The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 388: Which one to choose as an appetizer?

  Chapter 388 Which one to choose as an appetizer?

But at this moment, a bodyguard in a black suit suddenly walked to her side with a tablet computer, and said mechanically: "Hi, madam, my name is Xiaoqiang. The man in front of you is named Chen Song, eight years old. Previously, he was imprisoned for robbery and sentenced to three years. After he came out, he did not do business, either stealing or cheating. Two years ago, he married a girl from the same village and had a son. He is one year old this year. In response to his situation, I will help you. The following methods of extorting a confession have been formulated."

  "First, send someone to his hometown and catch his child’s wife as a threat; second, collect his evidence and hand him over to law enforcement agencies; third, we have special torture instruments to extract confessions."

"Of these three methods, the first one, according to our investigation, is that this man is a scumbag. After he gets married, he either beats or scolds his wife. After the wife became pregnant, he contracted gambling and sold all the valuables in the family. Even the house was sold, and his wife had already brought the children back to her natal family. Based on the above situation, he was an out-and-out scum, so using his wife and children to threaten obviously would not work; the second kind of words would be contrary to him. Advantageous, it is safer to be caught than in our hands, so I recommend the third method!"

  After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and someone immediately came forward with a few large boxes, placed them neatly on the ground, and opened them one by one.

  By the light of the helicopter, Xia Wei'an was shocked by the contents inside!

  Because it's all something she has never seen or heard of!

  Xiaoqiang took out a few at will and began to introduce the usage of the name.

"Madam, these pliers are used to pull out the nails of the hands and feet, one by one, the ten fingers connected to the heart, it will make him painful to the heart cramps; this sticky board is used to pull out the hair, and there is a shower on it. Our special glue is extremely sticky. As long as you press the whole sticky board on his scalp, you can tear off large pieces of hair or even the scalp, making him **** in pain; and these medicines, The packaging seems cute, but in fact it is infinitely powerful. It has various medicinal effects. Injecting this bottle of itching medicine into his body, he will feel that every pore is itchy and unbearable. He can't help but scratch hard. But the more you scratch, the more itchy, even if you scratch your entire body, it won’t help, unless you die.

  "Because of the time issue, I only provide the above three reference plans. Look, madam, which one to choose as an appetizer?"

Xia Wei'an was already dazzled by these torture instruments. Suddenly hearing his question, he looked at Chen Song subconsciously. Chen Song was already pale, looking at her with horror, while the man beside him was already shivering. , I was in a cold sweat.

"Uh...this..." Xia Wei'an was so old that it was the first time he saw these things. For a while, he was a little confused. Xiaoqiang thought she was uncertain, so he suggested: "First use pliers to strip his nails. If you don't explain, then use the hair stick to tear his scalp. If it is still stiff, use these medicines on him the same way. Even if someone has survived the first two, few people have survived these drugs."

  Xiaoqiang said as he took out a pair of plastic gloves from the box, put them on his hands surprisingly fast, and was about to move forward.

  Chen Song saw him coming, and knelt back, but was kicked in the vest by the bodyguard standing behind him, and fell into the mud!

  (End of this chapter)

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