At this time, Ye Muchen was walking towards the rooftop, because he clearly heard the sizzling sound that seemed to be made by communication equipment at the entrance of the rooftop.

When Ye Muchen came to the rooftop, he could clearly feel a chill coming over him.

The rooftop seemed very empty. Except for the corpses and blood scattered not far away, there were no other changes. The sky was gray.

The frequency signal emitted by the "Zizi" communication equipment made a harsh sound. Ye Muchen quickly walked to the corpse and looked at the other party's mutilated arm tightly grasping the communication equipment.

He picked up the incomplete arm and pulled the communicator out of the opponent's hand.

"Zi..." The signal sound that kept echoing in his ears made Ye Linzhen exude a feeling of comfort to the core.

"Zi... This is the Lieyan Team. Can Jing Yan accept this news? If so, please reply..."

Ye Muchen listened to the voice coming from the communicator, then smiled and said: "The person you are looking for may not be here anymore!"

"Huh? Are you..." The other party seemed a little surprised. After making slight adjustments, he hurriedly asked.

"The warrior who just entered here!" Ye Muchen's cold voice made the other party feel a little uncomfortable.

"Where are you now? You Yan is dead, right?" The other party still asked in disbelief.

"It's an abandoned hospital, I'm not sure about the details!" Ye Muchen dropped the communication device from the rooftop after finishing his words.

Because the communication equipment made him feel very noisy.

Squeak... The young man in a tent felt as if his ears exploded the moment Ye Muchen dropped the communicator.

"Brother Sheng Qiang, is Jing Yan gone?" A thin girl stared expectantly at the man who was always holding the communication device tightly.

"I don't know, maybe. It's just that the person who just sent the message back was another person, and it seems to be another warrior who entered the alien area. I think Kushiro must be dead!"

A touch of sadness flashed across Lin Shengqiang's tough face.

"Was... was he killed by that person?" Xue Ge couldn't believe it.

"I'm not sure yet, but judging from the other party's tone and attitude, it's very possible. Otherwise, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with an ordinary junior alien with Jing Yan's strength."

Lin Shengqiang had a hint of doubt.

Immediately afterwards, the broadcast in the area where their Flame Team was stationed suddenly rang!

"Now please receive this news. The warriors who are still in the alien area and want to be stationed, except for the military area personnel, please evacuate to a safe area and prepare to return!"

"Due to the strange movement that occurred in the Magical Forest just now, a powerful alien species may have been born. For the sake of safety, please evacuate the area where the alien species is active quickly!"

"People living here, please be prepared for defense. According to preliminary surveys, there are several areas where powerful viruses are produced combined with some inexplicable organic matter."

"Thus, a brand-new virus is formed. The virus newly born in the heterogeneous area is extremely infective to the heterogeneous species, and there are signs of expansion and spread in other areas. It is currently impossible to speculate how much these viruses will have on the heterogeneous species. Effectiveness!”

"This new virus in the heterogeneous area is extremely destructive. It can quickly kill infected organisms and can control walking. The infected body is very sensitive to flesh and blood, and it is an extremely dangerous virus that can be transformed."

"After killing the creatures, the body will be transformed and produce more mutations, or low-level alien species will also open their minds!"

"So I hope everyone can rush to the military area closest to the alien area as soon as possible and seek shelter from armed personnel. We will also send more armed forces for rescue!"

The radio station continued to broadcast repeatedly, but the people who were frequently active in the alien area at this moment were all stunned, unable to calm down for a long time.

What does this news mean? It represents the birth of a new type of alien species. This is simply the beginning of a nightmare for the people living here.

There are actually many people living in the heterogeneous area. Because they cannot enter the city, they have been isolated by the city for fear that they may carry the virus.

Therefore, they would rather kill them by mistake than let them go. From time to time, some warriors would attack them indiscriminately.

To them, the humans and armed forces in the military area are far more terrifying than the alien species.

Therefore, people living here will hardly get close to the military area, and many even form their own forces to hunt down new warriors and military area personnel who enter here!

Ye Muchen heard it clearly because the announcer's voice in the hospital's broadcast room sounded so harsh just now.

He quickly stood up and walked towards the edge of the rooftop. He wanted to see how bad the alien area was now.

He stood on the edge and looked around, with a look of disbelief on his face.

…Please give me flowers…

Although he has never seen what the real apocalypse is like, the current alien area may be more terrifying than the apocalypse!

Countless vehicles parked everywhere on the street where the abandoned hospital was located. Many rusty and weathered cars collided with each other. The shops on the roadside were already dilapidated.

Trash can be seen everywhere dancing in the cold wind, and there are countless corpses and mutilated limbs intertwined with each other on the streets, making it look extremely desolate.

The pungent and unpleasant smell of blood swept through everything, and from time to time, beasts like vultures could be seen chewing on the corpses.

Some look quite fresh, but that's not all. Looking at thousands of low-level alien species wandering aimlessly on the streets.

They were more like a group of devils, gathering together in front of human corpses and eating crazily, and Ye Muchen even saw many canine beasts among them eating the broken corpses on the ground on the street.

They are even biting the bodies of alien species in their mouths. This should be because they are hungry to a certain extent, or they are beasts that attack at will.

It is conceivable that this place must have been very prosperous in the past, but now it has become a world of alien species. Is this really the outskirts of the area where aliens can live alone?

He knew very well that these ferocious canine beasts were definitely more dangerous than low-level alien species.

However, what disappointed Ye Muchen was that there were no traces of human warriors except for a lot of corpses.

But the place is not full of alien species. The alien species are only concentrated near the area where he is active. There are only scattered alien species and beasts wandering in other places.

He didn't understand how powerful the virus mentioned in the broadcast was for the alien species, but it was obvious that the humans still operating here would be very reluctant.

But he also knew that those so-called viruses seemed to be ineffective against humans, but had obvious changes in strength against alien species, but he was not sure yet.

Because of his system, if there is any danger, he will be notified immediately, so he is not worried about any changes.

But from the broadcast just now, he was sure that there were many people living here, or people who wanted to hunt for alien magic cores later, and there were also people stationed with armed forces!

In contrast, people living in the city feel like they are living in paradise, and this is obviously Hell Mountain!

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