The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 397: Please go back with us to assist in the investigation

  Chapter 397 Please follow us back to assist in the investigation

  Xia Wei'an and Chu Yan'er are public figures. Seeing a few people arguing here, someone took out their mobile phone to take a photo. Chu Yan'er hurriedly turned around and avoided her. Xia Wei'an stepped forward to block her behind him in time.

  Because there were too many onlookers, the road was blocked. Soon security guards came to clear the venue, and several people were invited to the lounge.

Chu Mingfeng has been mad, Xia Zhenwei's trace of guilt towards her disappeared in her abominable curse. He stood up and was about to pull Chu Yan'er away. At this time, Xia Zhenwei came in, and there were a few behind him. Policeman in uniform.

  "Mom, I met these comrades just now and said that they were looking for you. It must be because of the matter in the morning. You can’t just leave it at your fingertips. Those people who lend usury are illegal and should be punished by law!"

   Xia Xia really stepped forward to comfort Chu Mingfeng, but he did not expect that those comrades did not come for the morning's business!

   "Ms. Chu Mingfeng, I suspect that you are related to the two kidnapping cases. Please go back with us and assist in the investigation."

  These comrades spoke to Chu Mingfeng in an official manner. After speaking, two comrades came over and stood beside her like escorting prisoners.

She panicked immediately, changing her aggressive appearance, and asked in a flustered expression: "Wh, what kidnapping case, I don’t understand. I won’t follow you. I am the victim now. Look, my fingers. The head has been chopped off, you are going to catch those usury, why come to catch me instead!

  Chu Mingfeng's apparent guilty conscience caused these comrades to immediately clasp her hands and forcibly take her away.

"How is this going?"

  Xia Zhenwei thinks that he is living like a TV series this day. No, TV series dare not act like this. This is too dramatic. Chu Mingfeng is still related to the kidnapping case?

  Because the two are still husband and wife, Xia Zhenwei cannot ignore her affairs, so the group went to the police station again.

It turned out that the public security bureaus of other provinces sent Chen Song back to the imperial capital, saying that two kidnappings occurred in the imperial capital, so he routinely asked for a confession. He confessed to Chu Mingfeng and talked about the kidnapping case ten years ago and the previous few. The kidnapping that happened in the day.

The kidnapping case ten years ago still has the report record at that time, but a few days ago, the report record was not here. It was the public security bureau that escorted Chen Songlai. So he transferred the information and found out that the targets of the two kidnappings were all It's the same person-Xia Wei'an!

  Because the previous few people were making trouble in the hospital, some netizens took the video online, and the paparazzi immediately intervened. They learned that Chu Mingfeng had been taken away, so they followed all the way here!

  At this time, Chu Mingfeng was in the interrogation room. She lowered her head with a gray face and did not dare to look directly at the person in front of her.

   "Did you instruct a man named Chen Song to kidnap your stepdaughter Xia Wei'an at the gate of the No. 5 Primary School of the Imperial Capital ten years ago and instruct Chen Song to kill her?"

  Chu Mingfeng subconsciously wanted to quibble, but when he looked up and saw the two righteous comrades opposite, he couldn’t speak quibble, because confession was lenient and resistance was strict.

  She straddled her shoulders, and she lost her fighting spirit and nodded with a dull expression.

   Seeing her cooperation, the comrades in front asked again: "Not long ago, you did the same trick again and asked Chen Song to kidnap Xia Wei'an and sell her to a remote mountain village?"

  Chu Mingfeng was taken aback. In fact, this matter was actually Xia Wei’s idea. She also saw that her daughter hated Xia Wei’an too much and contacted Chen Song for help, but this matter must never be told!

  (End of this chapter)

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