The Luomen Thieves Group has been very popular in the alien region in recent years. Due to the lack of other gangs in the alien region, they have become one of the top ten gangs. Although they are ranked at the bottom, every member of the Luomen Group is extremely arrogant. .

Facing the ferocious Luomen Bandit Group of more than a dozen people, Yang Cheng, a military commander, obviously lacked confidence and replied: "We are performing a mission, and you actually dare to take over our military region!"

The man who was the leader of the Luomen bandits suddenly burst into laughter, his face full of endless ridicule: "Haha, military zone joke, you, the general, are only a small leader at most, how come you, the general, are teasing me!?

"The general of the military region brought these two people out to perform the mission. Are you stupid or am I stupid? I told you to hand over your supplies quickly and don't waste your time!"

In the eyes of these Luomen thieves, the opponent is just an unknown military leader, but he is also a big fish, so naturally they will not pay attention to sending such two people out.

If they had not dared to do anything rashly in the past, any military region operation would have involved tens of thousands of people, at least hundreds of thousands, and it would have been impossible for more than a dozen people to do so.

This allowed them to see an opportunity to make a lot of money, and each bandit group had regulations for killing military area personnel, ranging from level to level, and the rewards varied.

It was as if they had no intention of letting Ye Muchen and the others go.

Yang Cheng's expression at this moment was obviously uglier than crying. When did he become so unworthy, MD, this bunch of rubbish!

Seeing that Yang Cheng stepped forward, he was stopped by Ye Muchen. He slowly walked to the dozen people from the Luomen Bandit Group and said in a deep voice: "Our supplies will not be handed over to you. On the contrary, it is your supplies." It belongs to me!"

The members of the Luomen Bandit looked at the young man who appeared in their sights in astonishment. They were silent for a moment, and then let out contemptuous ridicules again.

Ye Muchen saw them laughing, and he laughed too. Suddenly a light burst out from his eyes, and a black energy was released from his palms.

More than a dozen black shadows suddenly appeared on the ground, as if they were alive like poisonous snakes. Before a few people noticed it, the black shadows had already bound their legs.

"What is this!"?" More than a dozen members of the Luomen Bandit shouted in surprise.

Everyone looked a little panicked and tried to break away from the layers of shadow, but the so-called tenacity of the black shadow seemed to be beyond their imagination.

No matter how much they twist their bodies, it obviously won't help.

The thin man at the head opened his mouth in surprise. His surprise was even stronger than that of the members he brought. This seemingly ordinary young man was so powerful.

The next second, Ye Muchen flashed like a ghost and came to the back of more than a dozen people. The fast afterimages were like clones. The muscles in his right hand suddenly swelled, and he shouted: Bone soul, blade needle!"

A huge white bone blade suddenly emerged from his right hand. Under the strong wind, Ye Muchen's cuffs gradually burst, and the terrifying force was released like a dragon out of the sea.

The strength of these Luomen thieves was not worth mentioning in Ye Muchen's eyes. He originally did not want to expose his other martial arts, but these guys were not afraid of death and came to his door. This angered Ye, who was very pressed for time. Muchen.

The dozen or so members of the Luomen Bandit Group were still struggling with the shadows stretching out from the ground. They had no defense at all. It could be said that their bodies were full of weaknesses!

The bone blade drilled out of Ye Muchen's hand was like an indestructible rotating drill. In an instant, a shocking force suddenly emerged.

When it came into contact with the body of one of them, there was a "click" and the bones of the other person were shattered. The sharp edges of the bone blade continued unabated and directly penetrated the entire body of the person.

Ye Muchen did not hesitate to withdraw the bone blade that penetrated the opponent's body. Following the extremely sharp bone blade, his entire right hand was covered with red blood, ignoring the disgusting corpse.

At the same time, his hands suddenly burned up black mist, and without any pause, he hit the other people hard.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the dozen or so members of the Luomen Bandit who had been extremely arrogant just now opened their eyes wide and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Ye Muchen took a sip and turned back to Yang Cheng who was stunned on the spot and asked: "Did you bring any paper? Or water. I want to clean up the blood splashed by these trash!"

Yang Cheng, even Mu Fei and Ye Mo didn't expect that Ye Muchen was not only a man with two martial arts, but also three martial arts...

Gulu, if Ye Muchen shocked him more in District 16, then now it can be said that it has penetrated deeply into his fearful heart.

He has three levels of martial arts, and he seems to be very handy in each one. Is he a devil!?

When will Ye Muchen show his full strength? Whenever they think it is possible, the result will be just the beginning.

Yang Cheng and several other armed men seemed to be still immersed in the bloody killing process that Ye Mucheng had just raised his hands. After reflecting, their faces were full of smiles and they said flatteringly:

"There is quite a bit of water."

After doing some simple cleaning, Ye Muchen found a waist card and a slightly old box on the body of the leader of the Luomen Thief Group.

It is not yet clear what this is, and the well-informed General Yang Cheng is also unclear about the origin of this box. Judging from the contents of that year, it should not be too bad.

What's more, they were found on the bodies of these bandits. It was said that there were many exotic treasures in the alien region, and that was probably where they got them.

There were indeed many people who wanted to intercept them along the way, and even when passing through many abandoned cities, they were even ambushed by large-scale people).

This makes Ye Muchen feel very strange. The image of the military region is really so bad. If he usually wouldn't care about it, at least he hates the military region extremely.

But Yang Cheng is not his, not to mention that Yang Cheng is still useful now, but these guys who came to attack and kill them don't care about everything.

Ye Muchen will naturally not let go of those who want his life. This is a world where individuals cannibalize people. If you want to obtain resources for survival, you can only obtain the greatest value by depriving other people of their lives.

In the alien area, it was obvious that the human nature of such a situation was infinitely magnified. He also understood why large-scale personnel went to the military region at the same time for every operation.

As we all know, the military region has the most resources, and there are obviously many people who want to ambush them.

"It seems like it will take some time to reach the dungeon." Ye Muchen did not expect this. Maybe the danger in the depths is not just high-level alien species!

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