"Well, I refuse!".


?" "Master, what are you talking about?"

Looking at the shocked looks on the faces of Yaoya and Chanahui, Ye Wen grinned and explained to them:

"I've been casual all these years, and I really don't want to be bound by the rules and regulations of the team, and I love forging knives, and I don't have a lot of interest in being a pillar, not to mention that the Forging Knife Village and you have ordered that I should not be allowed to forge knives."

"What's more, the condition of the pillar is to kill fifty ghosts or kill one of the twelve ghost moons, and I haven't met the standards for any of these, so can I be recognized by the people below by casually letting me be a pillar?"

Listening to Ye Wenyi give examples of the unreasonableness one by one, as well as his own inner thoughts, Yaoya lowered his head and thought for a while, and raised his head.

"Ye Wen, what you said is not unreasonable, I have not considered it, then, let me use the privilege of being the head of the Ghost Slayer Team to open up a new position.

"New position?"

"That's right, the new position, on the basis of the treatment enjoyed by the pillar, removes the privilege of being able to command the swordsman, but Yin can still give orders normally, and there is no need to divide the jurisdiction, not to force the acceptance of tasks, and not to force participation in the column meeting, so that it can not only meet your needs, but also block the rumors of the majority."

Ye Wen didn't expect the other party to throw such a big and thick olive branch for himself, there must be some information that he didn't know was in the hands of the other party.

"Hey, that sounds good, so what price do you need to pay?"

"There is no so-called price, if you have to say it, I hope you join the team as Ye Wen, completely separated from the previous identity of the firefly, in addition to the spare time, I also hope that you can train more children in the team, and whether it is a pillar or other swordsmen, if necessary, I hope you can help them build the Rilun Sword." Thinking

carefully about whether there were traps in Yaoyashiki's words, after all, even he was a little moved after listening to it.

There is no way, the other party has given too much, except that he does not have the real power of the pillar, he does not have to bear the risk of the column, but in exchange, he has to serve as a cultivator and knife forging person in the team, and this is still under his complete willingness.

Being able to re-plan and arrange new positions and conditions in a short period of time is worthy of being the master of the history of the Ghost Slayer Team.

"Not bad, if that's all, then I'll say yes.

"Very good, very good!"

"So what is my

position?" "It's called 'branch', pillar pillar, how can you do it without a pillar without a branch?" I also plan to arrange the same position for the pillars who have retired, so it is not a whim, and I also hope that everyone can guide a few more pillars like Ye Wen and you can guide Chanel Hui.

Today I will immediately ask the crows to hand out this appointment to everyone, and you will probably be officially in office tomorrow.

Seeing that Ye Wen agreed, Yaoya immediately made a decision and asked the two small ones around him to distribute notices to various departments and units at the lower levels.

always felt that the other party was still trapping himself, and after Ye Wen asked if there was anything else, he followed Chanae out of the mansion.

"Yaoya, such a decision is really good, the treatment you just offered is far more than the pillar, so sooner or later it will cause their protests. A

figure came out from behind the screen, and it turned out to be his wife, who was born in the house.

"I also know from Yin Na that his kitchen knife is very useful, and I want to ask them to help buy one and try it, there is no need to pay so much for it.

"But it's been a year since the reservation was made, and very few people would be willing to give up their spot, and I did want to give you a surprise gift."

With the help of Tianyin, Yaoya returned to the house and coughed vigorously a few times.

After asking his two daughters to confirm that they had announced to the whole team through the crow, Yaoya continued to say to Tianyin:

"According to the previous intelligence analysis, Ye Wen is 100% the one who made a lot of noise back then, and that Benqing has also been in contact with the current sound pillar, but it is not clear whether there is a dispute between them. "

There is also the sadness of Mingyu Xingming, he should also know Ye Wen, you see this information, it is the punishment that I and the head of the forging knife village jointly formulated, and these are the reasons for the punishment, the joint complaint of many team members, Ye Wen only cared about forging the knife by himself and did not care whether the other party was really suitable for this knife type.

"And at this time, Xingming Xingming stood up and specially designated Ye Wen to forge a new knife for him, well, it is the weapon that Xingming has been using now, plus Xingming deliberately left the forging materials of Butterfly Shinobi and Chana Hui later, which shows that they have known each other for a long time and have a great relationship. "

The table in the room is full of all kinds of old things about Ye Wen's adulthood, including the earliest gift of a knife to the current Yanzhu Purgatory Maki Shoulang, and the subsequent disappearance, and finally the theft of the treasure of the Forging Knife Village, a special combat mechanism puppet called the Yuan Yi Zero style.

It can be said that except for some inconsequential things that Ye Wen did when he was a child in Forging Knife Village, they were all recorded one by one.

There was also a yellowed envelope pressed on the corner of the table, and Tianyin picked up the letter and looked back and forth, but it didn't say who it was, so he looked curiously at Yaoyashiki.

"This letter was left by the one who took him to deliver a knife to Mr. Purgatory, and the child's name is Shaxu... According to Yin, who handed it to me, this letter will only be handed over when Ye Wen takes the initiative to find her.

Yaoya sighed, judging from the meeting just now, the other party seemed to have completely forgotten about it.

"After all, not everyone remembers the names and lives of everyone in the Ghost Slayer like you. And it's just the fate of a mission, even if it's forgotten, it's normal.

"Perhaps. "


Butterfly House

" Oh roar, have you just started laying the foundation?" Ye

Wen looked at the only a few sunken pieces of ground in front of him, and dozens of hidden people who were in full swing, Butterfly Shinobi was directing them in the middle, and Chanel was standing behind him blankly.

"Master, sister, you're back!"

"Well, what's going on now?"

Chanae stepped forward to discuss the project, after all, she had used the privilege of the column to divide such a large amount of land and mobilize so much manpower.

"It's been designed, everything should be there, and they have also arranged for the relevant personnel who will build it to help, and it will be completed in about a month or two. "

Is it so fast?"

"After all, it's Zhu's mansion, and everyone is very motivated when they hear about it!" "

What Master said is not an exaggeration at all


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