Chapter 547

Such a voice suddenly sounded behind her, she suddenly turned her head to see the woman wearing oversized sunglasses who had worked with her before. Her eyes suddenly lit up, like seeing a savior, she hurriedly stepped forward and said: "During this period of time you have Where did you go? I couldn't find you anyhow when the Xia family had an accident. If you were there, the Xia family group wouldn't fall into bankruptcy!"

"The Xia Group has too many maladies, and its appearance is glamorous. In fact, it has been gnawed by moths inside. It is a matter of time before bankruptcy. It's just that when it encounters an economic crisis, everything is ahead of schedule. This is non-human changeable, even me. No way."

  The woman walked to one side of the alley after she finished speaking. There was a lot of people on the street. There happened to be a bar in the alley. It was closed during the day, but there were exquisite tables and chairs in the open space outside the bar. The two sat down and continued to talk.

  "Then you are so rich, can you lend me a little bit first, if I don’t pay the rent, I will be driven out by the renter to live in the bridge cave. The bridge cave is dirty and smelly, and there are many terrible male tramps..."

  It was this woman who paid her to buy the Xia family, but although the two were in a cooperative relationship, she didn’t know anything about it. She didn’t know her last name and what she looked like.

"Before I thought you were a bit useful. I didn't expect it to be an embroidered pillow. I spent so much money on buying Xia's. But you didn't even hurt Xia Wei'an's fur. It's fine if you didn't ask you to pay it back. I was so embarrassed to follow me. Borrow money?"

  The woman with sunglasses was really dissatisfied with summer, leaning on the chair, took out a cigarette, lit it, and spit out a smoke ring.

   "But Xia Wei'an is not so easy to deal with. You also said that Emperor Xingchen is protecting her, who can move her hair. The last time she framed Cheng Lisha, I heard that it was the evidence that Emperor Xingchen found out."

   Xia Tian really lowered her voice, and deliberately mentioned this incident, in fact, to remind this woman that she still has a handle in her hand, so in order to seal her mouth, it is safer to give some money!

The woman in sunglasses chuckled, smoked, and spit out a smoke ring again, saying: "Since you can't touch her hair, then you are of no use. A useless person is not worth my investment. Our cooperation is so good. Let's stop here."

   "No!" Xia Zhen patted the table with both hands, and looked very excited, "I have nothing now, even if I don't cooperate, at least I should give me a sum of money!"

   "I think it's a waste of money for a useless person to give her a penny. If I think I am wise, there are times when I miss you, so let's do it for yourself!"

  The woman in sunglasses pinched out her cigarette butt, ready to get up and leave.

   "If you don't give me money, I will announce your murder!"

   I was really anxious in summer, so I had to threaten, the woman with sunglasses darkened her face, she gave a chuckle, and asked, "Where is the evidence?"

  What a summer meal, proof? Apart from seeing it with her own eyes, there is no evidence at all!

   "Summer is true, don't try to play tricks, otherwise I don't mind letting you go with Liu Qian."

When the sunglasses woman said this, her whole body exuded a cold breath, and Xia Tian couldn't help but shudder. Seeing the woman standing up to leave, she stood up suddenly and reached out to pull the sunglasses on her face, just fingers. Before she touched her sunglasses, she was grabbed by the woman and twisted her backhand, only to hear a "crack", Xia Xia screamed in pain, cold sweat on her forehead, the woman in sunglasses threw her to the ground mercilessly , Kicked her in the stomach, and said coldly: "I can't help myself!"

  (End of this chapter)

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