Since I was a child, I have been gentle and intelligent.

At all times, I will help the poor and give them happiness, because this is my mission.

"This child has a rainbow in his eyes, and the color of his hair is like a white cloud, which is a proof of innocence, this child is very special, and he must be able to hear the voice of the gods. "

That's what my parents used to say when I can remember.

My parents were desperately dull in their minds, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to create such a boring religion as Elysium.

Looking at their pitiful appearance, I always follow their words.

But I have never heard the voice of the so-called gods.

When I grew up, my father passed on his position as the head of the sect to me.

Funny three-cornered hats, funny black robes, and useless strings of beads hung around the neck.

In the beginning, people flocked to worship me and pray to me, which was really nerve-wracking.

Crying at a child about how uncomfortable it is, hard work, what to do...

I'm really worried about whether there is something wrong with this kind of adult's head.

When they have finished yawning private matters, they will bow their heads and beg me to guide them to bliss.

I cried.

There is no such thing as bliss, it is a fairy tale made up by human beings!

Neither gods nor Buddhas exist, and such a simple truth, these people have lived in vain for decades, and they do not even understand the truth that such children know.

When you die, you can't feel anything, your heart stops, your brain stops, it decays and turns to dust, and since it's a living thing, it must be so.

If you can't even accept such a simple thing, you must be so stupid.

I want to make these poor people happy, I want to save them, and that's what I was born for.

When I think of this, clear and transparent tears flow from my eyes.

I was grieving for the ignorance of these people, but the congregation saw that I was grieving for the unfortunate in God's place.

And my parents publicized what had happened, and they led the congregation to compliment me to the level of the Son of God, which was obviously a deception, but I knew that the confusion and truth in my heart could not be obtained from my parents, so it was better to continue to cater to their words.

My father used his position as the head of the sect to deceive female believers, my mother was deceived by my cheating father, and the congregants who were deceived by myself seem to have been wrapped in deception for as long as I can remember.

The happy situation may be the scene of parents collecting money from the hands of believers.

Such a weak deception will sooner or later be punctured.

That night, my mother, who had fallen into a state of madness, stabbed her father to death with a knife, who had slept with many female believers one after another, and then took poison and died.

At that time, I hadn't turned into a ghost, and I just thought the smell of blood was so smelly, could I not dirty the room... Come on, open the windows to ventilate, and so on.

When I was twenty years old, I was turned into a ghost by that adult, but in the end I still couldn't understand human emotions.

Maybe the more people I eat, I will be able to understand, especially women, their emotions are richer, usually I only start to eat after listening to their cries and appeals, usually this will be more delicious.

As for whether it has an effect on feeling human emotions, it is unknown.

"Tell me what misfortune has happened to you, my dear devotees. Sitting

cross-legged on a high platform, holding his chin with one hand, the white-haired man with a good face and a smile looked down at the three women who had just been brought in below.

"It's the Sect Master—"



on the eaves of Chanae and rushed straight to the headquarters of the Elysium Cult of the World.

She climbed through the eaves into the attic on the top floor, ready to search down the floor by floor for the traces of ghosts, this mansion seems simple on the outside, but there is a hidden thing inside, obviously there are only three floors, she has searched three floors, but there is still a staircase to the fourth floor below, look out the window to make sure that she is still on the ground.

Suddenly, Chanae heard the sound of sobbing from the lower floor, and rushed to the next floor.

The next floor is almost occupied by a room, which is faintly guarded by the main room, and the doorway opens with a slit through which bright candlelight shines.

Chanae leaned in to carefully observe the situation inside, in the messy room, two girls were lying on the ground on all fours, seeing that the terrible amount of bleeding was mostly hopeless, and the only girl who was still alive was lying on the ground and sobbing, constantly squirming towards the door, tears, snot and saliva, and it was completely impossible to tell how many liquids were mixed on the face.

"Master....... My lord...... Please let me go—"

After a while, she began to whimper again, and tried to bite her lip again to hide her pain, her occasional sobs turning into a constant low cry.

That's where the sound I heard upstairs came from.

Even such miserable cries would not bring her any substantial help, because the surrounding villages had fallen, and the people who survived were all fanatical followers of the Cult of Elysium.

Wailing and crying are just punishments for not being able to go to Elysium and being exiled to hell, as long as you serve the master wholeheartedly and maintain and follow the good rules, you can live in Elysium forever.

The original girl also thought that she could go to Bliss, and came to meet the sect leader under the bewitchment of her family.

Unexpectedly, at first sight, she was dazzled by the sect leader's handsome and handsome appearance, maybe this is love at first sight, such a religion, it is not impossible to join.

"Yes, I'm cheap, I'm hungry for him. This

was the girl's last admiration for the beauty of the world, and she was told that she could go to Elysium.

Wait, obviously I have just applied to join, how can I already go to Elysium, didn't I say that I have to go through many tests before I can have a chance?

And how can there really be that kind of place, I haven't had a good chat with the handsome guy sect leader, maybe one day I can become the sect leader's wife.

Just when her mind was confused, the first and youngest of them opposed the sect master's proposal.

The girl said that even if she was going to Elysium, she would like to go with her parents, so she hoped to stay and wait for her to go back and tell her parents to enjoy Elysium together.

"Oh, this is a headache, the gods told me that I can only let the three of you go, if you bring more people, you will go to hell!

She and the other subconsciously ran in the direction of the door, and then the other person also fell, and she couldn't bear the fear and collapsed to the ground, but her heart reminded her to run, so she kept moving.

"Don't run so far, it'll be troublesome to clean up for a while~".

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