These words fell into the ears of the floating and sinking people above, but they chuckled, and snorted heavily, "Thunder Soul, Double Thunder Holy Flash!"

I saw an extremely huge thunder-shaped sphere, carrying an extremely domineering aura, flying crazily towards Ye Muchen below.

The air pressure generated is enough to overwhelm everyone, not to mention the pressure generated in the air.

If this big thing really explodes, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of blow it will bring to Jida Academy and the surrounding areas. Some students have even run away as far away as they can.

No one expected Ye Muchen to catch it, and how could anyone catch such a large lightning sphere.

Dong Buli's old face sank, and he shook his head helplessly, feeling a little regretful but mostly as if he had seen through it all.

No matter who wins or loses among these people, it will not do any good to the Jida Academy, but Ye Muchen is also a demon student who has emerged from Huahai!

The elders of the Jida Academy had no time to think too much and had already begun to form formations, hoping that the combined barrier could reduce the aftermath of the impact so as not to hurt more people.

The peripheral psychic weapons and people in the military area looked at the fierce thunder sphere, and their hearts had already gone cold. MD was going to demolish their homes!

Just when the lightning-like ball of light in the sky was about to hit Ye Muchen657, the next second, a murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.

The sickle in his hand moved across the entire sphere from time to time in the air. The entire movement was smooth and smooth, without the slightest delay, as if it was accomplished in one fell swoop.

And Ye Muchen's figure has long since disappeared, and no one even noticed where he was at this time.

The two floating people in the sky also frowned. It's impossible, it shouldn't be, under the pull of such a powerful force field, the other party can actually disappear?


A huge wave like the sky directly broke through the surrounding air, like an atomic bomb, carrying a terrifying explosive force, and instantly resounded at the location where Ye Muchen just stayed!

A huge mushroom cloud began to rise, blurring the vision of everyone around it, and many people were even knocked away by the huge impact.

But what is surprising is that the lightning did not dissipate. Instead, it kept spinning as it broke through the ground. It suddenly flew up and continued to wreak havoc in the surrounding area. The Yida Academy Square had now become dilapidated!

The door and window glass of Jida Academy also shattered under the huge impact. In an instant, the pieces were scattered all over the sky. It was so spectacular!

The two kept looking for (bcda) Ye Muchen's position in the air. Ye Muchen was not that far away from the two.

He has been observing why the thunder-attribute energy raging everywhere below has been dissipating for a long time.

Then Ye Muchen knew the answer. The reason was that there was a transparent light that was difficult to see clearly in the hands of the two men, which was closely connected with the huge sphere.

"So that's it!" Ye Muchen sighed in his heart.

Just when Ye Muchen was about to take action against the two of them, something suddenly changed, and he saw the huge sphere below flying towards the gathered people in the academy.

Lan Ruoxi's figure was among them. She had just returned and looked a little confused looking at everything in front of her. But when she saw Ye Muchen, a hint of excitement suddenly appeared on her face.

But before she could speak, she saw the huge ball of lightning rushing towards her.

This made everyone in the Jida Academy feel very angry, and it was really despicable.

Countless people looked at Lan Ruoxi's figure and screamed.

"Get away quickly, Miss Ruoxi!"


Everyone knew that Lan Ruoxi and others would definitely die if they were hit.

Dong Buli was so anxious after seeing this that he jumped down quickly, but it was too late at this moment.

"Boom!" With the billowing smoke and dust, Ye Muchen moved quickly. His attack just now was just a test, because he was very aware of the opponent's instantaneous improvement in strength, so he could not succeed easily.

So the moment he launched the attack, his entire figure was already moving quickly, in order to confuse the opponent's attack!

But they actually took action against Lan Ruoxi, which he didn't expect!

It seems that Fushen has really investigated himself! Otherwise, he would not know the people he has come into contact with.

The crackling sound from the explosion had already explained everything. The lightning energy had indeed hit, but what exactly it hit, no one could see clearly for the time being.

When the smoke dissipated, only one person was seen hugging Lan Ruoxi's body tightly, and Dong Buli was not far behind Lan Ruoxi. Who else could this person be besides Ye Muchen.

When the smoke and dust completely dissipated, just as the two people who were floating and sinking had not expected, Ye Muchen stood there indifferently, and the clothes on his body that had become extremely torn were still shaking in the cold air.

The shirt on Ye Muchen's body had long been torn, and blood was spreading down from his back.

A drop of hot sweat gradually began to appear on his forehead, and a tingling sensation in his buttocks instantly appeared in every corner of his body.

"Blocked, blocked? How, how is it possible?"

Everyone was staring at Ye Muchen at this moment, all of them looked extremely flustered, and their hearts were filled with shock and endless shock.

"He, is he still human?"

The students of Jida Academy all opened their mouths in shock. How did he do it? Ye Muchen's physical body was so strong that it was not shattered by the huge force!

Dong Buli's eyes were full of gratitude, which was beyond words.

But Ye Muchen never glanced at them from beginning to end. He just hugged Lan Ruoxi tightly and showed a painful smile.

Lan Ruoxi was stunned, looking at Ye Muchen who had an extremely painful expression. She was already stunned on the spot, as if the whole world had stopped.

He, he bled. This was the first time she saw Ye Muchen bleed in battle. It was for the blood she shed.

Why is he doing this? Is he worried that he will die...?

But isn't he afraid of death? Is it worth it for himself? Lan Ruoxi's mind went blank for a moment and she looked extremely messy. She opened her small mouth tremblingly, but could not make any sound.

Dong Buli felt relieved instantly, because if Lan Ruoxi and the Lan family died here, it would be an irreparable damage to the Jida Academy in the future.

An intriguing smile finally appeared on his face, as if he had made an important decision, and the eyes of the other elders and mentors of Jida Academy were also filled with indescribable tenderness.

From this moment everything changes!

At present, the students of the Jida Academy, the people and the military personnel of the Psionic Armed Forces Department who are watching from the outside, can be regarded as truly knowing how terrifying a powerful man's body is.

Not only them, but also the faces of the two people in the Floating and Sinking Organization were full of disbelief.

Yan Xiaodie was even more shocked by the other party's powerful physique and was speechless.

As if he had received some huge impact, his eyes had already changed slightly.

It was a sign of deep shock and fear.

After letting go of Lan Ruoxi, Ye Muchen tore the tattered clothes on his body to pieces, revealing his strong body. .

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