The good pillar meeting ended with this farce, but fortunately, this pillar meeting was mainly the role of the wind pillar, and nothing else happened.

In the end, Ye Wen also helped the immortal Chuan Shimi to ask for Kuang Jin's suicide note from the lord, after all, Kuang Jin's seriously injured appearance may pass away at any time, as the closest brother of the same school, Na Shimi is definitely qualified to get this suicide note.

It's really not good, you can also read it next

to Kuang Jin, maybe you will wake up early because of the burst of shame, "Even if Ye Wen doesn't say it, I have already thought about giving it to you, after all, Kuang Jin has already regarded you as his dead brother."

Yaoya glanced at Ye Wen and handed the envelope in his arms to Minoru Immortal, who read the letter in front of everyone.

After that, the meeting ended, and after reading Kuang Jin's suicide note, Shimi, still tightly held the paper in place, seeing that he didn't want to be disturbed, everyone left one after another, leaving him alone in the courtyard.

"Like me, I look forward to a bright future, and I hope that the people I cherish can live their lives happily with a smile on their faces... I hope that their lives will never be threatened by those unreasonable things again, and even if I am no longer by their side when that day comes, I still hope that they can live well-------------------------------------..."

"I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for so many years, Mr. Ye Wen, your strength is still so gorgeous, even if I didn't show my full strength just now, but I also have seventy percent of my strength, just like this, you can still take the white blade empty-handed, it's really gorgeous, and you deserve to be a man recognized by the god of my festival." After

the meeting, the five people walked on the mountain road, with Ye Wen walking in the front and the four following closely behind, but they were still discussing what had just happened in the headquarters.

"What's the matter, I haven't grown at all over the years, but your strength has skyrocketed, but it's a pity that you didn't inherit the breath of thunder, did you create your own breathing method?"

Exactly, although I wanted to find the guidance of my predecessor Naruju Kuwajima Jigoro, the lord recommended other cultivators for me, and the teaching was also the breath of thunder, but after a few actual battles, I found that the speed was still not comparable to Mr. Ye Wen, so I thought about it more quickly, plus some gadgets I used to be a ninja to improve the attack, and finally found a breathing method that suited me. "

Sounds good, come to the butterfly house another day to find me to have a fight?And why is the knife I gave you before gone?And a new knife..."

And what about the pair of Hinawa knives I gave you?" Thinking

that he had given the Eight Chopping Knife to Yu Yan Tianyuan at the beginning, but now the two big knives he was carrying behind his back did not look like he had made them at all, especially the bright red-green handles, and when I looked at it from a distance, I thought it was a traffic light, which really didn't fit my own aesthetics.

Because he was walking behind, Yu Tian Yuan didn't know that Ye Wen's face gradually became ugly, and even his steps gradually slowed down, and finally stopped in the middle of the road and waited for Yu Tian Yuan's answer.

"The village chief said that the pair of double knives was very good, so he reprocessed the original Nichilun knife as an embryo, but I kept in mind Mr. Ye Wen's instructions, and did not discard it at will, and it has been integrated with the current weapon! As the god of the festival, I will never forget my gorgeous promise!" Yu

Fei Tianyuan didn't care about the front Ye Wen stopped, chose to bypass him directly, and continued to walk down the mountain.

"Death to the master!" Ye

Wen stood behind Yu Ji Tianyuan and kicked it directly, and the force directly made him gurgle and roll down the mountain like a ball.

Don't say it, the breath of this sound is quite fast, and it will disappear after a while.

"There is no Amitabha Buddha in the south, this should not be regarded as a private fight between the team. "

Sorrowful Mingyu Xing shed tears for this incident, so that even other people will not report anything to

the lord, "It's the new Fengzhu, the mood is very unstable, actually doing such a thing to the lord, it must be possessed by evil ghosts, I really should have overtaken it first, it's really pitiful!"

"It probably hurt my brain, and when the time comes, I will invite him to come to the butterfly house for a good treatment, and I will use the acupuncture I recently learned."

Butterfly Ren smiled and responded to Xingming, at present, she was probably the closest to Xingming in the column, after all, Ye Wen was not the only one who saved her back then.

"Speaking of which, the one who walked at the back is called Tomioka Yoshiyoshi, right, why didn't you make a move when I hid behind a tree before, you just held the hilt of the knife, and there was no other movement at all. Tomioka

Yoshiyong, who has not said a word until now, Ye Wen is still angry, looking at no one pleasing to the eye, completely forgetting what happened to Tomioka Yoshiyong last time he met, and couldn't help but want to fight with him for a few words, and he had felt that the other party had used the prototype of the Water Breath Type 11 before.

I just don't know what kind of expression will be on that poker face when Tomioka Yoshiyoshi completely understands it and finds that someone has already learned it.

"I'm smart. "


"You don't exude a dangerous aura from your body. "

Good fellow, I knew I wouldn't ask, I always felt the air freeze.

"Alaala, Mr. Tomioka is still so good at talking. Butterfly

Shinobu seized the opportunity and began to get angry.

"I... It's not like you.

Tomioka, whose eyes were blank, seemed to have no malice in Butterfly Shinobi's words at all, and continued to speak amazingly.

"Aha, it seems that this sentence was said last time we met, probably your mantra?"

Ye Wen hurriedly played a round, it would not be good if Butterfly Shinobu did not have a harmonious relationship with Zhu because of himself.

"It doesn't matter.

Tomioka didn't care about everyone's surprised expressions, and slowly walked to the front, as if he was planning to take the opportunity to flee the scene.

"Ahem, cough, it's rare that the pillars are here today, why don't you have afternoon tea together, how about Mitarai dumplings? "

Amitabha, I haven't finished patrolling the area under my control today, so let's wait for next time."

"I don't need to.

"Master, if you are so empty, why don't you go back and treat the wounded with me."

Seeing that everyone rejected him, Ye Wen had no choice but to wipe away his non-existent tears and think about how to take a step forward first.

After walking down the mountain, he didn't see Yu Tian Yuan's figure, probably one step first, and everyone said goodbye, and Ye Wen was pulled back to the butterfly house by Butterfly Shinobi and continued to be her rehabilitation trainer.

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