The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 658: Don't fight, I have no intentions!

  Chapter 658 Don't fight, I have no intentions!

  Su only nodded in agreement, followed the secretary and knocked on the door to enter. Gu Qianye was the only one in the huge office.

  She looked around subconsciously for a week, and after she did not see the real figure of Xia Xia, she asked, "Where is your girlfriend?"

  Gu Qianye leaned back on the chair and looked at Su Youwei with gloomy eyes. Seeing that her expression was natural, she didn't mean to be jealous at all, she didn't get angry.

  I was even more angry when thinking of the words that the secretary had just reported that she tried to separate him from him in front of everyone. However, besides being angry, he had no more qualifications to have other emotions.

  It seems that he self-righteous and self-directed and acted in this play, in the eyes of Su Yi, he is happy to see it!

  "He is not my girlfriend. I hired him to act together to see your reaction. Su Yi, it seems that I was thinking a lot before. You really don't like me."

  Gu Qianye's tone was low, and Su Wei's expression slightly changed.

  "Don’t worry, I’m not the kind of stalker. Starting today, I will put away all my thoughts on you and will not embarrass you again."

When Gu Qianye said these words, his eyes drooped and he didn't glance at the woman in front of him. Su's only lips whispered. As soon as he wanted to speak, he heard Gu Qianye speak again, "Okay, that's all I want to say, go and work. Right."

  After he finished speaking, he deliberately turned out a document, pretending to be looking at it seriously, Su Wei only glanced at him, but didn't say anything, that's fine.

After coming out of Gu Qianye’s office and returning to her office, after communicating with Lu Yuxuan about her request for the new script, she received a call from the director, asking her to prepare for a night scene tonight .

  The two rushed over after dinner. As soon as Su Weiwei entered the set, a person rushed towards her and embraced her with open arms.

  She dodged for the first time, and the next moment she lifted her leg to sweep, the person's reaction was not weak, she hurriedly avoided, and avoided her two attacks in a row, saying loudly: "Don't fight, I have no malice!"

   "Cheng Lisha, why are you here!"

  Lu Yuxuan's excitement came from behind Su Yiu, Su Yiu hurriedly stopped and looked at the sweet-looking girl in front of him.

   "It's so alike. The photo looks more like a real person. I really doubt that she is the boss!"

  Cheng Lisa stared straight at Su Youwei, she had been psychologically prepared, and she couldn't hold back her tears this minute.

   "Cheng Lisha, she is not Sister An, don't scare people like this!"

  Lu Yuxuan hurried forward and took her arm to comfort her, and at the same time showed an embarrassing and apologetic smile at Su Wei-Zhou.

  Su is the only one who has become accustomed to this kind of thing. I believe that when this movie is released, there will be more doubts, so she is now mentally building very good.

   "You really admitted the wrong person, I have to go in to film, so I'll leave."

A smile was shown to Cheng Lisa, and she staggered her into the studio. When she walked in, there was a corridor. She hurriedly walked, and a person walked up without paying attention. The two almost ran into each other. The person in front of him stopped in time and saw her When he exclaimed: "Little aunt!"

  Su's only brow wrinkled, what the **** is this "little aunt"?

Lu Zhanyu probably saw the question mark on Su's only face, and Lu Zhanyu reacted. In front of him was the only artist named Su, not his little aunt. He hurriedly showed an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I admitted the wrong person. "

   Then he staggered his body and walked out. Su You Zai looked up and thought, why is this person so familiar? After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered that he is now the hottest music king, Lu Zhanyu!

  (End of this chapter)

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