The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 182: Not Dealing With Each Other

The general who came from the 3rd Military Region, Li Yunsheng, at least had the strength of a peak warrior level, but it was more than one level higher than him, and slightly inferior to the Seven Gods of War.

But he is already the strongest person in the garrison area outside the city who is closest to the seven legendary figures.

"Haha, why did General Yang Cheng stop talking? Aren't you happy to see me? I came here to see you for this reason. You have become a lot older after not seeing you for a few days!"

Li Yunsheng's slightly harsh voice sounded again: "Today is such an important day. People like Miao Zhenren are here. How can you not be excited? But I have to remind you that you must know what status you are in." !"

"Today, the leaders of each divisional base will come to your District 16 first. You don't know yet? Haha, come out all of them, so as not to scare General Yang Cheng!"

Then Li Yunsheng's words fell.

Boom boom boom!

The next second, a series of roaring sounds suddenly resounded behind the military square. Everyone below subconsciously raised their heads and looked behind them.

Looking around, I saw silhouettes one after another, crossing the heads of everyone below. Each of them stood with their hands behind their hands and landed on the high platform in an instant. 147

At this time, the entire square of the 16th Military Region fell into an eerie silence.

Those who come here are not good-natured, and the behavior of these people is simply arrogant and provocative.

This is an individual's thought. At least they don't know who these dozens of strong men suddenly appear.

Of course, how could they possibly meet these top generals from various military region teams?

Only Ye Hai and Ye Bin knew who these people were. Naturally, the differences between the military departments were no secret.

But the people who came so neatly today obviously had another purpose. Coming to greet Zhenren Miao was not that simple.

Everyone in the 16th Military Region was in a commotion, especially the leader Ye Hai, who stared at the dozens of people on the other side with their eyes wide open.

If looks could kill, he wished he could kill these dozen people who suddenly appeared.

If such an important day is disrupted or makes Marshal Miao unhappy, I'm afraid the 16th Military Region will have a miserable life in the future. There have been too many examples in the past.

Why don't they understand that this is intentional and the person who comes is not good?

Cheng Yang had a gloomy face and looked at the scene outside through the glass window. The dozen or so generals stationed in the military area were all present.

Among them were the leaders of Military Region No. 1 and Military Region No. 2, which made Yang Cheng feel very aggrieved.

Then he locked his eyes on Li Yunsheng and shouted: "You came here today to disrupt the situation!?"

Li Yunsheng shook his head and smiled sarcastically: "You praise you too much. We are here to enjoy your happiness. I heard that your 16th Military Region is about to rise, so naturally we have to come to congratulate you."

"But this custom of uninvited guests is all learned from you, Yang Cheng. Before, you also united with many people from other military regions to come to my place as a guest. Haha, how does it feel? Isn't it great!"

Li Yunsheng's aura is getting stronger and stronger, and the violent power hidden in him is evident, which also shows how strong his own foundation is.

Yang Cheng also knew that no one would disrupt the situation today, but he never thought that Li Yunsheng would move so quickly. It seemed that the other six commanders would also visit their army ten times.


But why is this, are they not afraid of those people's blame at all...?

"I don't have time to talk to you now. If you want to cause trouble, you should wait until Master Miao comes here to explain!" Yang Cheng said with a backhand shot and blasted the glass open.

However, the venue below seemed extremely quiet. Even the reporters did not dare to take a breath and tried to stay quiet.

These people are obviously powerful warriors, and they are not offended. They are afraid that making a little noise will anger those few.

(bcce) They all waited quietly without moving, how could they dare to make any noise.


At this moment, a sound suddenly resounded in the sky.

Countless reporters and media personnel had a strong reaction. They couldn't help but raise their heads and look towards the sky. Various live broadcast cameras were also aimed at the sky.

From the window on the top floor of the Military Region Building, a figure could be seen jumping down from the window, straight down with terrifying power.

"Dear me... This is too scary... That person, that person is Yang Cheng, the highest general in the 16th Military Region!"

"Oh my God, it's true. MD is so high. You can come down like this without fear of falling to death. It seems that the strength of a general in a military region is indeed terrifying..."

"But this is too terrifying. He, how does he feel? It seems that the last time I saw this kind of scene, I saw it on Liandong Street. It seemed that Ye Muchen of the Ye family was exactly the same as the general Yang Cheng in front of me. Your behavior is awesome!"

"Don't brag. Ye Muchen. I don't believe it. I've never seen it. You Huahai people like to brag about how awesome you are. You have to know that this is a military base. Save it. Is that kid? With the strength of generals, it’s a joke..."

Countless people were talking and some reporters had already lost their voices, exclaiming, and could no longer maintain their composure.

Not only them, but also countless people in front of the TV felt weak at this moment. That guy wanted to show off his power, it was really extraordinary.

Everyone was heartbroken to witness a person rushing down from the top of such a tall building, but it was more real than what was recorded in the textbooks.

Many people even thought of the previous Ye Muchen, but no one was broadcasting it at the time, so they didn't know. They could only think of it, and it should be similar to this person's diving style.

It seems that after such a long period of peace, some people have long forgotten the terror of some extremely powerful men.


In less than a few seconds, Yang Cheng suddenly landed on the high platform, and the terrifying force caused the ground under his feet to crack directly into ten pieces of tiny gravel that instantly floated in the air.

This short period of time gives people a sense of time lag, as if a long time has passed.

In Ye's home, Ye Ruoxi sat in front of the TV, her mouth wide open, looking at the picture in a daze, unable to relax for a while.

After a long time, he shouted excitedly: "I also want to watch it live. Wow, it gives people such a shocking feeling. Mom, can I also apply for the military area or psychic armed forces? It's really cool!"

Lin Meiru's face darkened when she heard this and said, "You'd better save it. Your brother is so careless. If you are like that, I think your grandpa will go crazy. Don't even think about it. The Ye family can support you." I can afford you, that kind of environment is too dangerous and not suitable for you."

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