The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 344: To be precise, you were designed

  Chapter 344 To be precise, you were designed

  The car drove for about half an hour, then stopped, he was helped out of the car, took the elevator upstairs, and passed through the long corridor.

During the whole process, he was conscious and unconscious, but he could feel that the other party was a woman, and when he was helping him through the corridor, his posture was very strange, as if he was deliberately trying to create a close relationship between the two. The illusion of walking.

When he walked to the end and stopped, he heard the sound of the room card opening the door, and then he was helped in and put on the bed, and then one hand touched his face. He only felt extremely sick, hate that he can't move now, otherwise he will have to Break this hand and feed the dog!

The owner of   's hand didn't touch it much, and after a few random shots, he stopped, and the air fell into a kind of silence.

  He could feel the opponent's eyes squeezed tightly on his face. After a long time, he heard the person say, "Huxin Xiaozhu?"

  She was wearing a voice changer and couldn't tell who it was by her voice, but her tone was cold and mocking, and then she got up and left.

Di Xingchen became anxious in an instant. This woman must have flipped his cell phone and saw the message he had sent to An An. At this moment, An An is in danger, but he can't do anything. He can only lie here like a vegetative. Anxious, but powerless, this feeling is really terrible!

  The air was silent, and his cold toxin broke out again, and the cold all over his body caused him to fall into a coma.


When Ji Special Assistant found the Emperor Xingchen in the hotel, his hanging heart fell. Xu Tianming hurried forward to make a diagnosis, his brows kept wringing, but he didn't dare to jump to conclusions, so he had to take the person back to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, Special Assistant Ji called Xia Wei'an to report that he was safe. When asked where he was, he dared not talk about it. Because the emperor had instructed that the cold and poison should not be mentioned in front of his wife, so he just concealed it. Down.

  Early the next morning, Emperor Xingchen was awake. As soon as he opened his eyes, he immediately turned over and got out of bed. The Ji special assistant on the side hurriedly supported him and said eagerly: “Mr. Emperor, you are weak, and Dr. Xu said he wants to rest.”

   "I'm going to find An'an!"

  He stood up and pulled out the needle from the back of his hand without hesitation.

  "Madam is safe now. She lives in Haitang Court. Because she was worried about you, she didn't go to bed until dawn. You will noisy Madam right now!"

  As smart as Ji's special assistant, knowing that only by saying this can Di Xingchen lie down for an infusion, he had to lie.

   Knowing that Xia Wei'an is safe, Emperor Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief, stretched his eyebrows, sat down, and coldly ordered: "Check the secret guard, there are spies."

  What happened yesterday was so strange that he had to doubt it.

  "Are you awake? A blood test was taken last night. This time you did not have a cold toxin attack, but a partial attack of cold toxin induced by a drug. To be precise, you were designed."

   Xu Tianming opened the door and came in and reported the result to Emperor Xingchen.

Di Xingchen nodded and looked gloomy. Yesterday it was indeed his carelessness. However, the people who designed the matter were thoughtful. First they used the expelled employees to distract themselves, relax their vigilance, and then spray drugs in the car. It is really a good strategy to get him in the move.

  However, the entire emperor wanted to kill countless people. With such a good opportunity yesterday, why didn't that person start?

  Thinking of the strange behavior of that person, a kind of speculation suddenly flashed in his mind, so regardless of whether Xia Wei'an was sleeping or not, he immediately dialed the phone.

  (End of this chapter)

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