The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 120: Everyone Has Their Own Agenda

After hearing this, Lin Weiye's face turned livid instantly. If he didn't say it, he would die. If he did, he would probably not end well.

Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and said: "The owner... I really don't know him!"

Ye Muchen could tell from Lin Weiye's expression just now that this boy knew the whereabouts of Ji Gui very well, and it would be easy to deal with it as long as he stopped.

Then this trip was not in vain, Ye Muchen instantly threw Albert Lin at his feet.

"You're really not very smart!" Ye Muchen said viciously, without any emotion in his words.

Looking down at Albert Lin who was lying at his feet at this moment, he spoke in a dark tone: "If you don't say it, someone will always say it, and you can't escape death, so why bother!"

As he finished speaking, he stomped hard on the other person's face. Lin Weiye's face became more and more distorted with the force of his foot.

He didn't even have a chance to cry out in pain, his eyes were convex and horrified until he died.

After confirming that Lin Weiye was dead, Ye Muchen slowly stepped over his body.

Glancing at the members of the surrounding martial arts hall, the students who met Ye Muchen's eyes unconsciously lowered their heads.

But at this moment, a voice came from the Hama Martial Arts Cabinet: "The master of the gym is waiting for you in the backyard!"

"It's Nie Yuan!"

Someone heard this voice and exclaimed in surprise. This person was Nie Yuan, one of the top three warriors in the Huabin Martial Arts School.

It is rumored that Zai rarely appears in the martial arts hall. He is very proficient in ghost sword soul skills and has killed high-level warriors.

Ye Muchen looked in the direction of the sound and saw a well-proportioned man with a ghost-headed knife on his waist.

With dark skin, he kept looking at himself, and his tone was very calm, as if he was not shocked by Ye Muchen's performance just now.

Ye Muchen nodded slightly and after getting the location of Gui Ji Na's trash, he was not in the mood to stay here anymore. After all, they had nothing to do with him.

But he suddenly said: "I'm not very familiar with this place, please take me there."

Ye Muchen stared at Nie Yuan closely.

Nie Yuan did not refuse because he knew that this request itself could not be refused, judging from the man's methods.

The other party hates bargaining and even killing a few people is nothing in his eyes.

So Nie Yuanhe nodded and took Ye Muchen to the backyard. The backyard was a forbidden area but the rules were always meant to be broken.

Nothing stays the same.

Many martial arts students in the Huabin Martial Arts Hall looked at each other, and then quickly followed.

Someone is looking for trouble with General Jigui, and the prince of the Ye family is not only powerful, but also very cunning and ruthless in his attacks.

Naturally, they don't want to miss such a battle. Even if they know that they are likely to be severely punished after returning, no one is willing not to take a few glances.

Even at this moment, they seemed not to care that Ye Muchen had just killed their contemporaneous warrior.

The best thing about human nature is to leave things alone.

Ye Muchen knows very well that if you want to be a good person, you must be good from the beginning to the end. If you are a bad person, no matter how wrong you are, it will still be reasonable in the eyes of others.

Ye Muchen was following Nie Yuan at the moment and looked very calm, while more and more warrior members gathered not far behind him.

Two of them whispered: "Brother, this boy from the Ye family seems to be too arrogant. He doesn't take us seriously at all. He wants to cause trouble for General Guiji. I'm afraid the military region will also implicate us. And Smashing the facade of our Huaqi Martial Arts School is a slap in the face to all of us. I can’t swallow this breath!"

The man on the side laughed loudly after hearing this.

"What do you know? If the sign is smashed, it's gone. You can replace it. But if your life is gone, who will replace it for you? Sometimes, don't take your face too seriously. Living longer is the kingly rule. This is all for the elders. Let’s learn from the experience summed up by people’s blood.

"We're here...!" Nie Yuan stepped forward and said briefly to Ye Muchen behind him.

Ye Muchen looked at an arc-shaped square in front of him. The square was surrounded by dense jungle.

There is a high mountain a thousand meters away. How high the mountain is is unclear at night.

This made him feel a little incredible. This was an urban area, and there was no shadow of mountains at all from the outside.

But why can it be clearly seen here? It seems not that simple. There must be something!

The only thing he knew clearly at the moment was that the mountain was soaring through the clouds that one could imagine its height. Ye Muchen nodded and said coldly.

"It's no problem, you can leave. If I knew that you dared to play tricks on me, you would die miserably, I'm sure of it!"

Nie Yuan actually made Ye Muchen feel that this person was much more relieved than expected. The other party just nodded slightly and turned around and walked back.

Ye Muchen shrugged indifferently and thought to himself.

Not bad, at least this kid's psychological quality is more than a little stronger than others. If possible, he can be taken under his banner!

However, the two people in the crowd behind were still looking at Ye Muchen and chatting from time to time.

"Brother, that boy is powerful, but he is too arrogant, which has broken the rules of our martial arts school.

"It's not like you didn't see the warriors in our martial arts hall just now. They are now worse than dead. Some of their chests have been crushed."

After hearing this, Cheng He snorted randomly: "I know exactly what you are thinking. Don't pay attention to me unless I think you have lived enough!"

The young man on the side immediately closed his mouth and shook his head helplessly.

How could Cheng He not understand his little tricks? He had long wanted to find an opportunity to get rid of him.

Nie Yuan walked towards Cheng He who had just spoken, and asked lightly.

"I really didn't expect you, Senior Brother (Node), to come here. Aren't you preparing for the selection of the military region?

Cheng He sneered: "If I go to the military area, where can I go to see such a wonderful performance by Junior Brother Nie? I can't do this behavior of bringing people to the forbidden area in the backyard. I really have to admire you."

Nie Yuan's expression changed after hearing this, and he walked to the other side randomly. He didn't ask for trouble anymore. After all, he had always had a bad relationship with the people here.

However, Cheng He continued: "You'd better give up your unrealistic ideas. People like him can't help you, let alone whether he is the opponent of our host. Even if he is, he can't help you.

Then Cheng He continued: "I advise you not to think only about revenge. Some revenge may not be avenged, and some revenge may not be truly undying. If you are blinded by hatred, all the sweat you have put in over the years will be lost." Bai Liu, after all, death is only a matter of a moment, you understand very well!"

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