"Halka, beautiful!

"Yeah, you look great!

An army of women headed by Mr. Midi shouted a tall cheer surrounding me.

"It was worth the practice every day, and I did a great job with it."

Ms Midi, who showed her how to soak up sweat, nodded satisfactorily many times as she firmly confirmed my appearance from the top of her head to her toes.

"I've been studying it ever since I had Haruka finish my hair so nice that I could do it myself."

It would be lovely, standing in front of my appearance, I accidentally raised my admiration for Mr. Midi's full performance.

"Wow, really, it doesn't look like me!

In the mirror is me undisputed, dressed in a simple dress in pure white.

My hair, which is usually just a little rough, has been put up with my hands today. This was the work of Mr. Midi, whose hairstyle beauty became more and more prominent if accompanied by flower decorations.

The makeup, not too flashy but elegantly finished, is at the hands of Mr. Midi's friend. After all, women are amazing. And makeup is amazing.

"Come on, we can't just keep monopolizing Hulka. We have to head to the square. We're running out of time."

Mr. Midi rushed us, and we rushed to leave her house behind.

Walk with the hem slightly lifted so that the hem of the long dress does not get dirty in the soil.

This dress was prepared for me by my fixer husbands. A white dress with a slightly empty chest still has a clear design that doesn't even make you feel nasty or dusty. The gentle and rustic texture of the chiffon skirt flowing saggily from the underside of my chest reminded me of your husbands personality as it was.

Going down the slope on the back street early enough, I can speak to the uncle of the shop who seems to have been relaxing in the sun at the end of the florist I came across along the way.

"Oh, are you here? Come on, the flowers are ready. You look great in a dress."


What he brought from the back of the store was a bouquet of colorful flowers.

Unexpectedly solidified by the sudden event, Mr. Midi received it instead.

"Thank you, uncle. That's so lovely!

"Mr. Midi, this is"

"Oh, we can't talk without flowers, can we? Your husband here, your fixer's husband and I are close. So, please tell me you want to send me flowers."

"Really?! Um, thank you!

That's okay, the flowers are delightful, and my uncle waved to see us off.

And then we move on.

On the road, I'm very busy getting voiced and applauded by all sorts of people. It's kind of very illuminating, but it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so I decided to gratefully accept everyone's favor.

Soon I saw the square.

This square in the heart of the city, today decorated with lots of flowers and accessories, is even more gorgeous. And - what a fragrant, varied culinary fragrance.

"Oh, that smells good!

One of Midi's friends raised his voice like he couldn't resist.

"Harka, you can't lose out on all that fascinating food! You're the star of the day!

"Ugh, yeah."

"I miss you. Speaking of which, once upon a time, we all came to a party here to fish men."

Mr. Midi, pick a word for a moment.

"I can't believe Halka got out of that circle first."

"Besides, the other person..."

While we were talking about it, we arrived right in front of the square.

I see many faces I see. Everyone dresses up a little more approachably to create a space different from the usual city atmosphere.

"If it's Hulka, if it comes out that far, everyone will see you."

Mr. Midi pulled me and I was pushed into a booth set up behind the square.

"The main character is you, the bride, so I have to spare you a little bit."

"Oh, here you are, bride!

It was Mr. Rick and his crew who showed up at the booth.

It was mainly them who planned this ceremony.

Some of my companions, in the dining room for when, said, "Let's have a festival to commemorate the summons of the witches of different worlds!" Sometimes he looks like a soldier. Though there have been various extraordinary twists and turns, in the end, there will be a ceremony not so far from his words, and he seems surprised as well.

"Beautiful, Harka. You look great, you look like a bride."

"Thank you, Rick. And about the food. It's smelling so good that I want to go eat it now."

"Well, with your husbands, I put more on your arms to make it. Oh, my God, it's Halka's wedding."

The dishes prepared at today's ceremony were made very luxurious by the cooperation of our fixers, as well as those from nearby restaurants. Their co-ordinator, Rick and the others, bought it and got out.

And because of Mr. Corey's "goodwill" to cut himself off, he's made me use a lot of high-performance magic props this time, so I've been able to cook and keep the hoya hoya. Mr. Luna also helped me around the magic props by straining in Russia, knowing that it was to serve delicious food.

Mr. Luna said that Mr. Ordis was also chewing on one of these magic props in preparation. The way Mr. Ordis celebrates people's weddings...... it's like I can't imagine. Anyway, that's exactly what Mr. Ordis hasn't been here for, but Mr. Corey and Mr. Luna should be attending the ceremony.

And the wedding finally started.

We don't restrict invitees, so how long is the square overflowing with city people?

As a lot of people watched, my fixer husband and I took a step after getting two escorts from both sides.

There was a loud cheer.

When I look over at the people who welcome me with applause, they are all smiling and blessing me. I proceeded slowly, responding to it.

Beyond that pedestrian hedge - in the center of the square, Noel stood.

I remember Noel before when I saw him at a social party in the Royal Palace.

When I was used to seeing knights' uniforms, I fell in love with Noel's aristocratic appearance and standing behavior at the time.

Now, it's a little different then.

I smiled extraordinarily, feeling somewhat asexually happy at the way he waited for me as one man, not as a knight, but not as a nobleman.

And when I reached Noel, I put my hand in his hand, which was offered.

The pleasure of having someone to take this hand.

I will always be, and he will continue to support me.

And I want to be able to support him in the same way.

"Noel, I'm the happiest I've ever been."

"Me, too."

With a sunny grin, Noel answered.

And then they pulled the hand they were keeping - jumping into his chest.

The square was engulfed in unbreakable cheers at the mouthpiece that was dropped so that it could be embraced.

This is the story of a second struggle in another world.

But from now on - the irreplaceable story of my favorite "my" world spins.

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