Chapter 338 Public Apology

"Naive, listen to my mother's words, always calm down at all times. Xia Wei'an also suffered online violence at the beginning, and everyone let her go to the entertainment circle, but now she is not okay? Even completely whitewashed and became a national goddess. The same existence, she can, and you can too!"

  Chu Mingfeng ate more salt, and she told Xia Xia to calm down.

   "Can I? What should I do?"

Xia Zhen really took Chu Mingfeng's hand, like a life-saving straw, and Chu Mingfeng patted the back of her hand to comfort him: "Those people on the Internet are always taken out of context. People say it. If this is the case, then you will be on Weibo. Record an apology video."

   "Apologize video, who do you apologize to?"

   "Xia Wei'an."

   "Impossible! Mom, are you my mother or Xia Wei'an's mother? You asked me to apologize to her, is she worthy?"

  Xia Xia really pushed Chu Mingfeng away, looking at her angrily.

"Innocent, those who succeed in big things can bend and stretch. If you change to Xia Wei'an in the same situation today, she will definitely apologize publicly. As long as people are still in the entertainment industry, there is a chance to bring her down, but if you never recover from this, you think you will live a happy life Who will it be?!"

  Chu Mingfeng is not a pig-brainer from being a rural woman with no background to today. How about weighing the pros and cons, making the most correct choice, and being a little wronged? !

   After a few words, I really calmed down in summer. I cleaned up my emotions that night, recorded a video, and uploaded it to Weibo.

In the video, her face was haggard and she appeared without makeup. She bowed to the camera first, and then said sincerely: "I want to apologize publicly for my previous behavior today. I am solemnly criticizing my sister Xia Wei'an for the college entrance examination results for my previous arrogant challenge. Apologize!"

After saying that, I bowed to the camera before continuing: "Because my grades at school have always been better than my sister, one day she suddenly challenged me and surpassed me. This made me very uncomfortable, so I Determined to take her as an example and challenge her by learning from her. Originally, I wanted to motivate myself to study hard, but it may be a mistake in expression that caused public misunderstanding. For this, I once again sincerely apologize to everyone. Please everyone Forgive me for being young and frivolous."

  This is the end of the video. Once sent out, it was quickly reprinted.

For Xia Xia’s sincere apology, most people said that they could understand it. After all, a poor student suddenly surpassed herself, and there must be a psychological gap. Although she expressed her challenge in a wrong way and tone, she has now apologized publicly. The old saying is not. Well, knowing your mistakes can improve you.

  So Xia Xia really quickly won everyone’s understanding, and the scolding of her became less and less.

  Xia Wei'an looked at the series of operations in Xiazhen, and couldn't help giving her a thumbs up, and then reposted her Weibo on Wei Ai Studio's Weibo with the text: Sister accepts the apology, sister cheers!

  Xia Xia Zhen once saw these words, he was so angry that he vomited blood, but under the guidance of Chu Mingfeng, he replied with a thank you!

   On the surface, it seems that the two sisters of the Xia family have settled their suspicions, but in fact, Xia Xia still hates Xia Wei'an.

The life of the hated Xia Wei'an can be said to be very fulfilling. He used to go to teacher Lu Yi’s home to practice singing every day, but this day Emperor Xingchen suddenly sent a message, saying that he wanted to celebrate her taking the top prize, and was going to give her a surprise and let her show her face. have dinner together.

  Xia Wei'an readily agreed.

  (End of this chapter)

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