The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 503: Plagiarism in Fashion Design Contest

  Chapter 503 Plagiarism in Fashion Design Competition

   Soon reporters found the two of them, so they asked someone from the organizer to inquire. When they learned that they represented different companies to participate in the draft, they couldn't help but get excited.

   Quietly took the photo, and even thought of the title: From the entertainment circle to the business circle, the two sisters of the Xia family are completely torn apart, ready to fight to the death!

  At this time, the host came to the stage to read the opening remarks, and after a few greetings, he officially entered the game.

Each company has a five-minute show time and brand introduction time. Xia Wei'an first joined the industry and did not know or know other clothing design companies. Those who can participate in this competition are very powerful companies, so take advantage of this The next time, she watched and listened carefully.

  These companies have worked hard to let everyone remember their brand and design in just five minutes. There are even companies that deliberately let models wrestle on the stage to win everyone's attention.

Xia Wei'an has been connected. The time of the show is late in the middle. At this time, everyone is still interested, but the content of the show is already vague. If there is a group of very shocking clothing designs at this time, it will easily resonate. of.

   And the time for the summer show actually happened to be two before her.

"The next one is Xia’s Fashion Design Co., Ltd., whose chairman is Ms. Xia’s Zhen. Although Xia’s Fashion Design Company has just been established, the Xia’s Group is no stranger to everyone. It involves a wide range of industries. Film and television companies, real estate companies, construction companies, etc., who are involved in clothing design today, don’t know what surprises they will bring to us. Here are some models.

  Music sounded, and a row of female models walked out of the backstage, holding a round fan, wearing an improved cheongsam design, walking slowly, like the beauty of the Republic of China coming out of a painting!

  This appearance instantly caused the audience to scream.

   "Wow, I didn't expect the cheongsam to be able to wear such an elegant and smart feeling. This design is really amazing. Look at the gauze sleeve design on the third model, I really like it!"

   "Yes, yes, look at the fifth one, the fishtail design outlines the figure perfectly, it's really beautiful!"

  The female celebrities in the front row had always been very stern before. When they watched the show, their eyes were faint, as if they had no attractive clothes, but when the real models came out in the summer, all of them were excited.

Xia Zhen gave Xia Wei'an a triumphant gaze, and gloated and asked: "How about, my dear sister, are you surprised or surprised? You must be as anxious as an ant on a hot pot now, right? It’s here for you. If your model walks out wearing exactly the same clothes, the accusation of plagiarism will be taken seriously!"

   Seeing Xia Wei'an’s sinking face, Xia Wei’an couldn’t help being even more proud, thinking, this can’t stand it anymore, there will be things that will make you even more unbearable later!

  Xia Wei'an looked at the table coldly, Zhou Sihua was already dumbfounded, Cheng Lisha couldn't figure out what was going on, but looking at the expressions of the two people also knew that it was not a good thing.

   is really not a good thing!

  This set of costume designs for the summer show is exactly the same as the one designed by Zhou Sihua for the competition! To be precise, they are exactly the same except for the trademark!

  It is obvious that Xia Zhen copied them, but because of the order of appearance, people are preconceived. If Xia Wei'an invited a model to wear such clothes again, everyone will think that she copied Xia Zhen.

  So now there are only two ways to deal with it, either find a new outfit in the shortest possible time or give up the game!

  (End of this chapter)

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