otherwise he was afraid that this kid wouldn't take it seriously.

But what she didn't know was that even the dean didn't care.

After Ye Muchen turned off the phone, he looked at the busy scene of traffic around him, feeling calm in his heart.

Then he drove towards Lingtian.

When he came to the academy, he suddenly understood something. Today's Lingtian was obviously more lively than before. Looking at the young men and women signing up one by one, it was obvious that they were recruiting students.

When Ye Muchen walked in, the atmosphere immediately became quiet, and everyone seemed very excited. 003 "Hello, Master Ye."

"Hello, Mr. Ye."

Everyone began to greet Ye Muchen respectfully.

He just nodded slightly and walked towards the center of the college. The scene was the same as before, and everyone's face was full of respect.

When Ye Muchen came to the class, Dean Duan Changhong was already waiting there, squinting and smiling: "You're here, kid."

"What's the matter?" Ye Muchen was confused.

"Let me talk to you about hunting alien species the day after tomorrow. If it were anyone else, I would definitely not have given any instructions, but as far as I know, the psychic weapons were raided two days ago while surveying the perimeter. Many people died. The most important thing is What's more, we have lost a small leader, and the situation is getting more and more serious.

Duan Changhong looked at Ye Muchen as if he wanted to know if the other party would be affected by this, but to his surprise, Ye Muchen seemed very calm.

"What does this have to do with me? The outskirts of the city are their territory. It's not normal for a few intruders to die!" Ye Muchen curled his lips and smiled.

"Huh? I just want to remind you to be careful. Although I know a little bit about your current strength, those who drown will die. You can't take it lightly. Lingtian still has to rely on you.

Duan Changhong sighed. He knew in his heart that the sooner he became famous, the easier it would be for people to notice him. There were pros and cons, and there were many jealous people. .

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