Chapter 374 Too disgusting

  Almost every artist will encounter this embarrassing problem more or less.

  As soon as the middle-aged greasy uncle's problem came out, the host was a little surprised. Generally, incoming calls will be screened first. It is impossible to receive such a question that is not kind!

Zhu Yuan looked at the director subconsciously, but saw the director wink at her. This is the tacit understanding between the two of them for years of cooperation. The director meant to deliberately put such questions in, because the entire interview show was too dull, so it was made. Make a gimmick, and also look at Xia Wei'an's reaction ability.

Although    is a talk show, there are still some viewers on the scene. At this time, they all looked at Xia Wei'an and looked forward to her answer.

  Xia Wei'an smiled happily and said, "The head, because it is smart enough."

  A simple sentence perfectly exposes this problem.

  The third question that came in was also a man, his voice was a bit hoarse, and it sounded uncomfortable.

  "If you have a dream that must be exchanged with your hands, what will this dream be?"

  Xia Wei'an subconsciously looked at her hands, and instantly got goose bumps. What the **** is this?

  "So far I have not had a dream worthy of exchange with my hands, because I will rely on my smart brain to realize my dream."

  Xia Wei'an smiled, and the talk show ended.

  Cheng Lisa waited outside the studio. As soon as she came out, the two of them walked towards the nanny car in the parking lot.

  Because of the need to protect the safety of the artists, the place where they parked is specially cleared, and the idlers cannot enter at all.

  The two opened the nanny car. Xia Wei'an went up first and was about to sit down. She saw a beautifully packaged box on the seat. She picked it up and asked Cheng Lisa: "Little Sasha, is this your thing?"

  Cheng Lisa took a look and shook her head, "No, how could I like this kind of pink stuff, I am a female man!"

  That's not her thing either, Xia Wei'an is puzzled, but this car is her special car, there will be no other things except theirs. So, is this a fan?

  She opened the box as she thought about it, and when she opened it to take a look at the contents of the box, she was startled at first, then her eyes sank and looked at the contents inside.

Cheng Lisha saw that her expression was not right, so she hurriedly moved forward to take a look. At this look, the Seven Souls immediately frightened the Three Souls, screamed, and suddenly reached out and hit the box into the corner of the car. A pair of **** little hands rolled out of it. !

   "Quick, call the police!" Cheng Lisha yelled and took out her mobile phone, shaking her hands and preparing to call the police, but Xia Wei'an stopped her.

   "No, this is a pair of artificial hands, and blood is not real blood."

  Although Cheng Lisa used to be the boss of a gangster and shouted and screamed all day long, she had never been so frightened. After the initial fright subsided, she calmed down and said, "Boss, what does this mean, it's disgusting!"

She panicked as soon as she saw this thing, hurriedly tore off dozens of tissues, squatted down and picked up the two artificial hands and threw them back into the box, and then threw the box into the trash in the parking lot with a look of disgust. Go in the box.

   "Brother driver, who was here just now?"

  The driver is a strong young man in his early twenties. He turned to look at Cheng Lisha and shook his head blankly. He has been sitting here listening to music. Haven't anyone been here?

  (End of this chapter)

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