Ye Muchen just looked ahead, and the yellow sand in the sky kept dancing.

However, the next second suddenly his feet began to tremble uneasily, and the ground continued to bulge.

The huge tearing sound made Ye Muchen cover his ears.

What followed was a huge, bright mechanical device, about tens of meters in length.

Just when Ye Muchen looked up and down and couldn't figure out what he was going to do.

The door to the cabin suddenly opened, and a dozen men in white clothes with masks slowly walked out.

Next to them were some guys wearing camouflage uniforms and holding heavy weapons.

The man with glasses at the head walked slowly towards Ye Muchen. After looking at it for a while, he smiled and said, "Where are your teammates? Haven't they come in yet?"

Hearing this, Ye Muchen replied coldly, "It's just me!"

"Huh? This..." Meng "570" Fei couldn't believe it. He was the investigator who came to the alien area during this period.

He couldn't react after hearing Ye Muchen's words.

I don't understand what's going on with the registrar and how he let a kid in alone.

After thinking for a long time, Meng Fei smiled and said: "This is the first time that you have been in this situation, because there has never been anyone who wanted to enter here alone before."

"Come in with me, and then you will be randomly transferred to an outlying location. I have to remind you that if you want to get a bargain, I think you should stop thinking about it. If you feel uncomfortable, go back early!"

Perhaps Meng Fei couldn't bear it when he saw Ye Muchen was so young, so he gave a slight reminder.

Ye Muchen now understands a little more after hearing what the other party said. At least he is not stupid.

No wonder there weren't many people when we first entered the outer area. It was a deserted area. It turned out that it had to be transported.

I have to say that these people are quite smart, which can make it difficult for alien species to discover where humans really live.

At least from the outside, there is no difference.

When entering the cabin, except for the brighter light and the sound of some mechanical equipment, there was nothing major.


During a violent tremor, the machine began to sink slowly. Ye Muchen would describe it more like an ultra-modern elevator.

Ye Muchen looked at the people walking back and forth in the cabin, feeling calm in his heart.

I feel like a serious criminal at this moment, who is about to be imprisoned somewhere. This feeling is quite exciting!

Who would have thought that there would be a cave in the deserted underground.

Then he turned his attention to the screen in the cabin. From the information fed back on the screen, it could be clearly seen that almost every instrument within a few kilometers radius controlled it.

It is monitored 24 hours a day by armed personnel who patrol from time to time.

Especially when the screen scans a sign, the two large characters "Restricted Area" are particularly eye-catching.

Ye Muchen had no words and no one wanted to communicate with him during this period.

After descending to a position several kilometers above the ground, he followed Meng Fei out.

People in white uniforms can be seen everywhere inside, busy with their own manual work.

When they saw Meng Fei arriving, they all nodded and said hello.

Almost every ten meters you walk you can see security guards wearing camouflage uniforms and holding heavy machine guns walking around.

Looks more like supervision.

However, Ye Muchen can easily feel that the strength of these warriors should be quite high, but compared to him, they are really worthless!

As Ye Muchen followed Meng Fei deeper, he stopped when he came to a closed door where body scanning was performed.

After briefly confirming his identity, the closed door slowly opened.

"Meng Fei is here!" an old scientific researcher said respectfully.

"Well, how prepared are you for what I'm going to tell you?" Meng Fei glanced around and said lightly in response.

"The things have been made and are in the storage room. However, the new equipment you want may be a little difficult, but it is also very well improved."

Meng Fei nodded after hearing this, and then a man walked out of the storage room, took out the main miniature container and slowly opened it.

As bursts of white ice mist slowly rose, I saw a finished garment consisting of a top, pants, and shoes.

Ye Muchen was attracted by this dress at first sight.

But Meng Fei nodded with great satisfaction, took his things and left with Ye Muchen without saying too many words.

"You should be curious, what is the purpose of this clothes? In fact, I won't make you laugh if I tell you. It's just a special combat costume customized to resist alien species and avoid minimal damage!

"Since it is a research and development product, it can also be called an experimental product. It should not be perfect yet. You happen to be alone, so I will leave this to you to put on. Otherwise, I would not waste any time on purpose to bring you here!"

Although Meng Fei still looked cold, his words were quite polite...

"Is it that simple? You sound like I'm the first person to wear costumes?"

Ye Muchen felt a little unbelievable, at least when did he start to become lucky.

"Of course it's that simple. When you put it on, it has some simple functions. If you can use it perfectly, it may be helpful to you. I just don't want you to be in the battlefield!"

"As for the reason, you are very similar to my brother, but he..."

When Meng Fei talked about this, Ye Muchen felt that the other party was a little sad, although he covered it up well.

But it can be seen that this man must miss his younger brother very much.

Then he took it without hesitation and put it on.

The moment I put it on, the clothes seemed to fit Ye Muchen's body shape on their own, and the size was just right.

He is not worried about any problems at all, at least he knows his own strength very well.

If there is really any problem here, he will make the necessary response as soon as possible.

It was just as he thought, it was just a white dress with a hat, which was quite comfortable to wear.

It feels very light, maybe this is the characteristic of this suit. 5.4

"How do you feel?" Meng Fei asked.

"It's not bad, I just don't know if it's as useful as you said, but I don't want to try it haha!"

Ye Muchen is very satisfied.

Meng Fei nodded and smiled: "That's good, I will take you out next, and you will be randomly transferred to a place, maybe inside a building, in the desert, maybe in a deserted alley.

Anyway, anywhere is possible. "

"But you don't have to worry. It's almost all on the outside. There aren't any powerful aliens. Maybe you can meet other warriors inside and form a team. I wish you good luck!

Ye Muchen didn't feel much after hearing it, but he was very calm anyway.

Perhaps he is the only one who doesn't care about the difference between the periphery and the core.

The purpose of his coming here is just to have a deep understanding of what kind of world the outer area is like!

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