Kouyu gritted his teeth and said with hatred: "MD! I must punish these daring bastards! That damn guy who broke the love actually stepped in at this time! I have already said that there are so many psychic weapons. It’s impossible for this guy to be here!”

"But the commander-in-chief didn't allow the military region to intervene in the Psychic Armed Forces. Now, let's make a plan! Thinking about it, the intruder led by them is that kid from the Ye family. Damn kid, I will never spare you. !"

"It seems I need to take action personally!" Keyu was already in a state of rage.

After about a while, the sound of rapid footsteps came, and a man in a suit suddenly opened the living room door, followed by no less than a few people, all of whom were outstanding in strength and ability in the military region.

"Master Kou Yu, I heard that you were looking for me?" Wang Gou asked in a deep voice.

"Just call me brother here. There are not so many rules and there are no outsiders. You should also know the current situation of our military region. At least this has never happened before.

How do you think it should proceed now.

Keyu asked suppressing her anger.

"This depends on what the commander-in-chief will decide, but a lot of civilians should die. If Huahai wants to be glorious in the future, it will have to lose some soft-boiled guys in order to promote the future development of the city. The nature of war It's just so cruel, it doesn't hurt for us."

"Wouldn't it be better to kill with a borrowed knife? We can also involve some aristocratic families in the east in the chaos. I think the effect will be better. Naturally, we all know the strength of Commander He Xingren. It shouldn't be difficult to kill the intruders. If it’s really Ye Muchen, I have to admire his courage!”

Wang Gou said with a gloomy smile on his face, as if he enjoyed the chaotic effect, at least fishing in troubled waters is the best choice at the moment!

Just when the entire forbidden area of ​​​​the military area cabinet was turned upside down by the outside world, Heihua, Demon and the other three personalities were sitting boredly in front of the path of the military area cabinet passage, waiting for the arrival of the main personality Ye Muchen!

"I wonder what the outside world is like now!?"

The killer personality shook his neck a few times, but what he was thinking about was whether Duan Qing and the others were still engaged in a fierce battle with the trash in the military area.

"It's just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps. I think it shouldn't be difficult to deal with that guy Duanqing. Otherwise, how could he become the master's subordinate?" Swallowing Personality replied calmly.

"It seems that the road to follow the master's character in the future is still very long. In short, it is best to be able to open the clone and release it from time to time, otherwise the life in the cage will not be very pleasant!"

The Judgment personality smiled, but his expression turned gloomy.

At this moment, dozens of breaths suddenly broke into the scope of their personality perception!

"Here we come!" The black personality suddenly stood up and looked expectantly towards the dimly lit passage.

Judging solely from the strength of these dozens of auras, the five personalities knew that they were finally facing a big fish! Compared with the previous patrolling guards, these auras were obviously much stronger.

And mixed in these auras, there is a very tyrannical force slowly emerging. It is conceivable that the military region is worthy of being a military region. It seems really not simple, and there are weird things everywhere.

In just a few seconds, dozens of whooshing sounds were heard in the passage, and then the characters were fixed by the light on a group of guys who appeared not far from them!

Murderous intent! Pervasive murderous intent! Endless murderous intent...!

The demonic personality first started observing the group of people at the front!

Military general? It seems there are quite a few. After the devil's personality was confirmed, his face was full of excitement, and he couldn't help laughing.

He did not expect that he would meet several generals coming together so soon, which meant that there seemed to be a very important person inside. Could it be the commander-in-chief of the east? Maybe they had found it.

The five personalities did not feel anxious because of the strength of the other party, but instead looked excited.

After the demonic personality finished sizing up the military district guards and a few guys with strong auras in the front, his eyes instantly locked on the big-bellied man in the back!

This guy should be the leader among these people. This man is probably very powerful, haha, that’s interesting!

Other personalities also felt the opponent's strong aura of strength. Although the man was slightly bloated and had a round belly, it was still difficult to conceal his sharp edge.

While the personalities were sizing up their opponents, Jiu Xuan was furious and was sizing them up too.


The devil's face suddenly transformed into a skeleton and he lowered the brim of his hat. Black arrogance enveloped his skull, and a flat smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if it was a provocation!

Jiuxuan, as the person in charge of the restricted area of ​​the military region, apart from being the commander, only has the final say here. He has never been so arrogantly despised by an unknown person who doesn't know Shihe's origin!

"You pretend to be a fool, you ignorant guys actually dare to break into the military cabinet! Don't you know how to write the word "death"? Jiuxuan gritted his teeth and was extremely angry.

When several personalities faced Jiuxuan's clamor again, they just responded lazily and nonchalantly at the same time: "You don't seem to understand who we are. If you don't know, we can only say that you are ignorant, not that you are so different!


"Remember idiots, we are from Qingchen! We are an organization that has just been established, but after we kill you, it will be remembered by many people, haha!"

The voices just spoken by the personalities were all conveyed by Ye Muchen, because the personality can provide him with shared information, but the information of the main personality is not clear between the personalities. This is the ability to control personality clones!

"MD, kill them!" Jiuxuan roared forward.

"As ordered!" The subordinates around him replied in unison.

Then a group of guards locked their auras on the five personalities, and almost at the same time, like sharp arrows from a string, they flew in the direction of the personalities!

The killer personality's black hair was blowing in the breeze, and he calmly looked at these enemies who were several times their number!

"Bang!" A guy with the strength of a semi-general in the military region struck with a spiral airflow in his fist towards the face of the killer personality.

The killer personality cleverly avoided it, and in the next second, he walked around behind the man, gently raised his hand, and a bone blade appeared and slashed at the man's neck!

The harsh sound of "click" sounded, and the head of this powerful military region personnel immediately shrugged, and he killed Jiuxuan's powerful subordinates with just one understatement of Qingmao.

When Jiuxuan saw this, he was shocked and said to himself: "Who are these guys? It only took a few seconds from the time the opponent took action to the time he killed his ten martial-level subordinates! Bu?"

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