The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 641: Are you confident in your acting skills?

   Chapter 641 Are you confident in your acting skills?

In fact, this is one of the most challenging passages in this movie. Because Hu Jun also knows that Su is the only way to bring money into the group, and there must be no good acting skills, so Hu Chengjun deliberately embarrassed her. It is precisely because of this, Hu Juncai said that Hu Chengjun wanted to rectify the only one in the Soviet Union.

   Suddenly, the news that the director did not like this female number one spread wildly. In the crew, the director is the biggest one, so some people who like to behave and shoot horses have unified the front, and there is no need to see Su alone.

  Su Shi, who is in the dressing room, doesn’t know these things yet. After communicating with the makeup artist and stylist, the Fangya they made according to her requirements is very much in line with the image of Fangya that she should have in her mind.

   Before she had time to take a good look at the shape when she was standing in front of the mirror, her phone rang suddenly.

   "Mother Haohao, please come to school now, Haohao has a fever."

It was a call from the kindergarten teacher Su Haoyu. When Su Haoyu heard that Su Haoyu had a fever, the only person Su became nervous. He hung up the phone and said to Lu Yuxuan, "Well, I have an urgent matter. I can't shoot today. Go and explain to the director. Now, it's very urgent and urgent!"

  She asked the driver to take the car keys, and ran out of the crew in a rush, even before she had time to remove the costumes and makeup on her body.

  When I arrived at school, a doctor had already given Su Haoyu anti-fever medicine. The teacher said that Su Haoyu went to step on the pond to wet his clothes in the morning, which caused a fever.

  Su Haoyu was very clingy when he was sick. Su Weiyi stayed at school to take care of him. He didn't take him home until his fever subsided.

  Go home and cook for Su Haoyu, take him a warm bath, and coax him to sleep. After the tossing, it was almost ten o'clock, and she had time to call Lu Yuxuan.

  "Only, have your family affairs been handled properly?"

   "Take care of it, I left suddenly today, isn't the director angry?"

"The fire didn't come out. I just sneered twice. I didn't know what it meant. When I asked about it later, people thought you were guilty and fled, but the words that came out were not very pleasant. They said you were playing big cards and wanted to shoot. Just shoot, if you don't want to shoot, you won't shoot, rely on your own money to join the group, do whatever you want!"

  Lu Yuxuan gets more angry as she talks about it, no one is in a hurry, why is it so bad?

"anything else?"

  The only thing that Su has no trouble in her heart, such a rumor is simply a pediatrics for her. Before entering this circle, she has already understood this circle. If she does not have a certain psychological endurance, how dare she come?

   Listening to Su Yi’s tone of no anger, Lu Yuxuan quietly breathed a sigh of relief, “I won’t say anything more ugly, do you... have confidence in your acting skills?”

  She thought that the only way to slap those who said bad things about Su Shizuo now is to conquer them in acting, but she has never seen Su Shizuo acting. Naturally, she doesn't know how her acting skills are, so she can only ask.



  Lu Yuxuan's heart fell instantly into the abyss.

   "Well, I have to take a day off tomorrow. You can help me tell the director, thank you."

  Seeing that Su Haoyu turned over and sat up, he was probably thirsty, so Su Tong hung up and went to take care of him.

   Acting is her dream and hobby, but Su Haoyu is everything to her. If there is a conflict between the two, she will choose Su Haoyu without hesitation.

  Take care of the children at home the next day. She didn't feel relieved until Su Haoyu's fever completely subsided. On the third morning, she set off to gather with Lu Yuxuan. As soon as she got in the car, Lu Yuxuan looked like a big enemy.

  (End of this chapter)

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