When the old man regained his subjective consciousness, he was surprised to find that everything in front of him was completely black.

But he was standing on an inexplicable empty ground, with countless black shadows tied around his body, as if he was tied up in a cage.

Countless sharp black scythes stayed strangely in the air, as if they might fall down at any time.

"Death in pain may be the best salvation for you! You are not worthy of being my kind. You are right. We have similarities, that is, we are too dark deep in our hearts. But obviously the difference between you and me is , I really enjoy the benefits of this ability!”

A strange and indifferent voice slowly came from behind the old man, and he looked towards the source of the voice.

I saw Ye Muchen standing quietly behind him at some point, with an indifferent face and eyes without any emotion.

"Haha, you are also a lunatic. Why are you pretending to be a good person? You have already said that we are the same kind of people. I have lived here for decades and my heart has long since died. Facing all kinds of humiliation and oppression, you You know, those people deserve to die, all of them deserve to die!"

"I never had any mental illness. I was sent here just because I offended some villains. I was sent here for body research and transformation. It was here that I became neither human nor ghost. They all deserve to die. All of them deserve to die. !You deserve to die too, otherwise I will definitely kill everyone I meet!"

The old man kept roaring, unwilling to do so. But there is nothing we can do!

Ye Muchen also understands very well that this old man is just a puppet who speaks for that guy! But it sounds like the other person also has a tragic fate!

"You are the only person here who has been successfully reformed. While Lin Chen's tone was cold and he seemed to want to confirm this, he now had another idea and wanted the other person to become his subordinate.

A member of the Qingchen organization, because he needs this kind of person very much, and has the same so-called unwillingness to restrain the world!

In other words, this space right now is the spiritual world created by Ye Muchen's thoughts using his Demonic Eye Technique. Under the pressure of time and space, this old man puppet cannot resist at all.

"I have to say that your speech is wonderful! But it has no effect on me. I have no mercy for people like you. Poor people must be hateful, unless you agree to become my slave!"

The indifferent voice in Ye Muchen's mouth just fell.

The rows of black sickles floating in the air descended instantly as if they had received an order.

It struck hard at the old man who was bound by the shadow!


Blood spattered, and the sharp sickles slid down one after another, which looked particularly spectacular, as if thousands of arrows had pierced his heart, all piercing into his flesh.

The pain that was worse than death instantly spread to every corner of his body.

His pupils couldn't help but widen, and he let out a hysterical wailing sound from his throat.

In the spiritual world composed of demon pupil magic, the old man was scratched by continuous sickles, which was heartbreaking...

Ye Muchen looked at the old man in front of him indifferently, his eyes were unusually calm, or he had long been accustomed to it.

It was as if the enemy's painful screams could not arouse any emotion in his heart.

The old man's body was covered with blood and wounds. The bloody scene was so shocking, and his face looked very pale, without any color...

But his body was covered with countless scratches made by sickles, and his flesh was tumbling with blood.

In addition, the dark white bones exposed all over the body make people feel a numb scalp and fear! The level of blood is even more frightening than that of purgatory.

One can imagine how painful the soul-stimulating torture he just experienced was for him right now!

"You have only one choice now: Either reveal your true form and follow me, or I will destroy the mental control you are proud of now!"

Ye Muchen said slowly, his eyes always staring at the old man. Under the blood light, his face was extremely cold, as if there was no unnecessary expression.

The old man held back the severe pain all over his body, gritted his teeth, looked at Ye Muchen coldly, and forced out words of disbelief: "How is it possible, how can you have such mental strength?"


"Do you need to ask such a stupid question? Maybe you don't understand the principle of being outside the world!" Ye Muchen's cold voice was like a death knell.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw hundreds of scythes in the air, accompanied by his cold words, like countless streams of light flying in all directions, piercing the sky in the harsh sound of breaking through the air.

The indignant eyes of the old man penetrated his body!


The old man gasped for air, coughed violently for a while, and felt an unbearable pain in his body, completely turning into a human hedgehog.

The whole body is covered with sickles in different positions, and the blood flows "tick, tick, tick", which seems so abrupt in the quiet field!

But at the old man's feet, a pool of blood had already formed. The blood slowly flowed outwards along his skin and dripped on the ground.

The black mist on the old man's face had long since dissipated, and he was lying quietly on the floor in the corridor, looking at the surrounding scene and shouting "Abba, Ababa" tremblingly.

Then he fell into a deep sleep, as if he had no idea what was going on.

"It turns out he's still mute!"

Ye Muchen muttered to himself, then looked at the black mist in front of him and sneered: "Do you want to run away! You can't run away. My blood has been planted since you passed through my body before. Shadow tag, haha!”

"You...how could you do this! 687" A skinny young man slowly appeared in the black mist. The man's thick black eye circles were very obvious.

The skin all over his body is slightly green, and even blood veins are faintly visible, and the intricate black totems on his face look so sudden.

There is a circle of metal-like objects surrounding the neck, which is firmly embedded in it, and there is an unknown red metal substance on the arms and chest.

"You have been carefully calculating all this since I appeared!?" Mufei seemed to want to know the answer.

"Haha, you can think so. I have to say that your abilities are indeed good and your strength is very strong. You are exactly the person I need. Naturally, you only have one choice now, surrender or die!"

Ye Muchen stared at the man in front of him with cold eyes, which indeed aroused his interest.

"What are my benefits?" Mu Fei answered calmly.

"Freedom!" Ye Muchen curled his lips.

"Sounds good. If you can't give me the freedom I want, I will immediately. Even if you kill me, I will not be with you!" Lin Fei said firmly.

"Very good, but I hope that day will never come, otherwise I will kill you mercilessly. Do you believe that I have this ability!"

The freedom in the words of the two people is naturally not the usual restraints, but changing the so-called rules of this world!

They understand. .

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