"I...it's not that...I don't want to say it, but I'm really not sure? Boss Kun is usually very elusive, and his employees are also suspicious. He doesn't believe us at all, so..."

Song Qiang was hesitant as he spoke, his head was filled with beads of sweat, his arms seemed to have lost consciousness, and he stared at Mu Fei in great pain.

"Haha, so...what's going on!?" Mu Fei looked at the other party with a very frightened look, and the machete in his hand fell cleanly.

Song Qiang's entire right hand was chopped off in response. Mu Fei's skill with the knife was top-notch, and he had a good grasp of it. Only a layer of skin was left on his entire right hand connected to his wrist.

A large amount of blood spurted out, and Song Qiang sweated heavily on his forehead. After a moment, he struggled to suppress the twitching all over his body.

"Let's go and take me to see him, or I will kill you!" Mu Fei said coldly, and he "803" let go of Song Qiang's mouth. The other party was in great pain, but he gritted his teeth and did not dare to say anything. the sound of.

Blood was dripping out from Song Qiang's wrist, and his entire arm had already been wrapped in clothes.

"Call them up, and I guarantee you will be the last to die!" Mu Fei vowed to ensure that his character was trustworthy.

Song Qiang kept crying and nodding his head repeatedly, feeling miserable in his heart. Wouldn't it be death to die early or die later?

However, having his hand cut off, he became much more honest now, and Mu Fei quickly dragged him and the two of them to the stairs.

Mu Fei glanced at the miserable Song Qiang and said with a smile: "Hate on them!"

Song Qiang nodded repeatedly, looked downstairs, and shouted in a painful voice: "Brother Kun, are you there!"

Following his voice, a response soon came from the corridor: "Qiangzi, how are you? Did something happen?"

One of the middle-aged men asked in a vigilant manner, but the big brother Kun beside the man held his breath.

Song Qiang felt the murderous intent behind him. His face suddenly turned cold, as if he had a look of relief, and he shouted: "Brother Kun, run! Don't come out! There is a guy who is ready to kill us all!"

Mu Fei chuckled. He had expected this. However, his purpose was not to find anyone, but to confirm the name of his boss.

After confirming, Mu Feizai didn't hesitate at all. The machete in his hand suddenly struck the opponent's body, splitting Song Qiangqiang in half!

The figure disappeared in the next second, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of the boss Kun, and the bodies of the team members composed of dozens of people around him exploded one by one!

Mufei looked at the big boss Kun in front of him who was already trembling with fear, and said coldly: "I really feel bad for you!"

"You, who are you..." Big Brother Kun couldn't react. The young man in front of him, who was neither human nor ghost, was too powerful. He knew that he was no match for this guy in front of him.

"Qingchen! It seems you have nothing else to ask?"

As a miserable howl sounded, Ye Muchen heard it very clearly from the rooftop, but his eyes were still looking into the distance.

When a figure suddenly appeared next to Ye Muchen, he knew that Mu Fei had already eliminated everyone in the building.

"Not bad, but a little slow!" Ye Muchen said flatly.

"It seems very lively in front! It seems that there are hundreds of thousands of warriors gathered there. Is there something wrong? It feels more like armed personnel. Are they organizing an evacuation?"

Mufei looked at the densely packed crowd in the distance. This situation was not common in the area where the alien species lived.

Ye Muchen is not very clear. After all, he has only entered the alien area for a few days, so how can he understand this? In short, something extraordinary must have happened.

At the same time, in front of a tent where the 16th Military District of the Alien Region was stationed, a huge high platform had already been built. The ground of the high platform was covered with a layer of special material with golden light, which made it look more gorgeous and noble.

The background of the high platform is a pile of metal walls, which are more than one meter thick, and the 16th Military District looks at the huge wall. On the huge wall, there are seven character totems with different clothes and unclear faces!

But ordinary people in the military region and even warriors living in the alien area knew that those seven people were the top officers of the Imperial Capital Military Region stationed here, and they were stationed on the edge of human existence.

It can be said that their power has indeed caused headaches for many high-level alien species. They are the overlords of the armed military zone living here.

Controls the life and death of humans in the alien area! Resisting humanity’s last line of defense!

Every time there is a major event, as reported in the previous broadcast, when new viruses can bring powerful effects to alien species and other strange situations occur...

Each military region stationed here will erect statues of those people, which is a sign of respect and awe, and it is also a reminder and warning!

At this time, under the high platform of the 16th Military Region, countless media reporters and some staff who had received the news in advance came here.

If you keep waiting, some reporters are even afraid of not being able to grab a good seat, and even spend a huge amount of money just to get a front seat!

These reporters worked very hard for a good position, and even the unspoken rules were commonplace.

Cameras are set up above the 16th Military Region, waiting for the arrival of the evacuated people. Such reports are undoubtedly for people living in urban areas to watch.

In this way, the status of the senior officials of the imperial capital can be further consolidated. It can be said that they are playing a good hand.

From time to time, there are heavily equipped aircraft circling here in the sky, and other military region teams stationed in the alien area are basically the same.

Even in today's fringe area, except for the main road entering the military area, other small ring roads have been temporarily closed.

A large number of military law enforcement officers wearing white combat uniforms were dispatched to patrol every location where emergencies might occur.

A series of checkpoints have been set up to prevent people from sneaking into the military area from other hidden locations. It can be said that no one is allowed to go with them. There is only one main road in 4.9 that can be taken!

Countless citizens of Huahai City turned on their TV sets early in advance. It was not common for reports on alien regions to be broadcast, so usually such a picture would attract everyone's attention every time it was broadcast.

This is true for cities in lower-level areas, because everyone is more concerned about the situation outside the city, not to mention that it is becoming more and more dangerous, and no one will not worry about these.

Many people want to pay homage to the peak warriors stationed there, but more people still want to see if a new virus really appears in the periphery.

As the rumors say, it can enhance the super abilities of alien species.

These people waiting in front of the TV naturally include Ye Jia, Ye Batian and others. Ye Muchen is still among them. How can they not be worried? There is no news yet. .

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