The next morning, Ye Muchen drove a sports car to Lingtian College early. Surprisingly, all the students in the college seemed to be afraid of him.

Although they still greeted each other, the timidity in their eyes could clearly be seen.

But this is easy to understand for him. After all, after something like that happened, everyone knows Ye Muchen's current temperament. He kills people if they disagree with each other. There is really no way to do it.

After returning to class, the noisy noise in Room 102 instantly became much quieter with his arrival.

Ye Muchen shook his head and returned to his seat, while Chen Kexin whispered from the side: "Mu Chen, is Judai really your mentor?"

He just smiled faintly and did not answer, and then asked: "Are you very concerned about this issue?"

"No, I'm just curious. Judai is really domineering and powerful. He suppressed the former commander-in-chief of Hua Hai and crushed two generals with one move. You may not know that the entire Lingtian Academy went crazy for it at that time!"

Chen Kexin looked very excited.

"Also, I heard that the Qingchen organization has been labeled as an S-class organization. It has never happened before that an organization that suddenly emerged has been assigned an S-class!"

"As expected of Judai, hehe, Eastern Huahai is very excited right now, but for others, you are very dangerous, because if others want to find that person, they will definitely focus on you."

Chen Kexin is different from others. She naturally wants to be long-term.

Ye Muchen has also considered this issue, but he doesn't care, because he is Judai. If there is really someone who is unscrupulous, just kill him.

While there were whispers in the room, Li Xueman walked in quickly, glanced at Ye Muchen, and said with a smile on his face: "Because the recent events have been quite sudden, the dean has made a temporary decision. As for the peripheral matters, The trial is temporarily cancelled.”

"As for when to try again, it depends on the decision of the people above, so you are lucky to be spared from mental pain!"

Li Xueman knew very well that these students did not really want to go to the outskirts of the city, at least it was very dangerous.

As she expected, when she finished speaking, the whole class cheered crazily. Ye Muchen had already expected such a result.

He shook his head helplessly and then stood up and walked outside. Countless people were awakened by Ye Muchen's actions, but no one dared to speak. Even Li Xueman just looked at Ye Muchen's leaving figure quietly.

"Hey, this kid." Li Xueman also knew that Ye Muchen naturally had nothing to learn in today's theoretical and practical classes.

Ye Muchen naturally walked towards the dean's office and barged in without even knocking on the door. However, there were three people sitting inside, including four with Duan Changhong.

The few people chatting happily were frightened by the sudden noise. Duan Changhong was about to curse angrily when he saw that the person who came was Ye Muchen, but he coughed twice.

"You didn't knock on the door first when you came in. Why do you think something happened?" Duan Changhong, who can be said to be an old and cunning man, saw Ye Mukang walking around like this and asked him to help him with something.

Ye Muchen raised his eyes and glanced at the two men and one woman on the sofa, then locked his eyes on Duan Changhong and said: "Have you gone to get the King's Curse? If not, I will get it back later!"

"Uh..." Fortunately, if he didn't say anything, the whole room would fall into a brief silence.

One of the men on the sofa looked up and down. Ye Muchen then said: "This is Dean Duan Changhong...don't you introduce me?"

"Haha, it's nothing. He's just an ordinary student in our academy. Brother Wang Dong, don't you really want to know what Lingtian's background is now? You might as well give him a try.

Duan Changhong narrowed his eyes slightly and it was obvious. Ye Muchen naturally knew the trick of this old guy. It seemed that some blind guy was here to make Lingtian uncomfortable.

"Huh? Is this good? Don't say that I bully him. You Lingtians don't look down on us, right? What kind of grannies and dogs just want to send us away? What do you think..."

Wang Dong obviously hadn't finished speaking yet. He heard a snap, and Ye Muchen's palm came in front of him, and slapped him out.

The loud bang immediately shook Wang Dong to the point of being confused. The other man and woman stood up in surprise, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

"Haha, you still have the nerve to laugh at me for this kind of rubbish, please continue to disturb me!"

Ye Muchen glanced at Wang Dong who was in a daze and then sneered: "If you calculate the time in half an hour, you may die if you don't take any measures!"

Naturally, the people in the room didn't understand Ye Muchen's words when he left, but they soon understood, and saw that Wang Dong's slapped face was gradually turning black.

It was obvious that he was poisoned, and it was not just a simple poison.

Duan Changhong shook his head helplessly and said: "Don't look at me like that, who calls you a bitch? I can't help you, but he is Ye Muchen!"

"What..." The three people's faces were full of shock. The inconspicuous guy just now was Ye Muchen!?

At this time, Ye Muchen ran all the way out of Lingtian Academy and got into his Lamborghini poison sports car. He was going to the Jida Academy to get back the Jidao Master Curse.

Today's streets are not as noisy as before, and they seem very deserted. Maybe they haven't recovered from yesterday's pain.

However, not long after driving, he found several cars following him. But upon closer inspection, he discovered the reason. It should be his grandfather's handiwork.

Hey, I don’t know what the old man is thinking. Does his current strength need to be protected?

Then he made a phone call, and it became clear that Ye Batian said it was very simple, just to find a few servants for him to help him, and if he needed anything, just give them an order.

Everyone is equipped with a walkie-talkie, etc.

Ye Muchen seemed helpless but could not refuse. He drove his sports car through this seemingly deserted street. Perhaps it was also because of a very early reason that there was always a white mist blocking his sight.

Maybe it rained yesterday and there was still a smell of rain and moisture mixed with a light mist until early in the morning.

The headlights stretched the raindrops, and at this time Ye Muchen's Lamborghini Poison was parked at the intersection not far from the Jida Academy. Its sudden appearance attracted the attention of countless people.

This Lamborghini poison sports car, limited to nine units in the world, is worth close to 100 million and is almost difficult to buy. It can be said to be a mobile luxury villa.

"Who the hell is this? You are so awesome and bought this car!"

"Keep your voice down, he must be a young master from a certain family. Anyway, we can't afford to offend him."

"Who said that if the paint was accidentally scratched, then we would be in trouble, and we might become slaves to this car for life, because even we can't afford to pay for it in our lifetime.

"Well! Didn't you see that the dozen or so people standing behind the car all looked neat and ready to go? I think we should stay away. It's obvious that the owner of the car is not a good person!"

Many people in Jida Academy were talking among themselves. .

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