The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 410: We two really love each other

  Chapter 410 We both truly love each other

The nurse came over soon, Xia Wei'an explained, and called Aunt Li to make arrangements for her. The medical expenses of the younger girl at the front desk were paid by the company, and she was given a generous compensation after she was discharged from the hospital to show her misfortune. Express condolences.

  After finishing all this, I drove home.

  On the way home, Lu Zhanyu called in, and Xia Weian put on the headset to answer.

"Little aunt, I will hold the first solo concert of my life in the Imperial Capital in two months. This will be a very memorable event, so I will do something very meaningful at the concert. I need your help, okay?"

   "Tell me, I see if I can help."

   "Hmm..." Lu Zhanyu was silent for a while, as if he was organizing language, Xia Wei'an waited patiently.

   "I want to confess to my beloved girl at the concert, so I want you to ask her to go to my concert at that time, but you must keep it secret! I want to surprise her!"

  Lu Zhanyu's voice was rarely shy, Xia Wei'an couldn't help but hooked up the corner of his mouth and said, "Speak, who is it?"

   "Cheng Lisha."


   A sudden brake sound suddenly sounded, Xia Weian stopped the car on the side of the road and shouted loudly: "Lu Zhanyu, you actually dig my corner!"

   "Don't say that, little aunt, we two truly love each other!"

  Lu Zhanyu smiled embarrassedly, Xia Wei'an asked, "Is it true love?"

   "Yes!" Lu Zhanyu replied in the affirmative.

   "Well, then, I will ask her to go with her, find a way to let her go on stage, and you can confess it yourself. As for whether someone can say yes or not, I can't control it anymore."

   "Thank you little aunt!"

  Lu Zhanyu happily thanked him, and then hung up the phone, Xia Wei'an's mouth curled up, after all these days, she finally heard something that made her happy.

  In fact, she had seen through the subtle ambiguity between Lu Zhanyu and Cheng Lisha a long time ago, but it hadn’t been broken. Now they realized that it’s best to be together.

  Xia Wei'an was in a good mood and went back to the imperial residence. Before Emperor Xingchen came back, she entered the living room and saw Xiao Meng standing at the door, seemingly waiting for her.

The imperial house used to be the steward of Aunt Xu. It was because the grandmother was afraid that the emperor stars would bully Xia Wei'an, so she stayed here to watch. Later, she learned that the young couple's feelings were like glue, so she called Aunt Xu away. The position of steward.

"Is there a problem?"

  She asked while changing her slippers.

  "Madam, this is an invitation sent by the emperor Emperor Suhan, saying that it was a reception banquet for the emperor. You are a member of the emperor family. Please be sure to attend next week."

  Xiao Meng handed the invitation card with respectful hands. Xia Weian took it and looked at the time and place at random, then threw the invitation card on the shoe cabinet, and said faintly: "I see, you go and rest."

   "Yes." Xiao Meng nodded, respectfully exiting the door.

  "Fengfeng Banquet? I am afraid it is a Hongmen Banquet!" Xia Wei'an muttered to herself, thinking that the invitation was only written with his own name, and he felt that the meal was like a trap.

But she had to go. Everyone said she was a member of the emperor's family. If she didn't go, she would deny this. Besides, she wanted to gain a foothold in the emperor's family and get the family's approval. Sooner or later, she would have to go with the emperor's family. People are right, so this trip must go!

After Dr. Song’s reminder, Xia Wei’an did a good job of checking the internet about how to get pregnant. Only then did she find that there is really a lot of articles in it, so she studied it carefully, and when the Emperor Xingchen entered the bedroom, she still had it. Without reacting, he saw a figure rushing towards him, and then turned off the light with a "pop".

  (End of this chapter)

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