Looking at Ye Muchen who was full of murderous aura, Dong Buli suddenly narrowed his eyes and had a certain answer in his heart.

Now he was very sure that if he refused, the other party would kill everyone present without hesitation.

This is the so-called right to speak of the strong!

Ye Muchen made his attitude clear from the beginning, and his performance reached a new level. He had no reason not to believe it.

After all, no one would choose to risk their lives to test the opponent's bottom line!

Ye Muchen truly deserves to be a member of the Ye family, and these methods are almost used to the extreme!

He also knew very well that the third elder would definitely die later. It could be easily seen from Ye Muchen's eyes that he had no intention of letting him go.

This kid is indeed a ruthless person. Such a decisive and ruthless guy who does things regardless of the consequences is no longer common in today's society!

A person cannot stand firmly if he is not ruthless, Dong Buli has seen this today!

Ye Muchen looked around slightly and chuckled, "It seems there are quite a few people who want to cause trouble for me!"

Dongbuli was very surprised to hear this, and Waizhong quickly asked: "What do you mean...?"

At least at this moment, they have no intention of giving Ye Muchen a try.

At this time, a powerful murderous aura gradually spread in the air at the main entrance of Jida Academy. Since the door of Jida Academy had already been blown away by Ye Muchen, the other party walked in easily.

What caught the eye were two men and one woman. The woman had a graceful figure and was tightly wrapped in a red tights. Her proud body lines were very distinct against the clothes, making countless people look at her.

As for the two men, one has a handsome face and the other has an ugly face. It is unclear whether these two men did it intentionally. This combination will really attract the attention of many people.

Ye Muchen suddenly said to Dong Buli: "After I deal with them, remember to send the extreme pressure curse!"

"No problem!" Dong Buli didn't even hesitate at all, but answered very readily.

Ye Muchen shrugged and ignored Dong Buli, but kept his eyes on the three people who came here.

It can be easily judged from the murderous aura on the opponent's body that he has killed no less than a thousand people, and at least his aura is intimidating compared to his own!

Dong Buli also felt strange. What happened today? This kind of thing has never happened before. Who are they? It seems that they came for the young master of the Ye family, otherwise it would not make sense.

Ye Muchen naturally knew who the other party was. The reason was actually very simple. The aura on his body was that of the same group of people who kidnapped his uncle before.

Although the auras on their bodies have changed to some extent, the labels of floating and sinking will not change. Ye Muchen has studied this in detail before.

However, if he meets a truly extremely powerful member of the Floating and Sinking Organization, this may not be too obvious, but at this moment he is very sure that the other person is a member of the Haicheng Floating and Sinking Organization!

The woman who was the leader of the three people looking at each other said with a smile: "Hey! It seems that the Jida Academy is quite lively today. I didn't disturb Master Ye, did I?"

The other party stared at Ye Muchen with disdain, his murderous intent becoming more and more obvious.

Ye Muchen's aura did not weaken, but the other party didn't care, and instead dared to do it. This attitude showed that the other party was very confident in his own strength.

This also makes Ye Muchen feel more and more interesting!

Maybe Blood Soul can just use these three people to practice. It's hard to find such sparring partners for a true martial arts trial.

How could Ye Muchen miss such a good opportunity, but there are still some things that need to be clarified, but whether they can be clarified depends on whether the other party is willing to answer his questions.

Ye Muchen lowered his voice very low, even a little hoarse, "Haha, beautiful lady, are you interested in playing with me? I promise to give you an experience you have never had before!"

As a result, the murderous aura on the faces of the two men behind Xiaodie became even stronger.

It was obvious that when Ye Muchen finished speaking these words, the other party was already determined to kill him!

Just when Fushen and Shen were about to take action, they were suddenly stopped by the woman in front of them, who shook her head.

Then Yan Xiaodie's delicate little hand made a motion of wiping Ye Muchen's neck.

This kind of behavior adds a lot of indescribable charm to her. It is undeniable that Xiaodie looks like a top beauty, and perhaps because of her high strength, a unique temperament is more attractive.

But Ye Muchen is not a soft-hearted person. As long as he wants to kill someone, no matter how gorgeous you are and how powerful your charm is, there will only be one outcome!

He doesn't have any good impression of the woman in front of him, just because she is a member of the Floating and Sinking Organization. There is a saying that he knows very well that the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is!

"Prince Ye Muchen has a bounty of 130 million, plus 300 alien magic cores. What an attractive number this is!"

Yan Xiaodie stroked her black hair and whispered softly.

Ye Muchen smiled slightly, "I can't see that my life is worth so much. No wonder you are so concerned about me, tsk tsk!"

"I admit that your reputation and strength of the Floating and Sinking Organization are recognized in surrounding cities, but this does not become the capital for you to do whatever you want. At least you are not even shit in my eyes. If you can, you should be said to be Floating and Sinking in my eyes, but They’re just a bunch of trash!”

Wow!" Ye Muchen's arrogant words seemed very indifferent, but in fact they impacted the hearts of countless people present.

No one thought that Prince Ye would say such words. It would be a disaster.

And he said it in front of the other party. Even Dean Dong Buli and several other elders and mentors had to start a new evaluation of Ye Muchen.

Who dares to be so indifferent to ups and downs? The other party is composed of the number one organization in Haicheng, and the other military regions and psychic armed forces are all hurt by them.

Everyone stood up one by one, staring at Ye Muchen's figure, feeling a little confused. This prince of the night is indeed not comparable to ordinary people!

The three people in Fushen had cold faces and extremely ferocious expressions. The two people behind the woman looked at each other. They quickly understood the meaning in each other's eyes, stood up and jumped into the air, and began to cast spells on each other.

"This is?" Dong Buli was so shocked by the performance of these two people that he was speechless.

How familiar these two people must be and how many times they have cooperated before they can cast spells on each other.

It’s not difficult to understand from the names. These two people combine the attributes of martial spirits to form a more powerful dual-attribute martial spirit!

The expressions of the elders and instructors of Jida Academy became serious.

I don’t know why they, who were shouting and killing just now, are now worried about Ye Muchen. Maybe it’s because they are Huahai people!

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